This mod is meant for folks who like to play on Peaceful or who have taken mobs out of their game some other way. Bushes spawn in the world that when broken, drop a mob item. Blaze Flowers and Tear Chalices can only be found in the Nether. You can then take that mob item, combine it with wheat seeds, and get a mob drop seed.
Blaze Flower - Blaze Rod - Nether
Bone Pile - Bone - Deserts
Creeper Pod - Gunpowder - Forests
Ender Pedestal - Eye of Ender - Jungles
Eye Bush - Spider Eye - Beaches
Rotten Mound - Rotten Flesh - Plains
Slime Puddle - Slime Ball - Swamps
Tear Chalice - Ghast Tear - Nether
You must plant mob drop seeds on slow sand in order for them to grow. If a crop doesn't break immediately, it's not mature yet. All crops except the Creeper Pod and Slime Puddle drop 2-4 items upon breaking. Creeper Pod and Slime Puddle only drop one item.
Most of the crops grow normally, although the Creeper Pod grows like a melon/pumpkin (you must have slow sand around the vine for the Creeper Pod to grow) and the Slime Puddle grows like mushrooms (you must use a large patch of slow sand in order for the Slime Puddle to expand). Crops, pods, and puddles can grow slowly.
You can use the config file to turn off each of the bushes; generation and change the rarity.
Warning: This mod is super over-powered in a standard world with mobs.