Watch your step around these words cause,They're gonna get you,They're翻訳 - Watch your step around these words cause,They're gonna get you,They're日本語言う方法

Watch your step around these words

Watch your step around these words cause,
They're gonna get you,
They're gonna get you in the end,
I swear it's not a disease it's just a game of pretend,
A game of pretend,
Why is it me they're after,
Couldn't they pick another one,
Some day I'll spit their laughter,
And bite their tongue.

Horrible Kids,
Would you looked what you did,
It was your ignorance,
That formed a beast with your wit.

Horrible Kids, Horrible Kids, Horrible Kids,
Look what you did!

What makes this target grow,
Is it when his feelings show?
Hold a gun to his head and you'll know,
You've pushed him down as low as he can go,
Go! Get away from me,
Leave me be,
I beg you please,
I'm on the floor on bended knee.
Maybe then I'll keep my sanity.

And I can't stand this pain they cause me,
This puzzle will solve itself,
And maybe I just can't seem to put this together yet.

Horrible Kids,
Would you looked what you did,
It was your ignorance,
That formed a beast with your wit.

Horrible Kids, Horrible Kids, Horrible Kids,
Look what you did! [x2]

Picture this he was just a kid,
Not knowing where to begin,
He wore all the wrong clothes followed all the wrong trends,
Persecuted for the things he did.
Picture this he was all alone,
Without a friend to call his own so he sat on his bed,
With the thought in his head,
With wishes that they all were dead.
But then he saw the light,
Gained the will to fight,
Saw that victory was in sight,
But soon they all will see.

Horrible Kids,
Would you looked what you did,
It was your ignorance,
That formed a beast with your wit. [x2]

Horrible Kids, Horrible Kids, Horrible Kids,
Look what we did! [x2]
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
Watch your step around these words cause,They're gonna get you,They're gonna get you in the end,I swear it's not a disease it's just a game of pretend,A game of pretend,Why is it me they're after,Couldn't they pick another one,Some day I'll spit their laughter,And bite their tongue.Horrible Kids,Would you looked what you did,It was your ignorance,That formed a beast with your wit.Horrible Kids, Horrible Kids, Horrible Kids,Look what you did!What makes this target grow,Is it when his feelings show?Hold a gun to his head and you'll know,You've pushed him down as low as he can go,Go! Get away from me,Leave me be,I beg you please,I'm on the floor on bended knee.Maybe then I'll keep my sanity.And I can't stand this pain they cause me,This puzzle will solve itself,And maybe I just can't seem to put this together yet.Horrible Kids,Would you looked what you did,It was your ignorance,That formed a beast with your wit.Horrible Kids, Horrible Kids, Horrible Kids,Look what you did! [x2]Picture this he was just a kid,Not knowing where to begin,He wore all the wrong clothes followed all the wrong trends,Persecuted for the things he did.Picture this he was all alone,Without a friend to call his own so he sat on his bed,With the thought in his head,With wishes that they all were dead.But then he saw the light,Gained the will to fight,Saw that victory was in sight,But soon they all will see.Horrible Kids,Would you looked what you did,It was your ignorance,That formed a beast with your wit. [x2]Horrible Kids, Horrible Kids, Horrible Kids,Look what we did! [x2]
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
私はそれはそれはふりのただのゲーム、病で ​​はありません誓う
そして、彼らの舌をかむ。恐ろしい子供を、あなたは何をしたかに見えただろう、それはあなたの無知だったあなたのウィットと獣を形成した。恐ろしい子供を、恐ろしいキッズ、恐ろしいキッズ、あなたが何をしたか見て!この目標は成長なり何、それは彼の気持ちが示すときですか?彼の頭に銃を持って、あなたが知っているよ、あなたは彼が行くことができると低い彼を押し下げてきたが、行きます!私から離れて取得し、私はしておきなさい私は、してくださいあなたを請う。私は曲がった膝の上に床の上だよ多分、私は私の正気をしておこう。そして、私は彼らが私を起こし、この痛みを我慢できない、このパズルは、自分自身を解決します、そして多分私はまだ一緒にこれを置くように見えることはできません。恐ろしい子供たちは、あなたが何をしたかに見えただろう、それは、あなたの無知だったあなたのウィットと獣を形成していることが。恐ろしいキッズ、恐ろしいキッズ、恐ろしいキッズ、何があなたを見てした![×2] ピクチャーこの彼だけだった子供、開始する場所を知らない、彼はすべての間違った服はすべて間違っ動向、続いて身に着けていた彼がしたもののために迫害を。これを想像し、彼、すべて一人であった彼自身を呼び出すために友人なし彼は、彼のベッドの上に座って、彼の頭の中で思考すると、それらすべてが死亡したことを願いと。しかし、その後、彼は光を見、戦うために意志を博し、勝利は目の前にあったことを見た、しかし、すぐに彼らのすべてが表示されます。恐ろしいです子供たちは、あなたが何をしたかに見えただろう、それは、あなたの無知だったあなたのウィットと獣を形成していることが。[×2] 恐ろしいキッズ、恐ろしいキッズ、恐ろしい子供たちは、私たちが何をしたか見て![×2]

結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
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