JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com--- Gubernur DKI Jakarta Joko Widodo menyempatkan diri berkunjung ke Pojok Gus Dur di sela-sela kunjungan ke kantor Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU), Rabu (8/1/2014) siang. Pojok Gus Dur adalah bekas ruangan kerja Abdurrahman Wahid atau Gus Dur selama jadi pimpinan PBNU.
Ruangan itu terdiri dari dua sekat. Sekat pertama memiliki ukuran lebih luas dan berisi rak dengan ratusan buku. Adapun ruangan kedua dengan ukuran lebih sempit berisi meja dengan latar belakang lukisan Gus Dur. ""Wah bagus,"" ujar Jokowi seraya duduk di kursi kerja mantan Presiden RI tersebut.
Di dalam ruangan tersebut, Jokowi ditemani Ketua Umum PBNU Said Agil Siraj serta jajaran pengurus lain di PBNU. Mereka berada di ruangan berhawa dingin itu sekitar lima menit saja. Bina Suhendra, Bendahara Umum PBNU, mengatakan, ruangan itu memang sengaja dikosongkan untuk mengenang mendiang tokoh pluralis tersebut. Setiap hari, ada petugas datang untuk membersihkannya.
""Dinamakan Pojok Gus Dur untuk mengingatkan kita terhadap sosok beliau,"" ujar Bina.
Jakarta, Indonesia--KOMPAS.com-the Governor of DKI Jakarta Joko Widodo took themselves a visit to the corner of Wahid on the sidelines of a visit to the offices of the Large Administrators Nahdlatul Ulama (OUTGOING), Wednesday (8/1/2014). Wahid's corner is the former work Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur over OUTGOING leader so.The room consists of two bulkhead. The first bulkhead has a wider size and contains shelves with hundreds of books. As for the second room with a narrower size contains a table with a background painting of Wahid. "Nice," "wow" said Jokowi while sitting in a chair the work of the former President of INDONESIA.Indoors, Jokowi accompanied by OUTGOING Chairman Said Agil Siraj and another sysop in the ranks of the OUTGOING. They were in a room with cool it is about five minutes away. Bina Suhendra, OUTGOING General Treasurer, says, that room was deliberately emptied in honour of the late the pluralis figures. Every day, there's a clerk comes to clean it."" Called Wahid's Corner to remind us against him, "the figure" said Bina.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com --- Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo took a visit to Corner Gus Dur on the sidelines of a visit to the office of the Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Wednesday (01/08/2014) afternoon. Corner Gus Dur was a former work space Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur for so the leadership of NU.
The room consists of two bulkhead. The first bulkhead has a larger size and contains shelves with hundreds of books. The second room with a more narrow measure contains a table with background paintings Gus Dur. "" Oh good, "" said Jokowi while sitting in a chair working the former President.
In the room, accompanied by Chairman of the NU Jokowi Said Agil Siraj and other officials in the ranks of NU. They were in the room cold air was about five minutes. Bina Suhendra, Treasurer of the NU, said that the room was indeed intentionally blank in memory of the late leader of the plural. Every day, there is an attendant came to clean it up.
"" Corner Named Gus Dur to remind us of the figure of him, '"says Bina.