Sycanus annulicornis Dohrn (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) merupakan kepik pre翻訳 - Sycanus annulicornis Dohrn (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) merupakan kepik pre英語言う方法

Sycanus annulicornis Dohrn (Hemipte

Sycanus annulicornis Dohrn (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) merupakan kepik predator yang hidup pada berbagai agroekosistem. Di Indonesia Sycanus sp.
pernah dilaporkan menjadi predator utama hama pengisap daun, Helopeltis antonii Sign (Hemiptera: Miridae) pada tanaman teh (Kalshoven 1981). Kepik predator ini memiliki kisaran mangsa yang luas terutama dari Ordo Lepidoptera(Manley 1982). Di Malaysia, Sycanus sp. memangsa Phaenacantha saccharicida Karsch (Hemiptera: Colobathrisidae) (Sweet 2000). Di Thailand, Sycanus collaris Fabricius dilaporkan menyerang hama daun lengkeng Oxyodes scrobiculata Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (Chooyoung et al. 2004).
Pada beberapa percobaan di laboratorium, kepik predator ini diketahui merupakan predator generalis, memiliki kemampuan adaptasi dan pemangsaan cukup baik dengan kemampuan memangsa mencapai rata-rata 4,7 ekor perhari (De Clercq 2000). Mangsa-mangsa yang pernah dicobakan untuk pemeliharaan di laboratorium adalah Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Crocidolomia pavonana Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) dan Corcyra cephalonica Stainton (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (Cahyadi 2004).
Mencermati adanya potensi tersebut, maka diperlukan suatu metode yang tepat untuk pembiakan predator tersebut. Hasil pembiakan massal di laboratorium dapat digunakan untuk upaya pelepasan massal predator di lapangan. Penggunaan predator di lapangan untuk menekan populasi hama sesuai dengan konsep pengendalian hayati (PH) yaitu musuh alami berperan untuk memelihara kepadatan populasi organisme lain pada suatu tingkat populasi rata-rata yang lebih rendah daripada tingkat populasi rata-rata tanpa pengendalian hayati tersebut (Bosch et al. 1982).
Hal-hal penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam hal pembiakan predator adalah bioekologi predator, kesesuaian mangsa, kualitas makanan mangsa, kemudahan dalam pembiakan dan lingkungan tempat pembiakan. Nutrisi merupakan hal terpenting yang erat kaitannya dengan kualitas mangsa. Dipandang dari segi kualitas, makanan untuk predator dikategorikan menjadi nutrisi essensial
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Sycanus Dohrn annulicornis (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) is a ladybug predators that live on different agroecosystem. In Indonesia Sycanus sp.Once the main predators of pests is reported to be suckers Helopeltis antonii, leaf Sign (Hemiptera: Miridae) in tea plant (Kalshoven 1981). Ladybug predators has a wide range of prey mainly of Lepidoptera (Manley 1982). In Malaysia, Sycanus spp. prey on Phaenacantha saccharicida Karsch (Hemiptera: Colobathrisidae) (Sweet 2000). In Thailand, Sycanus collaris Fabricius reportedly attacked lengkeng Oxyodes scrobiculata leaf pests Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (Chooyoung et al. 2004).In some experiments in the laboratory, this predator is known to the Ladybug predators have generalist, adaptability and predation is good enough with the ability to prey on reaching an average of 4.7 tails per day (De Clercq 2000). Prey-prey ever for customers for maintenance in the laboratory is Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Crocidolomia pavonana Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Corcyra cephalonica Stainton (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (Cahyadi 2004).Observe the existence of such a potential, then needed a proper method for breeding the predator. The results of mass breeding in the laboratory can be used to attempt a bulk release of predators in the field. The use of predators in the field to suppress pest populations in accordance with the concept of biological control (PH), namely natural enemies play a role to keep the population density of other organisms on an average population levels lower than average population levels without the biological control (Bosch et al. 1982).The important things to look for in terms of breeding the predator is a predator-prey bioekologi, suitability, quality, ease of prey food in the breeding and the breeding environment. Nutrition is the most important thing is closely related to the quality of the prey. Seen in terms of quality, food for life nutrition categorized into predator
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Sycanus annulicornis Dohrn (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) is a predatory beetle that lives in various agro-ecosystems. In Indonesia Sycanus sp.
Been reported to be a major predator leaf-sucking pests, Helopeltis antonii Sign (Hemiptera: Miridae) on the tea plant (Kalshoven 1981). This predatory beetle has a wide range of prey mainly from the Order Lepidoptera (Manley 1982). In Malaysia, Sycanus sp. Phaenacantha prey saccharicida Karsch (Hemiptera: Colobathrisidae) (Sweet 2000). In Thailand, Sycanus collaris Fabricius reported attack of pests leaves litchi Oxyodes scrobiculata Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (Chooyoung et al. 2004).
In some experiments in the laboratory, ladybird predator is known to be predators generalists, has the adaptability and predation pretty well with ability preys reached an average of 4.7 head per day (De Clercq 2000). Prey ever tried to maintenance in the laboratory is Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Crocidolomia pavonana Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Corcyra cephalonica Stainton (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (Cahyadi 2004).
Looking at this potential, we need a appropriate methods for breeding the predator. Results of a mass culture in the laboratory can be used to attempt a mass release of predators in the field. The use of predators in the field to suppress pest populations in accordance with the concept of biological control (PH) is a natural enemy role is to maintain the population density of other organisms at a population level the average lower than the level of average population without controlling biological (Bosch et al . 1982).
The important points that must be considered in terms of breeding predators are BioEkologi predator, prey suitability, prey food quality, ease of breeding and breeding environment. Nutrition is the cornerstone of which is closely related to the quality of prey. In terms of quality, food for predators categorized into essential nutrients
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
不死dilaporkan黄带sp.,捕食者公司HAMA pengisap道恩,helopeltis antonii标志(半翅目:蝽科)在通德(·卡尔斯霍芬1981)。kepik捕食者ini有奇沙兰mangsa阳公司都要从鳞翅目(万利1982)。马来西亚迪,黄带sp. memangsa phaenacantha saccharicida蝎(半翅目:colobathrisidae)(甜2000)。泰国迪,黄带collaris Fabricius dilaporkan menyerang哈马道恩lengkeng oxyodes scrobiculata Fabricius(鳞翅目夜蛾科)(chooyoung等人。2004)。
在几percobaan迪公司,这是一般kepik捕食者INI diketahui捕食者,有了kemampuan adaptasi丹pemangsaan Baik,kemampuan memangsa mencapai比例比例7只perhari(De Clercq 2000)。mangsa mangsa杨不死dicobakan,pemeliharaan迪公司是斜纹夜蛾(鳞翅目夜蛾科),Crocidolomia pavonana Fabricius(鳞翅目,螟蛾科)丹米蛾(鳞翅目,螟蛾科)(cahyadi
2004)。mencermati adanya potensi缝制,就在diperlukan metode阳理论,pembiakan捕食者缝制。该pembiakan massal迪公司,短语,方便pelepasan massal捕食者狄Lapangan。使用的情况,强调populasi捕食者狄Lapangan哈马的,konsep pengendalian Hayati(PH)就是仇敌阿拉米berperan,memelihara kepadatan populasi organisme躺在火tingkat populasi比例比例比低tingkat杨化populasi比例比例没有pengendalian Hayati缝制(博世等人。1982)。哈尔哈尔是杨要diperhatikan在哈尔pembiakan捕食者是bioekologi捕食者,并不mangsa,kualitas makanan mangsa,在pembiakan丹、保护等pembiakan。这是nutrisi哈尔terpenting杨朝kaitannya,kualitas mangsa。dipandang达日世纪kualitas,makanan,捕食者dikategorikan为nutrisi原
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