Are you doing to do it?" He asked. I sighed again. It'll only be a second. It wont kill me. What's the worst that could happen? I looked at him straight in the eye and I made a fake smirk. I leaned in and I stuck my lips to his. I was about to pull out, but suddenly I felt him grab onto me. I felt him pull me in and not let me pull out. I don't want this! I tried to pull out. I watched a tear trail down his eye. I'm guessing he really wanted this. I'm not to sure about it, but it's for the best. I might as well try and enjoy it if it's going to end faster. I accepted it. I felt him hold onto me for dear life and he was trying to guide his tongue in. I wasn't expecting him to do this..but now I'm sort of liking it.. I let my tongue slide out and take his and battle for dominance. I felt him lashing the walls of my mouth with his tongue, and it felt so incredible. I've never kissed before..and this is just terrific. I closed my eyes. I love this so much, but I want him to end it soon. Please do. You made a promise. I listened to him take a couple breaths while still trying to swirl his tongue around my mouth. He pulled one of his arms off of me and I felt him lean into me. Wha-wait no. I don't want this! I opened my eyes wide and I used my now-free right arm to try and push him off.haven't even had a mate before. I've always been alone..