Après ce qui s’est passé sur le plan judiciaire dans les régions d’Ari翻訳 - Après ce qui s’est passé sur le plan judiciaire dans les régions d’Ari英語言う方法

Après ce qui s’est passé sur le pla

Après ce qui s’est passé sur le plan judiciaire dans les régions d’Arica et de Chillan, la Cour d’Appel de Talca vient de déclarer recevable une demande de protection judiciaire déposée par un groupe de parents et tuteurs qui estiment que la vaccination de masse contre le papillomavirus manquerait de fondements légaux.

La Cour de Talca est allée plus loin que ce qui avait été décidé précédemment en ce sens qu’elle a conduit à une « injonction » demandée par les plaignants. En termes pratiques, cela signifie que la Cour régionale d’ultime recours a paralysé l’initiative du gouvernement dont l’intention était, cette année, de vacciner les étudiantes de la sixième à la huitième année.

Cette décision sera notifiée à Valeria Ortiz des Services de Santé de Maule, et qui, en conséquence, devra présenter un rapport endéans les huit jours. L’action en justice a été intentée par Carmen Luisa Naranjo, des infirmiers, d’autres professionnels de la santé et de l’éducation, ainsi que par des femmes au foyer, tous représentés par l’avocat Fernando Leal, candidat indépendant à la mairie de Talca.

Il ne s’agit ici nullement d’un cas isolé de plainte par rapport à l’obligation du vaccin contre le HPV. Les autorités sanitaires considèrent en fait que le HPV serait la cause principale du cancer du col de l’utérus au Chili. Sept autres actions juridiques similaires sont en cours. A ce jour, seules trois ont été considérées comme recevables.

Tous ces recours en justice sont unanimes pour dénoncer des effets secondaires néfastes du vaccin, la violation des droits à la vie privée, ainsi que le non-respect du consentement éclairé prévu par la loi qui régit les droits et devoirs des patients.
http://www.alterinfo.net/La-justice-chilienne-suspend-la-vaccination-contre-le-papillomavirus-dans-la-region-de-Maule_a125984.html#XfldqJMtBoI8qjD3.99 で詳細を読む
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
After what happened at the judicial level in the regions of Arica and Chillán, the Court of appeal of Talca comes to declare admissible a request for judicial protection filed by a group of parents and guardians who believe that mass against HPV vaccination would lack legal basis. The Talca Court went further than what was previously decided in the sense that it has led to an "injunction" requested by the complainants. In practical terms, this means that the regional court of final appeal has paralyzed the Government initiative whose intention was, this year, to immunize students from sixth to eighth grade. This decision will be notified to Valeria Ortiz of Maule Healthcare Services, and which, accordingly, must report endeans eight days. The legal action was brought by Carmen Luisa Naranjo, nurses, other professionals of health and education, thus and women at home, all represented by counsel Fernando Leal, an independent candidate for mayor of Talca. It is here not an isolated case of complaint about the obligation of the HPV vaccine. Health authorities consider in fact that the HPV would be the main cause of cancer of the cervix in the Chile. Seven other similar legal actions are underway. To date, only three were considered admissible. All these legal remedies are unanimous in denouncing harmful side effects of the vaccine, the violation of the rights to privacy, as well as the failure of informed consent under the law governing the rights and duties of patients. HTTP://WWW.ALTERINFO.NET/LA-JUSTICE-CHILIENNE-SUSPEND-LA-VACCINATION-CONTRE-LE-PAPILLOMAVIRUS-DANS-LA-REGION-DE-MAULE_A125984.HTML#XFLDQJMTBOI8QJD3.99 で詳細を読む
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
After what happened at the judicial level in the regions of Arica and Chillan, the Court of Appeals of Talca has just declared admissible a request for judicial protection filed by a group of parents and guardians who believe that vaccination mass against HPV would lack legal basis.

the Court of Talca went further than what had previously been decided in that it led to an "injunction" requested by the complainants. In practical terms, this means that the ultimate use Regional Court has paralyzed the government initiative whose intention was this year to vaccinate students from sixth to eighth grade.

This decision will be notified to Valeria Ortiz Health services Maule, and, accordingly, is to report within eight days. The lawsuit was brought by Carmen Luisa Naranjo, nurses, other health professionals and education, as well as housewives, all represented by lawyer Fernando Leal, independent candidate town of Talca.

It is here not an isolated case of complaint in relation to the obligation of the vaccine against HPV. Health authorities consider in fact that HPV is the main cause of cervical cancer in Chile. Seven other similar legal actions are underway. To date, only three were considered admissible.

All these legal proceedings are unanimous in denouncing harmful side effects of the vaccine, the violation of rights of privacy, and the failure of informed consent provided by law which regulates the rights and duties of patients.
http://www.alterinfo.net/La-justice-chilienne-suspend-la-vaccination-contre-le-papillomavirus-dans-la-region-de-Maule_a125984.html#XfldqJMtBoI8qjD3 .99で詳細を読む
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
after what happened at the judicial level in the region of arica, chillan, the court of appeal of talca is admissible legal protection application filed by a group of parents and guardians who believe that mass vaccination against the human papillomavirus (hpv) lacks legal basis.the court of talca went beyond what had been agreed previously, in the sense that it has led to an "injunction" claimed by the complainants. in practical terms, this means that the court of final appeal, which has paralysed the government for this year was to immunize students from sixth to eighth grade.this decision shall be notified to valeria"s health services of maule, and, therefore, will have to submit a report within eight days. the action was brought by carmen luisa naranjo, nurses, and other health care professionals, and education, as well as housewives, all represented by counsel fernando leal, an independent candidate in the city of talca.this is not an isolated case of complaint with respect to the requirement of the hpv vaccine. the health authorities are, in fact, that is the main cause of hpv in cervical cancer in chile. other legal actions are pending. to date, only three were considered acceptable.all of these actions are unanimous about the negative side effects of the vaccine, the violation of the right to privacy, as well as the non respect of the informed consent under the law governing the rights and duties of the patients.http: / / www.alterinfo.net / the court suspends the chilean immunization against the human papillomavirus (hpv) in the region of _ a125984.html # xfldqjmtboi8qjd3.99 で詳細を読む maule
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