ANA, la aerolínea más importante de Japón, se convierte en la primera 翻訳 - ANA, la aerolínea más importante de Japón, se convierte en la primera 英語言う方法

ANA, la aerolínea más importante de

ANA, la aerolínea más importante de Japón, se convierte en la primera que opera vuelos diarios sin escalas entre Japón y México. La Ciudad de México se convierte el destino internacional número 42 en la red de la aerolínea.

A partir del 15 de febrero de 2017, la aerolínea japonesa All Nippon Airways (ANA) inaugurará sus vuelos sin escalas entre el Aeropuerto Internacional de Narita ubicado en Tokio a la Ciudad de México.

ANA se convierte en la primera que opera vuelos diarios sin escalas entre Japón y México. La Ciudad de México se convierte el destino internacional número 42 en la red de la aerolínea.

Mediante un comunicado, ANA aseguró que la nueva ruta será el vuelo más largo de la aerolínea, que operará la ruta en aviones Boeing Dreamliner 787-8.

“Tenemos el orgullo de ser la primera aerolínea en operar vuelos diarios sin escalas entre Japón y México para atender mejor la creciente demanda de viajes de negocios y de placer ente nuestros dos países. Esperamos que nuestros vuelos también contribuyan a una relación bilateral más estrecha, a una prosperidad económica y al intercambio cultural”, comentó el presidente y director general de ANA, Osamu Shinobe.

Los lazos económicos entre Japón y México se fortalecen cada vez más con el paso de los años. En el periodo de cinco años que inició en el 2010, la inversión directa en México proveniente de Japón incrementó aproximadamente 2.7 veces, mientras que el número de compañías japonesas que establecieron sus operaciones en México casi se duplicaron. Se espera que la cooperación económica entre Japón y México se amplíe como consecuencia del Tratado de Asociación Transpacífico (TPP, por sus siglas en inglés).
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
ANA, the largest airline of Japan, becomes the first which operates daily flights between Japan and Mexico nonstop. The city of Mexico becomes the international destination number 42 in the network of the airline.From February 15, 2017, the Japanese airline All Nippon Airways (ANA) will inaugurate non-stop flights between the Narita International Airport in Tokyo to the city of Mexico.ANNA becomes the first which operates daily flights between Japan and Mexico nonstop. The city of Mexico becomes the international destination number 42 in the network of the airline.In a statement, ANA said that the new route will be the longest flight of the airline, which will operate the route at Boeing Dreamliner 787-8 aircraft."We are proud to be the first airline to operate daily flights between Japan and Mexico nonstop to better meet the growing demand for business trips and leisure between our two countries. We hope that our flights also contribute to a closer bilateral relationship, economic prosperity and cultural exchange,"said President and CEO of ANA, Osamu Shinobe.Economic ties between Japan and Mexico are strengthened more and more with the passage of the years. In the five year period that started in 2010, direct investment in Japan from Mexico increased approximately 2.7 times, while the number of Japanese companies that set up operations in Mexico almost doubled. It is expected that economic cooperation between Japan and Mexico will be extended as a result of the Treaty of trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP, for its acronym in English).
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
ANA, the largest airline in Japan, became the first operating daily nonstop flights between Japan and Mexico. Mexico City international destination number 42 in the network of the airline becomes.

As of February 15, 2017, the Japanese airline All Nippon Airways (ANA) will open its nonstop flights between Narita International Airport is located in Tokyo to Mexico City.

ANA becomes the first operating daily nonstop flights between Japan and Mexico. Mexico City international destination number 42 in the airline network becomes.

In a statement, ANA said the new route will be the longest flight of the airline, which will operate the route on Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner.

" we are proud to be the first airline to operate daily nonstop flights between Japan and Mexico to better meet the growing demand for business and pleasure being our two countries. We hope our flights will also contribute to closer to economic prosperity and cultural exchange bilateral relations , "said President and CEO of ANA, Osamu Shinobe.

Economic ties between Japan and Mexico are strengthened increasingly over of the years. In the five - year period that began in 2010, direct investment in Mexico from Japan increased approximately 2.7 times, while the number of Japanese companies that set up operations in Mexico almost doubled. It is expected that economic cooperation between Japan and Mexico will expand as a result of the Treaty of Transpacific Partnership (TPP, its acronym in English).
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Ana, the most important Airline of Japan, becomes the first operates Daily NonStop flights between Japan and Mexico. Mexico City becomes the International Destination Number 42 in the Network of the airline.As of 15 February 2007, the airline All Nippon Airways (ANA) will inaugurate its non-stop flights between Narita International Airport located in Tokyo and Mexico City.Anna becomes the first operates Daily NonStop flights between Japan and Mexico. Mexico City becomes the International Destination Number 42 in the Network of the airline.In a statement, she said that the new route will be the longest Flight of the airline, which will operate the route with Boeing Dreamliner 787."We are proud to be the first Airline to operate Daily NonStop flights between Japan and Mexico to better meet the growing demand for Business and pleasure trips between our two countries. We hope that our flights will also contribute to a closer bilateral relationship, Economic Prosperity and Cultural Exchange, "said President and CEO of Ana, Osamu shinobe.Economic Ties Between Japan and Mexico are strengthened increasingly with the passage of years. In the five year period that began in 2010, Direct Investment in Mexico from Japan increased approximately 2.7 Times, while the number of Japanese companies that set up operations in Mexico nearly doubled. It is expected that the Economic Cooperation between Japan and Mexico Expanded as a result of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP).
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