Urang more already 5 years have passed since "H.A.T.E." monumental at once controversial. When FUNERAL INCEPTION, the pentolan Death Metal band from Jakarta, to question the assumptions that are downloaded before cancellation is held, to question the question that seems not to be asked, when Doni Herdaru Tona, the vocalist, through vocal growl his fierce questioning of our inability to have tolerated in the Middle majemuknya of our society. When Funeral Inception boldly announcing that indeed we have made a full thought to the teaching of tolerance as the Foundation for even being intolerant towards difference. When Doni Herdaru Tona, who like a poet from a poem, shouting with the analogy that we've overturned a teaching that is very precious as a tool to meet interests related to gluttony and lust, so twist the definition of ' hina ' and ' noble ' described by symbolic language (again, in symbolic language, as ' man's best friend ' is absolutely not a despicable creature).Funeral Inception Band 2013Funeral Inception, formation of 2013: Ai "Deadfinger" (guitar), Aslan Musyfia (Bass), Doni Herdaru Tona (vocals), Dawn Ramadan (guitar), and Gatot Hardiyanto (drums).Then, they, and most of us ever angry. Offense. The anger that occurs because of them, and some of us, tend to judge without looking at the content. Because of them, and some of us, tend to judge because see figure out, that seems very different from ours. The distinction often gives rise to the fear that is unwarranted ("man fears what he does not understand" – anonymous). They, and most of us, quite angry for a narrative that in fact we can use to reflect and look deep into ourselves as sentient beings. Sometimes a great work thus born with great controversy because the messages are delivered masihlah too advanced for his time, and as time goes by, the album Funeral Inception – "H.A.T.E." (2008) began to be understood better and become one of the classic literature for its genre in the country.Five years is a relatively long time in the life cycle of a band, and in 5 years Funeral Inception did not escape any of the various examinations and trials, one of which is from the side of the personnel who come and go. Doni Herdaru Tona, in a process that is jatuh-bangun, then managed to build strength with 4 completely different personnel with era "H.A.T.E." and result in "In Praise of" Devastation (2013) as their aggression.Funeral Inception-In Praise of 02"In Praise of Devastation" Non Serviam, opened with an instrumental intro that is like giving a message that the Funeral Inception has experienced the evolution of sound and musical style. Non Serviam begins with a melodic guitar games are then greeted with rhythm and beats the drum mid-way and then enters the lead guitar are also relatively melodic before the tempo becomes faster with blast beats. From here we can see the evolution of the Funeral Inception: guitar solo song get relatively more servings compared to the era of "H.A.T.E.", with a rhythm that sounds more dry. Guitar solo on the opening track of this overview reminds me of the game Alex Skolnick, an influence which contributed significantly on the blueprint of the new Inception Funeral music. Probably is not a coincidence if Suffocation also changed the course of music into more technical areas and also with solo-solo song (there's an explanation, Doni?:-)).Doni Herdaru of Funeral InceptionDoni Herdaru Tona, the ' Satan ' on stage. Photos: Funeral Inception Official Facebook.Aggression followed by the "Intoksifikasi of the imagination" a very straightforward with blast beats. Notice the sound of the guitar that sounds more ' thin ' but will play faster than the previous release Funeral Inception we know. Guitar with clean sound at 2:08-2:24 adds a dark and tragic as if grief over the demise of the join logic is as a result of the pollution of the mind comes from the wrong interpretation of the promises of salvation and judgment. Contemplation is continued with the track titled very aggressive: "Hurry, killed, Destroyed." This track is a combination of up-tempo game is slow with fast game punctuated by a melodic lead guitar but tragic nuance: "for what you adore the sky, while the Earth tainted blood?" From the first track from the album 3 we can see a kesinkronan theme and story line told by vocal growl Doni. Pertanyaan2 that appears on track to-2 and to-3 as got the answer on the 4th track: "The Roots of All Evil." A good up-tempo tracks that rhythm and soloing like you met quickly with blast beats, with the game on the beats-drum beats that demands high precision (credit ought to be given to the Gatot Hardiyanto which is behind the drum kit). "The Promise of heaven, poisons everything, when you preach for lights, when there is nothing in sights." These tracks are representative explains the meaning of the album "In Praise of Devastation" overall: a sensitive theme has become a chronic disease community already, which is displayed in the language of the sarcastic yet smart."Dark Terbitlah runs out of the war" and "in flames" continues the story of "The Roots of All Evil." Guitar solo long shut "runs out of the dark ..." as a show off of musicality in guitar Department Funeral Inception Deadfinger Ai "inhabited" and Dawn of Ramadan. Sounds very Floridian Death Metal (Trey, or Mark the English), which became an interesting inset on the framework of music Funeral Inception which I think still are Suffocation-ism but with other influence2. Note also the game shootout quickly between rhythm and blast beats on "in flames" like want to re-define the standard speed of a blast beats Death Metal.Funeral Inception-In Praise of 03The next track is "the man of Noble (not)", a title which is like slapping the face of all of us that the status of ' noble ' and ' the most perfect creature ' is not something that is unconditionally. This track will bring readers and listeners who are still not familiar with Funeral Inception and Doni ' Satan ' on a conclusion that no provision unexpected. Read the lyrics, you can find information that is relevant to the search engines, and berkacalah to yourself. "Human (not) Noble" also disisipi with game-game ' unruly ' bass solo from Arslan Musyfia which is the anomaly of the standard pattern track2 on this album. The next track is "Pitch Black Destiny", a basic fast up-tempo track punctuated changes with riffing2 beats, guitars and melodies that draw attention. A track with the strongest character in "In Praise of Devastation" in its entirety. Following the "Pitch" is the "Opium" where dueling riffing guitars the opening looks like a cross between Max and Andreas in "Desperate Cry" by Abbath on "One by One." A track of interest, however, such as not having a strong enough character. Perhaps due to the effects of the previous track ("Pitch") a very well composed.Agresi berikutnya adalah “Extreme Agression” yang merupakan cover version dari Kreator, sang legenda Thrash Metal dari ranah Bavaria, yang sekaligus menjadi penutup dari album ini. “Extreme Agression” dibawakan dengan baik sekali, dalam bentuk yang sangat kreatif, dengan format Death Metal ala Funeral Inception, tanpa menghilangkan kekuatan asli dari track legendaris ini. Mille Petrozza dan Ventor sepertinya akan menyetujui interpretasi Funeral Inception terhadap track klasik mereka.Funeral Inception-In Praise 04Perbaikan lain yang dilakukan oleh Funeral Inception dibandingkan dengan era “H.A.T.E.” adalah dari sisi artworks. Artworks di “In Praise of Devastation” digarap dengan sangat serius dan melibatkan Bahrull Marta dari Abomination Imagery (abominationimagery.com), sang seniman ‘gelap’ yang sangat fasih dalam menggarap cover dan artworks untuk album-album Extreme Metal. Masing-masing halaman dari sleeve CD ini mempunyai kesinkronan dalam hal theme termasuk foto band member yang sebenarnya biasa-biasa saja akan tetapi dengan touch yang tepat justru menjadi sangat artistik dan sinkron dengan tema artworks secara keseluruhan.Secara keseluruhan, Funeral Inception – “In Praise of Devastation” (2013) adalah memenuhi semua persyaratan untuk berada di dalam kategori album Death Metal yang berkelas: production yang well engineered, dan musikalitas yang sangat baik dari para band member dalam memformulasikan aksi Death Metal yang brutal namun terukur, lewat permainan tempo yang bervariasi, lead guitar yang melodius yang menjadi penyeimbang agresi pada rhythm dan ketukan blast beats, sehingga dapat ‘keluar’ dari kemonotonan dan kesan repetitif yang seringkali menjadi permasalahan klasik untuk sebuah album Death Metal, terutama dari scene lokal. Dan tentu saja, agresi dari vokal growl Doni Herdaru Tona, sang penyair Death Metal, yang membuat panggung Death Metal tidak hanya penuh dengan agresi, akan tetapi juga menjadi berisi dengan lirik-liriknya yang cerdas yang mendorong para pendengar untuk merenung dan bercermin ke dalam diri sendiri.Funeral Inception – “In Praise of Devastation” adalah sebuah rilisan Death Metal yang sangat baik dan akan menjadi sebuah milestone, stepping stone, dan bahan benchmarking bagi rilisan-rilisan Death Metal dan Extreme Metal selanjutnya dari scene Metal di tanah