Hola¿Cómo has estado Reina?Ya has aprendido español?Te cuento que acab翻訳 - Hola¿Cómo has estado Reina?Ya has aprendido español?Te cuento que acab英語言う方法

Hola¿Cómo has estado Reina?Ya has a

¿Cómo has estado Reina?
Ya has aprendido español?
Te cuento que acabo de ver un video en Face sobre la educación de los niños y niñas en Japón y
me pareció realmente hermoso y me recordé de ti, y por ello te estoy enviando este saludo....
espero que estés muy bien y muy feliz
siempre me acuerdo de ti, aunque no te escriba.

mi nieto David y mis perritos (César y Julieta)

Mª Elizabeth Pedraza Mendez
Educadora de Párvulos
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
HelloHow have you been Queen?Have you already learned Spanish?I tell you that I just saw a video en Face on the education of children in Japan and I thought it was really beautiful and I reminded me of you, and for this reason I am sending this greeting...I hope you are well and very happyI always remember you, even if you do not write.My grandson David and my dogs (César and Juliet)-- Maria Elizabeth Pedraza Mendez AUNT BETTYNursery educator
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
How have you been Queen?
You learned you Spanish?
I tell you I just saw a video on Face on the education of children in Japan and
I found it really beautiful and I remembered you, and why I am sending this greeting ....
I hope you are well and very happy
I always remember you, but not you write.

my grandson David and my dogs (Caesar and Juliet)

Maria Elizabeth Mendez Pedraza
Educator Párvulos
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
HelloHow have you been?Have you learned english?I tell you that I"ve Just Seen a face on video in the Education of Children in Japan andI thought it was really beautiful and I thought of you, and for that I am sending this greeting.I hope you"re very well and very happyI always remember you, even if you don"t Write.My Grandson, David and my Dogs (Caesar and Juliet)-Elizabeth Maria Pedraza MendezBetty"s AuntKindergarten Teacher
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