Thank you for taking the time to meet with us. It was such a pleasure 翻訳 - Thank you for taking the time to meet with us. It was such a pleasure 日本語言う方法

Thank you for taking the time to me

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us. It was such a pleasure meeting with you at your salon. We had a rather busy end of week with a large group we had in town, so my apologies for sending this to you during a holiday weekend.

Lily and I have discussed a potential partnership based on our discussion with you would like to move forward with the proposal for a collaboration with Beauté à Porter and Hiro Haraguchi Salon.

The attached proposal will include the recruitment of full time employed stylists at Hiro Haraguchi salon as well as our presence in your salon to help bring back business by helping in all aspects-- acting as your floor managers/directors in a joint effort with Risilda, so we can be sure to attract talented stylists/colorists, and ensure that we can get you to a higher profit potential while strengthening the salon's customer service, aesthetic, and organization.

Kindly review the attached proposal, and please do not hesitate to contact me via email or directly at 212-203-9702/9709.
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ターゲット言語: -
結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
Thank you for taking the time to meet with us. It was such a pleasure meeting with you at your salon. We had a rather busy end of week with a large group we had in town, so my apologies for sending this to you during a holiday weekend. Lily and I have discussed a potential partnership based on our discussion with you would like to move forward with the proposal for a collaboration with Beauté à Porter and Hiro Haraguchi Salon. The attached proposal will include the recruitment of full time employed stylists at Hiro Haraguchi salon as well as our presence in your salon to help bring back business by helping in all aspects-- acting as your floor managers/directors in a joint effort with Risilda, so we can be sure to attract talented stylists/colorists, and ensure that we can get you to a higher profit potential while strengthening the salon's customer service, aesthetic, and organization. Kindly review the attached proposal, and please do not hesitate to contact me via email or directly at 212-203-9702/9709.
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
私たちと会う時間を割いていただきありがとうございます。それはあなたのサロンであなたとこのような喜びの会議でした。私たちは町にいた大規模なグループで、週のではなく忙しいの端を持っていたので、休日の週末にあなたにこれを送信するための私の謝罪。リリーと私はあなたと私たちの議論に基づいて、潜在的なパートナーシップを議論していると前方に移動したいと思いますボーテàポーターとヒロ原口サロンとのコラボレーションのための提案が。添付提案はすべてaspects--に支援することにより、ビジネスを取り戻す支援するためにフルタイムで採用ヒロ原口サロンでスタイリストだけでなく、あなたのサロンでのプレゼンスの動員を含みますRisildaと共同でフロアマネージャー/ディレクターとして作用するので、我々は才能スタイリスト/カラリストを誘致し、サロンの顧客サービス、美的、と組織を強化し、我々はより高い潜在的利益にあなたを得ることができることを確実にするために確認することができます。親切に取り付けられた提案を確認し、電子メールを介して、または直接212-203-9702 / 9709で私に連絡することを躊躇しないでください。

結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
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