Tipe perkembangan A. spinidens adalah paurometabola yang diawali darif翻訳 - Tipe perkembangan A. spinidens adalah paurometabola yang diawali darif英語言う方法

Tipe perkembangan A. spinidens adal

Tipe perkembangan A. spinidens adalah paurometabola yang diawali dari
fase telur, nimfa (pradewasa) sampai imago. A. spinidens meletakan telur dalam
kelompok dan diletakkan pada permukaan tanaman, sama dengan jenis kepik
predator famili Pentatomidae lainnya (Esselbaugh 1949 dalam Hagen et al. 1999,
Wardhana 2004). Imago betina dapat meletakkan telur hingga 264 selama
hidupnya (Wardhana 2004). Telur yang baru menetas akan berada di dekat bekas
kulitnya sampai fase ganti kulit yang pertama. Ganti kulit merupakan suatu proses
perubahan fase hidup yang dilewati oleh serangga. Pada saat ganti kulit, nimfa
dari serangga terlihat diam dan menghentikan seluruh aktivitasnya (Wardhana
2004). Kepik predator ini memiliki lima fase instar nimfa dan masing-masing
berbeda warnanya (Hagen et al. 1999). Nimfa berwarna merah cerah dengan
pronotum dan bakal sayap berwarna hijau gelap dan hidup berkelompok. Imago
berukuran 12-16 mm, berwarna coklat dengan strip putih pada sisi depan sayap
depan dan bercak putih pada ujung skutelum (Wardhana 2004). Kepik predator ini
umumnya mempunyai habitat di persawahan atau di semak–semak (Kalshoven
A. spinidens merupakan predator ulat yang hidup pada tanaman herba, dan
biasanya perkembangan populasinya selaras dengan keberadaan walang sangit
Leptocorisa oratorius (Kalshoven 1981). Menurut Manley (1982) A. spinidens
dikenal sebagai kepik predator non-spesifik yang menyerang larva dari ordo
Lepidoptera. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian Atty (2005) dilaporkan bahwa di
laboratorium, kepik A. spinidens mampu memangsa 27 larva instar 4 dan 2-15
larva instar lainnya per ekor per hari. Selain sebagai serangga predator yang dapat
mengendalikan populasi hama, kepik ini juga dapat menyebarkan patogen nuclear
polyhedrosis virus (NPV) pada larva S. litura sehingga memiliki keuntungan
A. spinidens memiliki siklus hidup yang pendek dan kebiasaannya
memangsa dalam jumlah banyak secara terus menerus. Oleh karena itu
A. spinidens akan sangat bermanfaat dalam area dengan jumlah mangsa yang
banyak, akan tetapi akan terbatas manfaatnya jika dalam area dengan jumlah
mangsa yang sedikit (Manley 1982). Berdasarkan penelitian Wardhana (2004)
rata–rata lama siklus hidup A. spinidens adalah 40 hari. Dan mempunyai lama
hidup imago sampai 24,12 hari.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Development of type a. spinidens paurometabola is the beginning ofthe phases of egg, nymph (pradewasa) until the imago. A. spinidens put eggs ingroups and placed on the surface of the plant, the same types of ladybugsPredator family Pentatomidae (Esselbaugh 1949 in Hagen et al. 1999,Vardhana 2004). Imago females can lay eggs up to 264 forhis life (Vardhana 2004). The new Egg hatched will be near the formerher skin until the first moulting phase. Moulting is a processthe changes phases of life which is bypassed by the insects. At the time of moulting, nymphof the insect look still and stop the entire activity (Vardhana2004). Ladybug predators has five phases instar nymph and eachdifferent colour (Hagen et al. 1999). Bright red coloured with nymphpronotum and wings are dark green colored future and live in groups. Imagosize 12-16 mm, brown colored with white strips on the sides of the front wingsthe front and the white patches on the tip of skutelum (Vardhana 2004). This predatory ladybugsgenerally have a habitat in the rice fields or in the Bush – Bush (Kalshoven1981).A. spinidens is predatory Caterpillar that lives on herbaceous plants, andusually the development of population in harmony with existence walang sangitLeptocorisa oratorius (Kalshoven 1981). According to Manley (1982) a. spinidensknown as non-specific predators are ladybugs that attack the larvae of the orderLepidoptera. Based on the research results Atty (2005) reported that inthe laboratory, ladybugs a. spinidens capable of predation on larval instar 4 and 27 2-15other instar larvae per fish per day. In addition to insect predators that cancontrolling the population of pests, ladybugs can also spread pathogens nuclear5polyhedrosis virus (NPV) on larvae of s. litura so it has the advantage ofDouble.A. spinidens have short life cycles and the customthey consume large amounts of continuously. ThereforeA. spinidens will be very useful in the area with the number of preymany, however, will be limited to the benefits if in area with a population oflittle prey (Manley 1982). Based on the research of Vardhana (2004)median the median long life cycle – a. spinidens is 40 days. And has a longLive imago 24.12 until today.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Type A. spinidens development is paurometabola beginning of the
phase of the egg, nymph (pradewasa) until the imago. A. spinidens laying eggs in
a group and placed on the surface of the plant, together with the type of ladybird
predator other Pentatomidae family (Esselbaugh 1949 in Hagen et al., 1999,
Ward 2004). Imago female can lay up to 264 eggs during
her life (Ward 2004). The newly hatched eggs will be near the former
skin to molt the first phase. Molting is a process of
change in the phase of life that is passed by insects. At the time of molting, the nymph
of insect looks silent and cease all activities (Ward
2004). Ladybird predator has five phases instar nymphs and each
a different color (Hagen et al. 1999). Nymphs bright red with
pronotum and wings will be dark green and live in groups. Imago
measuring 12-16 mm, brown with white stripes on the front side of the wing
forward and a white spot on the tip skutelum (Ward 2004). Ladybird predators
generally have habitat in paddy fields or in the bush (Kalshoven
A. spinidens are predatory caterpillars that live on herbaceous plants, and
generally aligned with the population growth walang stinky presence
Leptocorisa oratorius (Kalshoven 1981). According to Manley (1982) A. spinidens
known as non-specific predator beetle that attacks the larvae of the order
Lepidoptera. Based on the research results Atty (2005) reported that in
the laboratory, ladybugs A. spinidens able to prey on larval instar 27 4 and 2-15
instar larvae more per cow per day. Aside from being a predatory insects that can
control the pest population, ladybugs can also deploy nuclear pathogens
polyhedrosis virus (NPV) on larvae of S. litura thus has the advantage of
a double.
A. spinidens have short life cycles and habits
prey in large quantities continuously. Therefore
A. spinidens will be very useful in an area the number of prey that
much, but it would be of limited usefulness if the area the number of
prey a little (Manley 1982). Based on research Ward (2004),
the average length of the life cycle of A. spinidens is 40 days. And have a long
life imago until 24.12 days.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
类型perkembangan A. spinidens是渐变态类杨diawali达日
FASE telur,Nimfa(pradewasa)到意象。A. spinidens meletakan telur在
wardhana 2004)。意象,手telur betina直至金属提升板锁定到位264分钟
灭(wardhana 2004)。telur阳公司menetas必在地了bekas
Nimfa Kulit,达日藏有卵和害terlihat丹menghentikan直径都aktivitasnya(wardhana
berukuran 12-16毫米,其中coklat,条,在茜茜在小型
在丹bercak Putih在乌skutelum(wardhana 2004)。kepik捕食者INI
是perkembangan populasinya公司,keberadaan沃尔兰sangit
leptocorisa oratorius(·卡尔斯霍芬1981)。依万利(1982)A. spinidens
鳞翅目幼虫。这berdasarkan penelitian律师(2005)dilaporkan,迪
公司,kepik A.spinidens MAMPU memangsa 27龄幼虫,4龄幼虫,等
mengendalikan捕食者,藏有卵和害阳populasi哈马,kepik ini轭,menyebarkan病原微生物核
A. spinidens有siklus万岁杨pendek丹kebiasaannya
在memangsa属上就有menerus。所以,spinidens ITU
有必要,但terbatas manfaatnya吉卡在地区和
mangsa属阳点(万利1982)。berdasarkan penelitian wardhana(2004)
比例–比例喇嘛siklus得A. spinidens是40日。丹有喇嘛
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