Type A. spinidens development is paurometabola beginning of the
phase of the egg, nymph (pradewasa) until the imago. A. spinidens laying eggs in
a group and placed on the surface of the plant, together with the type of ladybird
predator other Pentatomidae family (Esselbaugh 1949 in Hagen et al., 1999,
Ward 2004). Imago female can lay up to 264 eggs during
her life (Ward 2004). The newly hatched eggs will be near the former
skin to molt the first phase. Molting is a process of
change in the phase of life that is passed by insects. At the time of molting, the nymph
of insect looks silent and cease all activities (Ward
2004). Ladybird predator has five phases instar nymphs and each
a different color (Hagen et al. 1999). Nymphs bright red with
pronotum and wings will be dark green and live in groups. Imago
measuring 12-16 mm, brown with white stripes on the front side of the wing
forward and a white spot on the tip skutelum (Ward 2004). Ladybird predators
generally have habitat in paddy fields or in the bush (Kalshoven
A. spinidens are predatory caterpillars that live on herbaceous plants, and
generally aligned with the population growth walang stinky presence
Leptocorisa oratorius (Kalshoven 1981). According to Manley (1982) A. spinidens
known as non-specific predator beetle that attacks the larvae of the order
Lepidoptera. Based on the research results Atty (2005) reported that in
the laboratory, ladybugs A. spinidens able to prey on larval instar 27 4 and 2-15
instar larvae more per cow per day. Aside from being a predatory insects that can
control the pest population, ladybugs can also deploy nuclear pathogens
polyhedrosis virus (NPV) on larvae of S. litura thus has the advantage of
a double.
A. spinidens have short life cycles and habits
prey in large quantities continuously. Therefore
A. spinidens will be very useful in an area the number of prey that
much, but it would be of limited usefulness if the area the number of
prey a little (Manley 1982). Based on research Ward (2004),
the average length of the life cycle of A. spinidens is 40 days. And have a long
life imago until 24.12 days.