Dear Mr Kumon Nguyen,
Your quotation is well received.
On your drawing sent by mail on 24 August 2015, you have two CAD drawing shown different machine
Kindly let me know your quotation reflecting which drawing?
On your quotation, you not including the curing furnace by following my idea of using my existing one, kindly let me know
- Is there any inconvenience when working? If we combine this two machine together? Example after automatic spraying, we have to stop spraying in order to unload the finished pray items and upload it to the curing furnace by man power which take longer time?
- if so, kindly quote another option by including your curing furnace which no need man powder with proposing CaD drawing in an order I comparing both the difference of working efficiency and cost.
I will arrange time to see the facility in Vietnam in order to
To make me clearer.