In this loose, unstable, crumbling world,
I'll create a revolution,
Anxiety simply disappears,
The sunset begins to shine,
Directing me to the other side.
A person without any records or standing memories,
A nation without hope or a future anyone can see,
I stood to the sunrise,
After the long night ended,
My back dyed in the reddest of dyes.
Hey are you going to vanish,
And disappear from sight someday?
In this ending world we live in?
Sadness overcomes the dawn,
Unbearable loneliness spawns,
I hold my faint heartbeat to me CLOSELY.
In the clear memory that shot like a bullet,
I am frozen out of fear,
All thoughts of safety simply disappear,
I don't know how much more distress,
My heart can take.
The long rain of artillery,
Combats the hot sunrise,
It shines on my back...
Hey, do you always recall,
Dreams you've had if at all?
In this ending world we live in?
Hugging and holding on,
To painful message,
I'll become the person that exploits,
The barricades.
Time continues to approach harshly,
And I travelled to the other side,
I've finally made up my mind,
To break it, break my mind!
You who are so brave,
Splits open the sky,
The gauge makes an icy wind,
That is intimidatingly expressive...
Hiding sorrow,
Hiding loneliness.
I can no longer wish,
To just live,
I inhale, just feeling the world...
When the long night ends,
There's not a thing behind me,
There's only this,
Bright blue!
Hey are you always,
So energetic and vibrant,
In this ending world we live in?
The small promise that I exchanged,
In the dark happened to make,
The reason that I live so much more strong!
Hey I won't make a dark,
Expression from here on out,
I can't see the shadow looming over me.
Soaking up the warm rays,
Soaking up the warm rays,
I greeted the morning of "day six".