Kostadin Hadjidinev1 年前Do you know how to set up a new weather for editing. You have a bunch of weather controlled by 1 .ini file and im just trying to make another ini file to change the settings and put some of the weathers from the 1st file to the new one but when I open it with shift + enter and go to weather window and type the name of the weather it says weather not set up for editing or something.What I did:in the _weatherlist.ini[WEATHER005]FileName=!_FoggyWeather.iniWeatherIDs=c821e, 10a235, 10a23e, 10a232, 10a239, 10a7a7so i basically took 10a23e(which is supposed to be a weather activating when im near falkreath) and put it a bit below[WEATHER005]FileName=!_FalkreathWeatherEditedWeatherIDs=10a23eThen i copied the old foggyweather.ini and renamed it to !_FalkreathWeatherEdited so the _weatherlist.ini knows what to load.Then i went in game and wrote fw 10a23e in the console to load the falkreath weather and edit it but it doesnt work. The weather works but it cant be edited.