Hi Jasmin, I thought about it and did my research, what I used to charge in CT is 20 an hour, and here seems that they are charging about the same, what I did last night is basically what I'm gonna do every day and with a vacuum it would take about 3 hours! That would be 60 a day! But I Know that the situation right now is not great so I was thinking in a way to make everything work, so what I thought is 40 for the cleaning, each day I clean (maybe you don't need every day, we can work that out) and when I start to do the ordering +10 dollars (60 week - 120 biweekly - 240 monthly) which is less than he pays Salah for the ordering (300 month) but I'm ok with that, and I can guarantee you that I'll save him more than that, without making the staff upset working with them and been as fair as possible, and I want this to be a side Job, cuz that's not what I want to do for life, I really want to be a colorist and that's what I like doing it! So I really want that my schedule as assistant keeps the same, that they keep paying me the way they are doing! with the same amount of hours and right now all I need to get the the papers going is money actually, so by spring probably I hope to have everything, and we can move forward! But, if he thinks that's too much and he can not afford I totally understand and I really appreciate that he offered me, it means a lot to me! Thank you so much and I'll wait for your resp