hola mi amor espero te encuentres bien el dia de hoy,hoy me desperte u翻訳 - hola mi amor espero te encuentres bien el dia de hoy,hoy me desperte u英語言う方法

hola mi amor espero te encuentres b

hola mi amor espero te encuentres bien el dia de hoy,hoy me desperte un poco tarde hable con el amor de mi vida,mas tarde lave ropa, fui a ayudar en el negocio familiar despues regrese a casa a comer comi la carne de ayer pero en trozos pequeños y con salsa bbq ,por la tarde dormi un poco y hable con mi hermano e intente arreglar mi computadora de escritorio pero no tuve exito ,por la noche fui a ayudar de nuevo en el negocio familiar y salude a mi abuela y tio
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Hello my love I hope finds you well today, today I woke up a little late talk to the love of my life, more afternoon wash clothes, went to help in the business family after return home to eat comi yesterday but chopped and with bbq sauce, meat by the evening I slept a little and talk to my brother, and try to fix my desktop computer but had no success in the evening I went to help in the family business and say hello to my grandmother and uncle
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
hello my love hope you are well this day, today I woke up a little late to talk with the love of my life, later wash clothes, went to help in the family business after returning home for lunch yesterday ate meat but Small and salsa pieces bbq, afternoon slept a bit and talk to my brother and try to fix my desktop but did not succeed, at night I went to help again in the family business and greet my grandmother and uncle
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Hello My Love, I hope you're Well Today, today I woke up late a Little talk with the Love of my life, later went to wash clothes, to help in the Family Business, after returning home to eat ate yesterday but the meat in small pieces and BBQ Sauce, evening slept a little and talk with my Brother and try to arrange my desktop computer but I had no success.At night I went back to help in the Family Business and say hello to my grandmother and uncle
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