These are addendum to the mesh making instructions presented in Dual Sheath Redux, from my (WilliamImm) own experience with working on the mesh packs for this mod.
To ensure the patch isn't sloppy, make sure you clean up after yourself. Delete any meshes that don't end in Left, Sheath, or OnBack to ensure the patch is clean. And if the weapon you are converting doesn't have a scabbard or other sheath, do not make a Sheath mesh for the weapon. I have seen patches that do not do this, and thrus look really, really sloppy and overwrite files from the mod it's supposed to be patching - when it shouldn't overwrite anything at all, unless it needs to change the main weapon for some reason.
Other 1HD weapons (Axes, Daggers, Maces): Follow the same instructions for making the 1H Sword mesh - however, in Step 4, change "WeaponSwordLeft" to "WeaponAxeLeft", "WeaponDaggerLeft", or "WeaponMaceLeft" depending on the weapon in question. Typically, to change the node/extra data for the weapon, you append "Left" to the existing node name - and this is done here. If the weapon has a node of "WeaponBack", don't convert the weapon, because it's a 2 handed one that isn't supported by Dual Sheath Redux.
Shields nowadays have to have a OnBackClk extra mesh that is used when the shield is worn with a cloak. This is done so that the shield does not clip with said cloak, but instead is moved outwards so that it hangs nicely on the cloak, and does not show any clipping. The below instructions are for making a OnBackClk mesh for a shield that already has a OnBack mesh, and is from a post I've been using before to help people do this complex process:
The process goes like this: Open NifSkope on the onback mesh for the shield you saved. Select the "NifTriShape" node (or nodes, some shields are segmented into multiple parts). In another window, open Skyrim, and make sure you have both Winter is Coming, the shield mod you are working on, and Dual Sheath loaded. (This works best when you have dual monitors - Skyrim can go on one, NifSkope goes on another. I also highly recommend using [url=]Borderless Window[/url] or [url=]OneTweak[/url] when doing this, it makes it easier to go back and forth from Skyrim and NifSkope.) And, importantly, make sure that the Dual Sheath Redux patch was ran with your shield mod included.
In the game, check to see if you already have a Winter is Coming cloak, and the shield you want to test in your inventory already (maybe you've been playing the game during your spare time already. I know I have). If not, console in the shield and a WiC cloak. (use 'help "" ' and 'help "Wolf Skin Cloak" ' to find the FormIDs of your shield and a WiC cloak, respectively, and use "player.additem 1" to add them to your inventory)
Now, equip both the cloak and your shield. And now, the real process begins. Switch over to NifSkope. Look in the "Block Details" for the TriShape node(s). Double click on the "Value" column for "Translation". Increment the Z-translation value by -1. Do the same for any other TriShape nodes. Save the resulting file as "OnBackClk.nif". Switch to Skyrim. Equip and unequip your shield (and weapon). Check to see if the shield clips into the cloak. If it does, repeat this process, until the shield no longer clips with the cloak. If it looks like it's floating over the cloak, move it in slightly (maybe by .5). When you are satisfied, save the file.
結果 (
日本語) 1:
These are addendum to the mesh making instructions presented in Dual Sheath Redux, from my (WilliamImm) own experience with working on the mesh packs for this mod.To ensure the patch isn't sloppy, make sure you clean up after yourself. Delete any meshes that don't end in Left, Sheath, or OnBack to ensure the patch is clean. And if the weapon you are converting doesn't have a scabbard or other sheath, do not make a Sheath mesh for the weapon. I have seen patches that do not do this, and thrus look really, really sloppy and overwrite files from the mod it's supposed to be patching - when it shouldn't overwrite anything at all, unless it needs to change the main weapon for some reason.Other 1HD weapons (Axes, Daggers, Maces): Follow the same instructions for making the 1H Sword mesh - however, in Step 4, change "WeaponSwordLeft" to "WeaponAxeLeft", "WeaponDaggerLeft", or "WeaponMaceLeft" depending on the weapon in question. Typically, to change the node/extra data for the weapon, you append "Left" to the existing node name - and this is done here. If the weapon has a node of "WeaponBack", don't convert the weapon, because it's a 2 handed one that isn't supported by Dual Sheath Redux.Shields nowadays have to have a OnBackClk extra mesh that is used when the shield is worn with a cloak. This is done so that the shield does not clip with said cloak, but instead is moved outwards so that it hangs nicely on the cloak, and does not show any clipping. The below instructions are for making a OnBackClk mesh for a shield that already has a OnBack mesh, and is from a post I've been using before to help people do this complex process:The process goes like this: Open NifSkope on the onback mesh for the shield you saved. Select the "NifTriShape" node (or nodes, some shields are segmented into multiple parts). In another window, open Skyrim, and make sure you have both Winter is Coming, the shield mod you are working on, and Dual Sheath loaded. (This works best when you have dual monitors - Skyrim can go on one, NifSkope goes on another. I also highly recommend using [url=]Borderless Window[/url] or [url=]OneTweak[/url] when doing this, it makes it easier to go back and forth from Skyrim and NifSkope.) And, importantly, make sure that the Dual Sheath Redux patch was ran with your shield mod included.In the game, check to see if you already have a Winter is Coming cloak, and the shield you want to test in your inventory already (maybe you've been playing the game during your spare time already. I know I have). If not, console in the shield and a WiC cloak. (use 'help ""' '「狼皮膚クローク」help' とあなたの盾と WiC マントの FormIDs をそれぞれ検索して「player.additem1"あなたのインベントリに追加する)今、マントと盾を装備します。そして今、実際のプロセスを開始します。NifSkope に切り替えます。TriShape ノードの「ブロックの詳細」を参照していますください。「翻訳」の「値」列をダブルクリックします。-1 で Z 変換値をインクリメントします。他の TriShape ノードで同じことを行います。"OnBackClk.nif"として生成されたファイルを保存します。Skyrim に切り替えます。装備し、盾 (武器、) を外します。シールド クリップがマントにかどうかを確認してください。場合は、シールドはもはやマントでクリップまで、このプロセスを繰り返します。それがマントの上に浮かんでいるように見える場合、それ少し移動 (多分によって.5。準備ができたら、ファイルを保存します。