After Download:
1. Windows Vista Users: Place ".exe" at the end of the file name.
2. Windows XP Users: Place ".exe" at the end of the file name.
3. 32-bit operating system delete the (x86) inside the installer.
4. Repeat this for DirectX9 down to MSXML4 SP2 for 32-bit.
5. 64-bit OS, DO NOT delete the (x86) processor.
How To Install:
1. Install each part in order 1 - 20. You must install them in order.
2. DO NOT change the destination folder. Click install for each part!
3. Once all parts of installation is complete, Download and install DirectX9.
4. Again once all parts of installation is complete, Download and install Dem4km.bgl.
5. Open the read me text and follow the on screen instructions to complete the installation.
After Installation:
1. Install the crack. There are two cracks. "Crack" and "SP1 Crack." Install neither one of them. Copy and replace the original crack.
1. After installing all the parts, look for the "FSX" icon on your desktop.
2. Right click "FSX" and choose the option "Properties"
3. Click on the "Compatibility" tab.
4. Go down to "Privilege Level"
5. Check the box "Run this program as an administrator"
6. Click Apply and OK
7. Restart your computer. Once complete, double click on the FSX icon on your desktop to play FSX!
Short Keys:
FSX - Flight Simulator X
MFSX - Microsoft Flight Simulator X