Menyimak album Awake to Decide, para pendengar akan mendengar sentuhan翻訳 - Menyimak album Awake to Decide, para pendengar akan mendengar sentuhan英語言う方法

Menyimak album Awake to Decide, par

Menyimak album Awake to Decide, para pendengar akan mendengar sentuhan dari alunan Gitar Akew dan Abo yang dominan dan identik dengan nada-nada khas yang begitu harmoni dari alunan gitar metalcore mereka dengan jarinya yang cepat dan diajari dengan telak apa itu arti kecepatan dalam arti Cepat, Tidak asal, Gesit, Suara gitar yang padat serta kematangan diperdengarkan secara profesional. Album perdana nectura ini memang cukup ditunggu oleh para metalhead tanah air khususnya para Respectura sebutan untuk fans mereka.

Album perdana ini yang dimotori Owank (vokal), Hinhin Akew (gitar), Paneu (Bass), Abo (gitar), dan Soni (drum) ini sukses memporak-porandakan telinga siapa saja yang mendengarkan. Dan Nectura kali ini membuktikan kualitasnya yang mumpuni dan layak diperhitungkan.

Lewat Awake To Decide mungkin ini perkenalan dari mereka yang terbaik dari Nectura untuk metalhead indonesia. Deret materi melodic death metal yang sangat kental, dikenalkan oleh akew dari alunan gitarnya yang khas dengan mengadopsi dari band band seperti Soilwork band dari Swedia sana, dijamin!, album ini tidak mengecewakan.

Bas dari Paneu pun tidak kalah cepat, dalam track ‘Threat minority’ permainan dari Paneu cukup menampar, vokal Owank tidak banyak berubah, mungkin lebih mengeluarkan ciri khasnya lewat growl dan suara clean yang ia keluarkan, namun tetap terdengar luar biasa cadas dipadukan dengan musik Nectura.

Gebukan Soni sang drummer, menunjukkan kecepatan yang maksimal. Tempo yang dimainkan disetiap lagunya selalu cepat dengan sedikit hentakan breakdown yang membuat ingin memutar-mutar kepala. Dan yang paling membuat jantung berdegup ketika mendengarkan Awake to Decide dengan volume maksimal adalah permainan sang gitaris Hinhin ‘Akew’ yang menerapkan akselerasi maksimal.

Dari segi komposisi materi album ini secara keseluruhan, Awake To decide terdengar sangat variatif. Tak lupa pula hentakan breakdown yang banyak didengar di 11 track ini dan tepat sasaran.

Dan yang semakin membuat album ini makin terdengar unik adalah hadirnya Vicky Mono (Burgerkill) dan Addy Gembel (Forgotten) pada lagu “Passive Aggresive Bullshit”. Serta hadirnya Risa Saraswati di lagu “Touch The Light”. Lagu tersebut diciptakan oleh Risa dan kemudian dibawakan bersama Nectura. Hadirnya Nicko dari Ballerina juga membuat lagu The Uprising Echoes cukup sangar. Sosok mereka berempat bukan hanya pemanis belaka, permainan vokal dan gitar mereka menyatu sempurna dengan musik Nectura.

Perihal artwork yang menggambarkan wanita dibalut oleh kain hitam di bagian kepala, ini kurang begitu jelas mencirikan bahwa mereka band metal. Mungkin ini sebuah penganalogian bahwa mata wanita ini tertutup karena tidak melihat sekitar dan bermaksud untuk kembali bangkit di album Awake To Decide ini. Artwork dikerjakan oleh Lukman PamPam, layout design oleh Owank sendiri dan logo oleh Ryan Gimbal.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Listen to the album Awake to Decide, the listener will hear a touch of Guitar strains of Akew and Abo were dominant and synonymous with distinctive tones so harmony guitar strains of metalcore them with his finger and was tutored by securing what is the meaning in the sense of speed is fast, it is not original, agile, solid guitar Sound as well as maturity is played professionally. The debut album nectura is indeed quite awaited by the metalhead motherland especially the Respectura designation for their fans.This debut album powered Owank (vocals), Hinhin Akew Paneu (guitar), (Bass), Abo (guitar), and Soni (drums) this ear shattering success porandakan anyone who is listening. And Nectura this time it proves its quality capable and worthy to be taken into account.Through this might Decide To Awake the introduction of those best of Nectura for Indonesian metalhead. Melodic death metal material series that are highly viscous, introduced by akew from typical strains of a guitar with the band adopting from bands like Soilwork band from Sweden there, guaranteed!, the album does not disappoint.BAS from Paneu not defeated quickly, in the track ' Threat minority ' game of slap enough vocal, Paneu Owank not changed much, maybe more issuing his trademark growl and sound pass clean he put out, but still sounds incredible rock music combined with Nectura.Gebukan Soni the drummer, indicating the maximum speed. The tempo is played every song is always quick with a little beat of breakdown that makes want to distort the head. And most make the heart beating when listening to Awake to Decide with the maximum volume is the guitarist Hinhin ' Akew ' which apply maximum acceleration.In terms of the composition of the material to the album in its entirety, Awake To decide sounds so markedly. Do not forget to also beat the breakdown much heard in this track 11 and right on target.And that is increasingly making this album the more sound unique is the presence of Vicky Mono (Ninjaz) and Addy's Hobo (Forgotten) in the song "Passive Aggresive Bullshit". As well as the presence of Risa Saraswati in the song "Touch The Light". The song was created by Risa and then performed alongside Nectura. The presence of Nicko Ballerina also makes The Uprising a very enough Echoes. The figure of their foursome is not just a mere sweetener, their vocals and guitar game blends in perfectly with the music Nectura.About the artwork that depicts a woman dressed in black fabric by the head, it is less clear that they characterize the metal band. Maybe it's a penganalogian that this woman's eyes closed for not looking around and intend to return to rise on the album Awake To Decide this. Artwork done by Lukman PamPam, layout design by Owank himself and logo by Ryan dreadlocks.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Listening to the album Awake to Decide, listeners will hear a touch of rhythm guitar Akew and Abo dominant and identical with tones typical of the so harmony of rhythm guitar metalcore them with his quick and taught by crushing what was the sense of speed in the sense of Fast, Not original, Swift, dense guitar sound and maturity played professionally. Debut album Nectura is indeed quite awaited by the metalhead homeland, especially the Respectura designation for their fans, their debut album is driven Owank (vocals), Hinhin Akew (guitar), Paneu (Bass), Abo (guitar), and Soni (drums ) The successful devastated anyone listening ear. And Nectura this time proved a capable and decent quality is taken into account. Through Awake To Decide this possible introduction of them the best of Nectura for metalhead Indonesia. Series of melodic death metal material is very thick, introduced by akew of the strains of a typical guitar by adopting of bands like Soilwork band from Sweden there, guaranteed !, this album does not disappoint. Bas of Paneu no less fast, the track 'minority Threat 'Game of Paneu pretty slapping, vocal Owank not changed much, it may be issued via his trademark growl and clean sound that he took, but it still sounds incredible rock music combined with Nectura. thumper Soni drummer, showed that maximum speed. Tempo is played every song is always quick with a little beat of breakdown that makes want twirling head. And most make the heart beat when listening to Awake to Decide the maximum volume is the game of the guitarist Hinhin 'Akew' applying the maximum acceleration. In terms of the composition of the material as a whole album, Awake To Decide sounds very varied. There is also the beat of breakdown that much heard in this track 11 and right on target. And increasingly make this album sound more unique is the presence of Vicky Mono (Burgerkill) and Addy Gembel (Forgotten) on the song "Passive Aggressive Bullshit". And the presence of Risa Saraswati in the song "Touch The Light". The song was created by Risa and then brought together Nectura. Nicko presence of Ballerina also make the song The Uprising Echoes quite frightening. The figure of four of them is not just a mere sweetener, vocals and guitar game they blend perfectly with the music Nectura. About artwork depicting a woman wrapped in black cloth on the head, it is less clear that they characterize metal band. Maybe this is a penganalogian that this woman eyes closed because they do not look around and intends to regain its footing in the album Awake To Decide this. Artwork done by Lukman Pampam, layout design by Owank own and logo by Ryan Gimbal.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
menyimak专辑清醒的决定,要对pendengar就sentuhan达日alunan吉他核电站电力经济协会丹杨,丹identik ABO组娜达Nada Khas杨begitu和谐达日alunan吉他就用金属jarinya杨cepat丹diajari,telak APA ITU ARTI kecepatan者不在cepat,通,gesit,声音和吉他杨直接存取终端kematangan diperdengarkan为职业。唱片公司nectura ini你们了,ditunggu对重金属爱好地空气khususnya对位respectura飞船,他们
专辑该INI杨dimotori owank(vokal),hinhin核电站电力经济协会(吉他),泛欧(低音),ABO(吉他),但索尼(鼓)INI公司memporak porandakan听谁笑阳听我的。丹nectura卡利INI membuktikan kualitasnya杨mumpuni丹diperhitungkan

配的。lewat清醒的决定可能INI perkenalan达日他们杨王,印度尼西亚达日nectura金属党。deret材料旋律死亡金属阳,kental,dikenalkan在核电站电力经济协会从alunan gitarnya杨Khas和mengadopsi达日乐队如Soilwork带达日swedia萨那,dijamin!我不mengecewakan,专辑。

BAS达日泛欧双关不败cepat,在跟踪威胁民族permainan达日泛欧了menampar,vokal owank上不多,可能我的lewat咆哮声音干净CIRI指出丹杨IA keluarkan,但就terdengar外化,biasa dipadukan音乐nectura。

gebukan索尼唱鼓手,指kecepatan杨maksimal。杨dimainkan节奏disetiap lagunya就cepat,点hentakan击穿阳一想memutar mutar长。丹阳栅栏使jantung berdegup,听从清醒的决定,是permainan唱gitaris hinhin体积maksimal”核电站电力经济协会的杨menerapkan akselerasi maksimal。

达日世纪komposisi材料专辑上keseluruhan INI,清醒的决定,variatif terdengar。德LUPA普拉hentakan击穿阳有听见DI 11轨道理论sasaran INI丹。

丹阳semakin使专辑ini让terdengar优尼科是hadirnya维姬单(burgerkill)丹阿迪gembel(忘记了)在拉古”被动,胡说八道”。并hadirnya里沙萨拉斯瓦蒂迪拉古“触摸灯”。拉古diciptakan缝制在里沙丹,dibawakan公司nectura。hadirnya高达日芭蕾也使拉古起义呼应了该。sosok他们berempat不是韩亚pemanis贝拉卡,permainan vokal丹吉他就menyatu公司,音乐nectura。

perihal艺术品杨menggambarkan妇女dibalut在凯恩黑坦迪Bagian长,ini kurang begitu jelas mencirikan是他们带金属。可能是一penganalogian ini玛塔组INI tertutup因为没有看见,就从丹bermaksud沉重地专辑清醒决定INI。在艺术品dikerjakan卢克曼pampam,布局设计在自己的owank丹标志在瑞安万向节。
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