以前の婚礼様式では、自分の家で開催し、わずかな参加者で、豚一匹あれば十分だった。しかし、今の結婚式は、参加者はたくさんいるし、机も椅子もテン翻訳 - 以前の婚礼様式では、自分の家で開催し、わずかな参加者で、豚一匹あれば十分だった。しかし、今の結婚式は、参加者はたくさんいるし、机も椅子もテン英語言う方法



c 婚姻対象の広がり(table 3参照)
Phinom集落の伝統的な婚姻関係にある集落はKanreo, Cirong, Kogram, Drom集落だったので、聞き取りデータから配偶者の出身地別に作表してみた[table 1]。黒塗りは革命前誕生世代、そうでないものは革命後世代である。革命前世代でもすでに伝統的な範囲から外れるものもあるが、革命後世代では、異なるethnic group、特に支配民族のKinh族にまで広がっている。婚姻対象の広がりは農業以外の雇用機会、例えば日雇い労働が増えたり、逆にBentreのKinh族のように雇用者が16組内で活動するというような交流の変化がある。また、就学による交流もある。その一例がJ4の子供たちであり、医科大学を出て医師になっている事例である。16組の中に高学歴者18名(高校卒業者15名、大学進学者3名)いるが、このうち、Kinh族と結婚しているのが4名いる。J4やj1が農業を主たる職業としていない家庭であることも関係あるだろう。さらに、慣習面からKoho族以外を女性の配偶者に選ぶ傾向がある。Koho族の場合、女側が婚礼費用すべてを負担しなければならないが、Kinh族の場合は男側からの援助が期待できるからである。

ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Previous patterns of marriage, held in his home, just a participant in any pork one was enough. But weddings now are many participants, desks, chairs, and tents must lease their lines. Hanging very costly, so money is better than necklaces and cloth. "It.c marriage subject spread (table 3 reference) Kanreo, Cirong, Kogram, Drom villages was villages located in Phinom village of traditional marriage from the interview data spouse by place of origin as seen table [table 1]. Black is revolution generations-generation revolution before birth, others do not. May deviate from the traditional range already in the previous generation of revolution in generations revolution, different ethnic groups, especially the dominant ethnic Kinh people are over. There are varieties increases spread of marriage for non-farm employment opportunities, for example the labourers and conversely Bentre Kinh tribe in 16 set by the employers that operate in such exchanges. There are also the AC by the school. In case 1 example is children of the J4 and out of medical school and becoming a doctor. Of the 16 pairs of 18 highly educated persons (high school graduates 15 people, three of those), but the Kinh tribe married to have four. J4, j1 agricultural principal occupation and don't have family relationship there will be. You tend, from conventional surface Koho family other than choosing spouses of women. Among the Koho family, her side must bear all of the wedding costs, but the Kinh tribe you can expect help from the man side.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

In previous wedding style, it is held in your own home, at a fraction of the participants, it was enough if one animal pig. But now the wedding, to have a lot of participants, desk must also be also borrowed tent chair. Because the cost is so consuming, than the necklace and cloth, more of the money is good. That ". c marriage (see table 3) spread of the target village in the traditional marriage relationship of Phinom settlements Kanreo, Cirong, Kogram, because it was Drom village, and tried to tabulated in Hometown another spouse from the interview data [table 1 ]. Black revolution before birth generation, those that do not is a revolution after generation. There is also already a departure from the traditional range in revolution the previous generation, but in the revolution later generations, different ethnic group, in particular spread to Kinh group of dominant ethnic groups. The spread of the marriage subject agriculture other than employment opportunities, for example, day labor is increased or, there is a change of the alternating current, such as that employer as Kinh group of Bentre to reverse is active in 16 sets. In addition, there is also exchange by school. Is a children One example is J4, is a case that is a doctor out of the Medical University. 16 sets of highly educated 18 people in (high school graduate 15 people, college's three), but are, these, is present four're married to Kinh group. It J4 and j1 is a home that is not the agriculture as the main occupation will also certain relationship. In addition, there is a tendency to choose from customs surface other than the Koho ​​tribe to spouses of women. In the case of Koho ​​tribe, but woman side must bear all wedding expenses, in the case of the Kinh group is because can expect assistance from the man side.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
In before the wedding, held in their own homes, participants in the pig was a good one. But now, there are a lot of people, some tents have desk chair. So that the cost of money or cloth, the better. " That. The spread of C (see Table 3) marriage settlement in the traditional village of Phinom marital relationship Kanreo, Cirong, Kogram, was so Drom VillageFrom the interview data tables according to the birthplace of spouse (Table 1). Black generation born before the revolution, is a revolution in later generations. Some previous generations but revolution already deviated from the traditional, generation after the revolution, the different ethnic group, in particular to a Kinh spreading of the master race. The spread of the marriage of non-agricultural employment opportunities for the labor day, or more like a group of Kinh Bentre on employers to work in pairs, and there is the change of the exchange.In addition, by the exchange. In our example, J 4 kids are out of the Medical College of physicians. The highly educated persons 16 (18 to graduate from high school to university, 15), the four Kinh family and marriage. J j 1 and 4 are not the main agricultural profession that is at home. In addition, from a common surface tends to choose the other group Koho female spouse. In the case of a woman, Koho side shall bear all expenses for the weddingIn the case of Kinh group is a man from the side can be expected. Too
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