Penantian para penikmat musik di Tanah Air akan asupan lagu metalcore 翻訳 - Penantian para penikmat musik di Tanah Air akan asupan lagu metalcore 英語言う方法

Penantian para penikmat musik di Ta

Penantian para penikmat musik di Tanah Air akan asupan lagu metalcore berkualitas akhirnya terbayar sudah. Setelah terakhir kali menggebrak jagad metal dengan album Simponi Kebisingan Babi Neraka (2008), akhirnya band metal asal Solo, Down For Life kembali muncul dengan single terbaru “Prosa Kesetaraan”, sebuah nomor yang diambil dari album Himne Perang Akhir Pekan (Sepsis Records), yang teaser-nya baru saja dirilis awal bulan lalu.

Burgerkill, The S.I.G.I.T., Edane, Down for Life Akan Tampil di Rock in Celebes 2015 »
Rencananya single terbaru ini secara eksklusif akan dirilis untuk pertama kalinya via kanal Free Download pada Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2013 pukul 10:10 WIB, bertepatan dengan momen ulang tahun kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia yang ke-68.

Melalui “Prosa Kesetaraan”, Down For Life seakan ingin menyampaikan pesan akan kesetaraan derajat umat manusia, tanpa terkesan menceramahi. Barisan prosa epik yang dibalut dengan growl dan interpretasi mendalam sang vokalis, Stephanus Adjie akan keangkuhan sekelompok golongan atas dasar perbedaan, terpampang jelas dalam lirik “Dirimu diriku, berdiri sejajar”.

Proses penggarapan album Himne Perang Akhir Pekan dikerjakan di dua tempat yang berbeda. Untuk rekaman divisi vokal dan drum, dilakukan di Rockstar Studio, sedangkan untuk divisi gitar dan bass dikerjakan di Pengerat Studio. Untuk proses mixing sendiri, dikerjakan oleh Pak Ting di 3DB Studio, semuanya dilakukan di Jogja dan Solo.

Sementara untuk proses mastering, kali ini Down For Life menunjukkan kapasitasnya sebagai sebagai ujung tombak garda metal terdepan kota Solo, dengan menggandeng David Nalson dari Crystal Mastering Studio, Australia.

Lewat album Himne Perang Akhir Pekan ini, Stephanus Adjie (vokal), Moses Rizki (gitar 1), Ahmad Azhari a.k.a Jojo (bass), Wahyu Jayadie a.k.a Uziel (drum), dan Isa Mahendra Jati (gitaris tambahan 2/End of Julia) yang menggantikan Rio Baskara —baru saja hengkang, ingin menasbihkan diri sebagai pejuang akhir pekan, yang tetap bisa berkarya di tengah himpitan jadwal pekerjaan.

Maklum saja, selain sebagai musisi, seluruh personel Down For Life juga dikenal sebagai visioner dalam urusan organisasi; mereka selalu terlihat sebagai penggiat di beberapa pertunjukan di kancah Jawa Tengah.

“Ini merupakan cerminan kami sebagai Down For Life, di mana kami menggunakan akhir pekan setelah bekerja sebagai medan untuk bertempur, bukan untuk bersantai. Maka dari itu, terpilihlah judul album Himne Perang Akhir Pekan,” ujar Adjie.

Desain sampul album ini dikerjakan oleh Yudha Matirasa dan Jahlo Gomes. Rencananya, album Himne Perang Akhir Pekan akan rilis pada September mendatang. Album ini, sementara sudah bisa dipesan melalui Belukar Rockshop.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Music lovers waiting in the land of Water intake will track the metalcore quality finally paid off already. After the last time to rock the universe metal with Pig Noise Simponi album Hell (2008), the end of original Solo metal band, Down For Life reappeared with a new single "the prose of equality", a number that was taken from the album Hymns War weekend (Sepsis Records), a teaser of her recently released early last month. SIDEBARNinjaz, The S.I.G.I.T., Edane, Down for Life will be performing at Rock in Celebes 2015»The plan for this new single to be released exclusively for the first time via the Canal Free Download on Saturday, August 17, 2013 at 10:10 am EST, coinciding with the anniversary of the moment of independence Republic of Indonesia the 68. Through "the prose of equality", Down For Life seeming to want to convey the message is equality of mankind, without impressing menceramahi. Rows of prose epic overlaid with a growl and a profound interpretation of the vocalist, Stephanus Adjie will pride a bunch of groups on the basis of differences, plastered is evident in the lyrics "You myself, standing parallel." The process of designing the album Hymns Weekend War carried out in two different places. For the recording of vocals and drums, the Division conducted at the Rockstar Studio, while the guitar and bass for the Division were done in Rodent Studio. For mixing process itself, carried out by Mr. Ting at 3DB Studio, everything is done in Yogyakarta and Solo. While for the process of mastering, this time Down For Life shows his capacity as as the spearhead of the leading Solo metal guard, working with David Nalson from Crystal Mastering Studio, Australia. Through the album Hymns of the war this weekend, Stephanus Adjie (vocals), Moses Rizki (guitar 1), Ahmad Azhari a.k. à Jojo (bass), Rev. Jayadie a.k. à Uzziel (drums), and Isa Mahendra Teak (an extra 2 guitarists/End of Julia) which replaced the sun rising between Rio — just leave, wants to menasbihkan themselves as weekend warriors, who can still work in the Middle himpitan the schedule of work. Understandably, in addition to musicians, the whole personnel Down For Life is also known as a visionary in the Affairs of the Organization; they are always seen as the actuator in some performances at the forefront of Central Java. "This is a reflection of us as a Down For Life, where we use the weekend after working as a field to fight, not to relax. Thus, the title of the album and John Matheson Weekend War Hymn, "Adjie said. Album cover design by Yudha Matirasa and Jahlo Gomes. The plan, the weekend War Hymns album will be release in September. This album, while already can be booked through the Shrub Rockshop.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Anticipation music lovers in the country will be intake quality metalcore song finally paid off. After the last time kicked the universe of metal with an album Simponi Noise Pig Hell (2008), finally metal band from Solo, Down For Life re-emerged with a new single "Prose Equality", a number that is taken from the album Hymn of War Weekend (Sepsis Records), the teaser of its recently released early last month. SIDEBAR Burgerkill, SIGIT, Edane, Down for Life Will Perform at Rock in Celebes 2015 »The plan is the latest single to be released exclusively for the first time via the canal Free Download on Saturday, August 17th, 2013 at 10:10 pm, coincides with the anniversary of independence of the Republic of Indonesia which is the 68th. Through the "Prose Equality", Down For Life as if to convey the message of equality degree of humanity, without sounding preachy. Rows of prose epic is wrapped with a growl and in-depth interpretation of the vocalist, Stephanus will Adjie class snobbery group on the basis of the difference, clearly displayed in the lyrics of "Whistles myself, standing in line." The process of cultivation of the album Hymn of War Weekend done in two different places. For the division recording vocals and drums, performed at the Rockstar studio, while the guitar and bass for divisions performed in Rodents Studio. For the mixing process itself, carried out by Mr. Ting in 3DB Studio, everything is done in Yogyakarta and Solo. While for the mastering process, this time Down For Life shows his capacity as a spearhead of avant-metal forefront of the city of Solo, in cooperation with David Nalson of Crystal Mastering Studio , Australia. Through the album Hymn Final War This week, Stephanus Adjie (vocals), Moses Rizki (guitar 1), Ahmad Azhari aka Jojo (bass), Rev. Jayadie aka Uziel (drums), and Isa Mahendra Teak (guitarist 2 / End of Julia) which replaced Rio Baskara recently been resigned, want menasbihkan themselves as weekend warriors, who can still work in conditions of work schedules. Understandably, other than as a musician, all personnel Down For Life is also known as a visionary in the affairs of the organization; they are always seen as instigators in several stage performances in Central Java. "This is a reflection of us as Down For Life, where we use the weekend after working as a battlefield to fight, not to relax. Therefore, elected the title of the album Hymn of War Weekend, "said Adjie. The design of this album cover was done by Yudha numbness and Jahlo Gomes. The plan, the War Hymn Weekend album will be released in September. This album, while can be ordered through the thickets Rockshop.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
penantian对位penikmat音乐底地空气必入者拉古berkualitas terbayar金属个人了。到了terakhir卡利menggebrak jagad金属,专辑Simponi kebisingan巴比奈拉卡(2008),总之带金属基底的独奏,下一单”,生活则terbaru PROSA kesetaraan”一号,杨的生命从达日专辑himne perang这北干(败血症记录),杨传情妗巴鲁笑dirilis Awal补篮拉鲁。

rencananya单terbaru INI为eksklusif要dirilis,在kalinya通过运河免费下载在sabtu,17阿古斯督10:10 WIB 2013这样,亲爱的,女人bertepatan年雅虎印度尼西亚共和国阳ke-68。
PROSA kesetaraan”,路叫“想将要kesetaraan德拉杰德UMAT的人,没有terkesan menceramahi。“杨dibalut咆哮丹和PROSA Epik interpretasi mendalam唱vokalis,斯特凡努斯阿济必keangkuhan sekelompok奉在新perbedaan,terpampang jelas lirik”自己的事,站在sejajar”。

散文penggarapan专辑himne perang这北干dikerjakan迪双杨和入方式的不同之处。为rekaman分工vokal丹鼓,在迪的Rockstar工作室,但部分吉他,低音dikerjakan迪pengerat工作室丹。给自己dikerjakan散文混合,在白沙亭迪3dB的工作室,都会在帝丹独奏。


lewat专辑himne perang这北干ini,斯特凡努斯阿济(vokal),摩西里兹克(吉他1),艾哈迈德(贝司),又名JOJO阿扎里该jayadie又名Uziel(鼓),丹是该该(朱丽亚gitaris tambahan 2 /结束)阳他baskara -巴鲁Saja恒康里约,想menasbihkan,这为pejuang北干,杨就在himpitan嘉德沃的男孩儿作berkarya迪比萨。

maklum笑,除了为musisi人员,都为生活,为visioner dikenal在urusan组织方法;他们就terlihat为penggiat迪几pertunjukan迪kancah爪哇。“这是

ini cerminan卡米,下来的生活,二法力卡米使用了在棉兰,这诗,bertempur,不是给bersantai。他从ITU,terpilihlah judul专辑himne perang这诗,“ujar阿济。

此专辑在sampul INI dikerjakan yudha matirasa丹jahlo戈麦斯。rencananya,专辑himne perang这要在九月mendatang rilis北干。专辑的INI,她已经从碧沙dipesan贝鲁卡rockshop。
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