This is an automated message from Starcycle/WME:
Thanks for your order! Your order has been received and is being processed.
Your item is en route at the current time and should be shipping within the next 4-5 business days. When your order ships, your tracking number will be uploaded to your 'my eBay' page and purchase details page. If you have any special shipping requests, or need to change something due to the delay, please contact us so we can make any changes before your item ships. If you don't receive your tracking number within the next 4-5 business days, please contact us for an update.
Once you've received your item and are 100% satisfied with your transaction, please leave us a positive feedback and 5 out of 5 stars. If you're not able to do this for any reason, please contact us to address your concerns.
Customer Support
Starcycle USA | W.M.E.