يتم تركيب محول مفتوح (O.T) و آخر مغلق (C.T) لضمان عدم فقدان المياه لضمان عدم دخول الهواء في مواسير الصرف، يتم وضع فتحة دخول الماء وغلقها بإحكام تحت سطح الماء
Open adapter is fitted (O.T) and most closed (C.T) to ensure no water loss To ensure that the air in the pipe, open water and close it tightly under water
The installation of an open adapter (OT) and another closed (CT) to ensure no loss of water to ensure that the air entering the drain pipes, the water entering the slot position and closed tightly underwater
The adapter is installed, open O.T and another C.T closed to prevent water lossTo prevent entry of air into the drainage pipe, a water entering the opening and closed tightly under the surface.