The 2nd General Election is over with many surprises and perhaps the upset of the year. So without further ado, here are the results for both the Under Girls and the Media Selection along with each respective chosen members’ speech translations!
Under Girls
32. Shani Indira Natio (Team T) – 3,710 votes (NEW)
Thank you everyone. I didn’t expect myself to get the 32th position. I’m still new, around a year, but I will keep doing my best. This is all for you. I hope with me being in the UG, I can be better in the future, striving to do even better, to be even more— to be advanced even further. I’m proud having all of you. Thank you everyone!
31. Lidya Maulida Djuhandar (Team KIII) – 4,005 votes (NEW)
I— ugh I want to say thank you to all my fans who helped me even though I looked like that I don’t care, especially the fact that I’m rarely have any appearances on TV. I’m really happy that even despite of that fact, you still care about me. I’m glad that you know that I still want to be here, that I still want to fight for you all. Thank you!
30. Rezky Wiranti Dhike (Team J) – 4,420 votes (NEW)
I want to say my gratitude for all of you who always supported me. I dedicate this to all of you, you who saved money just for me. I can get the chance now in the UG. It may “just” an UG (for some), but this is very important for me. Thank you once again. I want to be the most favorite member to all of you. Thank you.
29. Maria Genoveva Natalia Desy Purnama Sari Gunawan (Team T) – 4,866 (NEW)
Good afternoon all. It’s really unexpected for me to be able to stand on this grand stage. Thank you everyone, I’m really proud to have all of you. I hope I will not wasted all of the trusts you’ve been giving me. I have a poem (audiences laugh).
Sunday morning I went to the city.
To buy fabric that is blue.
Last but not least with a witty.
I want to say “Thank you” to all of you!
28. Dwi Putri Bonita (Team KIII) – 4,999 votes (NEW)
The peace be upon you (audiences: and upon you the Peace!). Thank you everyone, Thank you God, Thank you JOT, to everyone. Thank y— Thank you very much. At last, I can get the chance and I hope this will be a bless to all of you. Amen, O’ God (Allah). Thank you.
27. Sinka Juliani (Team KIII) – 5,111 votes
Thank you to all of my fans who have supported me. To all the staffs and members too, thank you very much. I really didn’t expect that I gonna get this chance. Thank you!
26. Jessica Vania (Team J) – 5,332 votes (↓ #16)
Dang it, I cried again. I forgot what I want to say. Thank you for all of your support, all your trusts that I still have to be here. Even though I dropped from last year position, I really am grateful. I’m really grateful for all your hard work for me. I want to try harder to become the best for you. Thank you.
25. Viviyona Apriyani (Team KIII) : 5,505 votes (↓ #10)
Everyone, Thank God I was chosen at the 25th. Even though I placed higher on last year General Election, I still feel very grateful for this chance and this will be a reference for me to try even harder, for more people to realize my existence. Thank you very much.
24. Shinta Naomi (Team KIII) – 5,624 votes (NEW)
Thank God, thanks to the almighty God, my family, my friends in KIII, my friends in JKT48, all the staffs and management. Apparently, “Like a Ball!” hashtag can make it to the big 32! Thank you! Enjoy! Thank you everyone!
23. Jennifer Hanna (Team KIII) – 5,852 votes (↓ #15)
I’m nervous to stand on this stage. Even though my rank is lower than the previous year, I really thankful to all of my fans, JKT48 fans, really grateful to the almighty God, to my parents who always supported me, to all of you too who gave their free time to give me all of the time and efforts. Thank you very much!
22. Thalia (Team KIII) – 6,327 votes (↓ #13)
(Audiences: Tata I love you!)
I love you too. Afternoon everyone! Thank you for all of your hard work, support, energy, for everything! I know very well that all my fans did all their best for me. Maybe I looked like that I’m indifferent towards you, but I actually paid attention to all of you. Thank you all the staffs, members who have supported me. Thank you!
MC: Thalia, are you disappointed your rank dropped this year?
Not really. For me, rank doesn’t matter. To be (just standing) here meant a lot for me.
MC: Do your best!
Enjoy! Enjoy!
21. Rona Anggreani (Team KIII) : 7,517 votes (NEW)
Thank God I’m in the 21st. Last year I wasn’t able to grab any. This year, thank you very much to all of you who gave their all to support me. Yay! Now the Princess got her voice back! Thank you!
MC: Rona, what will you do to get a higher rank for the future?
I’ll try my best to show the fans, to show JOT, to show all my friends, that I, even on the 21st this year, will try even harder, and to show that I deserve a higher spot next year.
20. Michelle Christo Kusnadi (Team T) : 8,106 votes (NEW)
Hello everyone! I want to say thank you to Jesus Christ, I’m really grateful because of Him, I’m able to be here. Thank you to all the fans who keep supporting me even on the 2nd phase where I got the 31st position. I’m really happy to be here. Thank you to my parents, to the JKT48 staffs, without their support, I won’t be able to be here. Thank you everyone!
MC: Michelle, what is the difference between this year and last year election
Last year, I’m still a newbie in JKT48. So I was like only excited to finds out which of our seniors who will get the position. For me, to be able to see the view from the stage itself this year is something extraordinary.
19. Frieska Anastasia Laksani (Team J) – 10,025 votes (NEW)
Thank you! For this third year, you succeed to become my dream catcher! Yay! I hope your support will not stop at this point, because for me to be able to stand here made me feels that you really love me! Thank you for loving me!
MC: How do you feel right now, Frieska?
Very happy! I’m speechle— Oh dear, oh dear!
MC: This is one of your dream, right?
MC: You dreamt about it a lot when you were a child?
Perhaps so (laugh).
MC: Any other dreams?
To be honest, my actual dream is to become the big 16, the selection. I want to wear the same uniform as my big sister (Melody).
18. Rina Chikano (Team KIII) – 10,276 votes (NEW)
Hi! Thank you everyone for the votes and for the support that I able to get the 18th position. The dream that didn’t come true in AKB48, came true in JKT48. I will take a very great care this pre— what was it again? pre— precious position! (laugh) I forgot what I want to say. And I will try harder (in the future)! And then, and then, I— I will try harder too to learn Indonesian (language), please keep on supporting me! Thank you! Arigatou gozaimashita!
17. Elaine Hartanto (Team T) – 10,861 votes (NEW) – [Under Girls CENTER]
Guys, this is the fruit of our labor. You fought very hard to give me this position. Now my job is to carve a smile in your and many people faces. Please keep on supporting me. Thank you.
Media Selection
16. Gabriella Margareth Warouw (Team J) – 11,959 votes (NEW)
I was first confused which one is the first, the egg or the chicks*. I’ve found the answer, the correct one is not to find which one is first, but we need to find how to raise a small, plain egg, to become a good chick. And it was proven with me being here with your support and love. Thank you very much, arigatou gozaimashita.
MC: Gabriella, how should I call you? Gabriella or Margareth?
MC: Gaby, you are now in a single, correct?
MC: You happy, right?
MC: How do you feel right now?
More than words (laugh)
*Refer to her Selection Campaign Video.
15. Sendy Ariani (Team J) – 12,585 votes (NEW)
Thank God, Thank you O’ God (Allah), I never thought— you guys really unite your voices for me, to support me, to vote for me. Even though last year God didn’t gave His blessing upon me, this year, he did. This 15th position is all thanks to your hard work! One Sendy Salute!
MC: Sendy, do you have any feeling that you’ll be at the 15th beforehand?
I wasn’t really sure because the votes are so high even at the 32nd, at the Under Girls. So yeah, I’m really nervous.
MC: But here you are!
Thank God.
14. Ayana Shahab (Team J) – 12,631 votes ( – )
Hello everyone, Good afternoon! Thank you for all your support, I’m happy in this position. I’m sure wherever my position is, you’ll always be with me. I was once nearly giving up, but thanks to all of you, all of your energy, I’m here again in JKT48. From now on, I want you to be by my side until I can become a real idol, and I know it is still a far way to go. That’s why, please keep by my side until I can achieve my dreams in JKT48.
One of my dreams is to enter the 10th single and I already achieved it today thanks to all of your hard work. Thank you.
But my main dream in JKT48 is to become the number one! Please support me!
13. Ghaida Farisya (Team J) – 12,908 votes (↓ #9)
Hello everyone, Good afternoon! Yay! We did it! Even though my fans type are those who rarely visit the theater, rarely to meet me, when it comes to voting, they really did their best and tried their best to make me happy. Thank you very much!
What really surprised me is that on my mention tab, there are also fans from overseas who supported me, especially those from Japan. Thank you very much for supporting me!
Nihon-jin no fans wa itsumo ouen shite kurete arigatou gozaimashita.
(Thank you for always supporting me, Japanese fans)
Please keep on supporting me, thank you!
MC: Are you disappointed with your rank compared to last year?
No. I always feel grateful. I’m this “It’s all right” kind of a girl. Maybe I can still do even better in the future. I always feel grateful to what I achieved. Thank you!
12. Beby Chaesara Anadila (Team J) – 13,105 votes (↓ #5)
Firstly, thank to God (Allah). Thank you JKT48 members, staffs,