I consummate my life today. Be the most premier consuming self. Self-consummation!
私は今日人生完成完了成就す仕上げる。最も多くの主要第1位 最初最古の激しい身を焦がす様な自身であれ。自身完成!自己成就!自己完了!
I remunerate oneself. Be the most remunerative self. Self-remuneration!
I scrape off IS, I scrape Islamic state away.
I muddle through one's suffering, I band together to beat the band.
I splice onto self, I split a gut, I splinter IS. Be the most responsive resplendent splendiferous self.
I goad into self, I landscape oneself. Be the most go-ahead self. Be the player who makes the landscape change completely by one person alone.
I swap with my central self, make a swoop, swoop up self, swoon over oneself. Be turned upside down. Be the most swollen swagger self. Self-switcheroo!
I make the improvement of one's constitution, turn everything to one's own advantage. You're quite a great man. Be the most selfish self-seeking self.
I clear one's name, consume self, exhaust my total power, use up my own oneself, flow my all contents into my central nuclear self, pour my total energy into my fulfillment.
I make sure, I surge up, I surge to power, I rise to own surface, I raise to the one's surface. Be sure of oneself. Be the most sure-fire sure-footed sure-enough self.
I sensualize self, sentimentalize, sequestrate IS(Islamic State). Be the most sentient sensual sequential sentimental septillion self. Self-septillion!
結果 (
日本語) 1:
I consummate my life today. Be the most premier consuming self. Self-consummation!私は今日人生完成完了成就す仕上げる。最も多くの主要第1位 最初最古の激しい身を焦がす様な自身であれ。自身完成!自己成就!自己完了!I remunerate oneself. Be the most remunerative self. Self-remuneration!私は自身に報酬を与え支払う。最も有利報酬ある自身であれ。自己報酬!I scrape off IS, I scrape Islamic state away.俺がISを擦り取り落としイスラム国を刮げ取る。I muddle through one's suffering, I band together to beat the band.俺が人の苦しみを切り抜け活発に群を抜き盛んに沢山凄い勢いで団結させる。I splice onto self, I split a gut, I splinter IS. Be the most responsive resplendent splendiferous self.私は自身上組み継ぎ消化器官分割し全力で取り組む、過激派ISをかち割り引き裂く。最も反応敏感キラキラ輝く素晴らしい素敵自身であれ。I goad into self, I landscape oneself. Be the most go-ahead self. Be the player who makes the landscape change completely by one person alone.俺が自己刺激扇動先導す、自身美化造園す。最も積極進取前進前衛的自身であれ。独りで風景を一変させてしまう選手であれ。I swap with my central self, make a swoop, swoop up self, swoon over oneself. Be turned upside down. Be the most swollen swagger self. Self-switcheroo!私は私の中心自身交換し急襲し自身上襲い持ち上げる、夢中になる。全てどんでん返しだ。逆様ひっくり返しす。最も多くの増され膨れ粋自身であれ。自己急変!自身突然変化!ドンデン返し!I make the improvement of one's constitution, turn everything to one's own advantage. You're quite a great man. Be the most selfish self-seeking self.俺が体質改善し我田引水す、何もかも全て自身の利点に向ける。貴方は大した男だ。最も利己的自己本位自身であれ。I clear one's name, consume self, exhaust my total power, use up my own oneself, flow my all contents into my central nuclear self, pour my total energy into my fulfillment.私は人の汚名を濯ぎ自身を使い切り総力排出放出し私は私自身を自身で使い果たし尽くし中心核自身に俺の内容中身を流し込み全精力を実現遂行に注ぎ込む。I make sure, I surge up, I surge to power, I rise to own surface, I raise to the one's surface. Be sure of oneself. Be the most sure-fire sure-footed sure-enough self.俺が確かめ確保す確実に確信する、私は沸き立ち起こり上がり異常急増し支持基盤固め、自身浮上する[させる],自己表面化す表面に累乗す。自信があれ。最も絶対確実着実現実本物自身であれ。I sensualize self, sentimentalize, sequestrate IS(Islamic State). Be the most sentient sensual sequential sentimental septillion self. Self-septillion!私は自身官能的にし感傷に耽り、IS(イスラム国)を引退させ(財産を)一時差し押さえ押収する。最も多くの感覚ある官能的連続感傷的1000000000000兆自身であれ。自己1000000000000兆!