Secara morfologi, imago spesies T. armigera mudahdiidentifikasi dimana翻訳 - Secara morfologi, imago spesies T. armigera mudahdiidentifikasi dimana英語言う方法

Secara morfologi, imago spesies T.

Secara morfologi, imago spesies T. armigera mudah
diidentifikasi dimana imago jantan dan betina memiliki kepala berwarna kuning
tua cerah, antena berwarna kuning tua, toraks berwarna coklat tua, dan abdomen
berwarna gelap, serta mempunyai ukuran tubuh 0.40-0.42 mm (Kalshoven 1981).
Pada imago jantan memiliki antenna dengan rambut-rambut dengan gada dan
funikula dengan panjang 2-3 kali dari lebar maksimum gada. Gadanya beruas tiga
dan funikula beruas dua. Sedangkan antena betina memiliki rambut-rambut yang
pendek pada funikula dan gada (Meilin 1999).
Gambar 2 Ukuran T. armigera pada penggaris sentimeter (CABI 1999)
Identifikasi secara morfologi, seperti sayap, antena, dan warna ternyata tidak
stabil dan dapat dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan seperti suhu dan serangga inang
yang digunakan dalam perbanyakan (Nagarkatti & Nagaraja 1977), sehingga tidak
akurat lagi dalam karakterisasi spesies Trichogrammatoidea.
Salah satu karakter yang sangat penting dalam mengidentifikasi genus
maupun spesies dari Trichogrammatoidea adalah genetalia jantan, karena hanya
genetalia jantan yang memiliki ciri yang khas dan sangat membedakan antara satu
spesies dengan spesies yang lainnya. Disamping itu jumlah Rs1 pada sayap depan
merupakan karakter lain sebagai tambahan dalam identifikasi spesies (Alba 1988).
Di Filipina dilaporkan bahwa terdapat 6 spesies Trichogrammatoidea, T.
evanescens dan
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ターゲット言語: 英語
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
In morphology, the imago of the species t. armigera easyidentified where imago males and females have yellow headbright old, old yellow antennae, dark brown colored, thoracic and abdominaldark colored, and have a body size 0.40-0.42 mm (Kalshoven 1981).On the imago the male antenna with hair-hair with mace andfunikula with the length of 2-3 times of the maximum width of a Mace. His Club plans threeand funikula the two plans. While the female's antennae have hair-hairshort on funikula and Mace (Meilin 1999).Image Size 2 t. armigera ruler centimeter (CABI)Identification in morphology, such as wings, antenna, and the color turns out notstable and can be influenced by the environment such as temperature and insect hostused in reproduction (Nagaraja & Nagarkatti 1977), so it is notaccurate characterization of Trichogrammatoidea species again.One of the characters is very important in identifying genusboth species of Trichogrammatoidea male genetalia, as it is onlythe male genetalia have distinctive traits and very discriminating between onespecies with other species. In addition, the number of Rs1 at front winganother character is additionally in the identification of species (Alba 1988).In the Philippines it was reported that there are 6 Trichogrammatoidea species, t.evanescens and
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Morphologically, the species T. armigera imago easily
identified which of adult males and females have a yellow head
old bright, yellow antenna old, dark brown thorax, and abdomen
dark in color, and has a body size of 0:40 to 0:42 mm (Kalshoven 1981).
In the male imago has antenna with hairs with a rod and
funikula with a length of 2-3 times the maximum width of the mace. His club threefold
and funikula segmented two. While the female antennae have hairs are
short on funikula and mace (Meilin 1999).
Figure 2 The size of T. armigera on a ruler centimeter (CABI 1999)
Identification of morphology, such as wings, antennae, and the color was not
stable and can be influenced by the environment such as temperature and insect host
used in propagation (Nagarkatti & Nagaraja 1977), so that no
longer accurate in characterizing the species Trichogrammatoidea.
One very important character in identifying the genus
and species of Trichogrammatoidea is genitalia males, since only the
genitalia males who have traits distinctive and highly differentiate between one
species and another. Besides, the amount of Rs1 the front wing of
the other characters in addition to the identification of species (Alba 1988).
In the Philippines reported that there are six species Trichogrammatoidea, T.
evanescens and
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
diidentifikasi dimana意象Jantan丹一种
betina长其中你晴天,你toraks天线其中种,其中coklat TUA,丹腹部
funikula,Panjang 2-3卡利达日巴耶利峇maksimum GADA。gadanya木威迪加
该2舌T.虫在penggaris sentimeter(英国1999)
阳digunakan在perbanyakan(nagarkatti&Nagaraja 1977),就不
genetalia Jantan阳有阳丹,membedakan CIRI Khas安塔拉一
种,种杨等。disamping ITU RS1在属小型
evanescens Dan T.
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