I work hard, strain one's nerves, use up one's power, exhaust my force to the breaking point.
I go into one's rapture. Be overjoyed. Be the most insane mad crazy rapturous self.
That I finish settling broadly, keep bleeding, it's more essential than check of the bleeding.
I prod own splendid days, go to my 16 years old. Be a prodigy. Be the most prodigal prodigious self.
I absorb all, inhale oneself. Be the most absorbing absorbent absorptive absorbent self. Self-absorption! Self-absolution! Self-inhalation! Self-absorption!
I stretch one's wings, spread out to the end, have got a wide circle of self. Be the most expansive expandable expansible stretchy self.
結果 (
日本語) 1:
I work hard, strain one's nerves, use up one's power, exhaust my force to the breaking point.俺が熱心に一生一所懸命働き人の神経を張り詰め極限まで俺の力を使い果たす。I go into one's rapture. Be overjoyed. Be the most insane mad crazy rapturous self.私は人の有頂天に入る。大喜びす。最大狂気沙汰有頂天歓喜自身であれ。That I finish settling broadly, keep bleeding, it's more essential than check of the bleeding.止血よりも血を流し続け大局的に纏め切るのが肝要だ。I prod own splendid days, go to my 16 years old. Be a prodigy. Be the most prodigal prodigious self.私は自身の素晴らしい見事な日々を突き呼び覚まし起こし私の16歳へ行く。天才麒麟児であれ。最も放蕩豊富巨大莫大驚くべき自身であれ。I absorb all, inhale oneself. Be the most absorbing absorbent absorptive absorbent self. Self-absorption! Self-absolution! Self-inhalation! Self-absorption!俺が全て吸収し自己吸入する。最も多くの吸収吸着吸入性自身であれ。自己陶酔!自己赦免!自己吸入!自己夢中!I stretch one's wings, spread out to the end, have got a wide circle of self. Be the most expansive expandable expansible stretchy self.私は己の翼を引っ張り伸ばし自己能力を存分最大限に発揮させ最後まで広げ果てまで散開す、自身の広い円環を得る。最も膨張性広大拡大拡張伸長可能伸縮性自身であれ。