LAS VEGAS — Using strikingly similar pitches, Hillary Clinton, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and former Gov. Martin O’Malley of Maryland tried their best on Wednesday to persuade a room full of Nevada Democrats to support their bids to be the next Democratic presidential nominee.
The sold-out event, the Battle Born Battleground First in the West Caucus Dinner, was hosted by the state Democratic Party and Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the minority leader. There was no debate or a question-and-answer session with the audience. Instead, each candidate made separate remarks, pointedly criticizing Republicans. They touched on their plans to keep Americans safe from terrorism, to strengthen the country’s economy, to move toward cleaner energy sources and to address social issues like protecting the working class.
About 2,200 people attended the $125-a-seat event, which at times felt like a sporting event with supporters of Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Sanders sitting in large sections on opposite sides of the room and taking turns cheering, waving signs and blowing horns with chants of “H.R.C.” and “Bernie.” Mr. O’Malley’s supporters did not have a similar large section at the dinner but his campaign did set up a table nestled in between his opponent’s tables.
The candidates only briefly appeared on stage together before going backstage and coming out one at a time to address the boisterous crowd, where they tried to differentiate themselves from their opponents.
Mrs. Clinton seemed to question Mr. Sanders’s plan to make public colleges tuition-free, saying that taxpayers shouldn’t “pay for Donald Trump’s kids to go to college for free.” Mr. Sanders appeared to be taking a shot at Mrs. Clinton by arguing that the change America needs will not come from “establishment politics and establishment economics.”
But the candidates saved their harshest critiques for the Republicans. Each said that an immigration overhaul should not include mass deportations, that the American economy should better serve the middle class, and that keeping the country safe from terrorism should not mean vilifying ethnic groups. They also all talked about raising the minimum wage and strengthening the ability of workers to organize and bargain with employers.
Mrs. Clinton, a former secretary of state, energetically framed herself as the best candidate to match up against the Republican nominee in the general election. She criticized Senator Marco Rubio of Florida for helping write a 2013 immigration bill and then renouncing it, and Donald J. Trump for wanting to deport millions of immigrants and for referring to Mexicans as criminals.
“The Republicans, what do they do? They just promise more new big giveaways to the wealthy at a time when the superrich and big corporations are already gaming the system,” Mrs. Clinton said. “They should pay their fair share, and under my administration they will.”
She also laid out her experience as first lady, as a senator from New York and as secretary of state, while adding that Republicans were afraid of her and had already begun attacking her in advertisements.
“Ask yourself this, if the Republicans weren’t worried, then why are the hedge fund billionaires already running ads against me?,” Mrs. Clinton said. “Why are the Koch brothers throwing in everything they’ve got to stop me? You know why. They know I will stand up to them and defeat their right-wing, top-down agenda that is bad for America.”
Mr. Sanders, an independent and self-described Democratic socialist, continued his focus on income inequality, improving life for working-class Americans and on his plan to break up “too big to fail” commercial banks. He also said that while he agreed with Mrs. Clinton and Mr. O’Malley that the Affordable Care Act had accomplished great things, he added that Americans need an expanded system that guarantees health care for everyone.
Mr. Sanders also said that electing Republicans would widen the gap between the rich and poor, and he acknowledged that he would need to galvanize voters if he is to be elected.
“The only way that Democrats win elections is when we have a large voter turnout,” Mr. Sanders said. “Republicans win, as they did last year, when people are demoralized and people give up on the political process. What we need in this campaign is energy. We need youth. We need working people. We need a Democratic Party that makes it clear to every worker in this country that we are on their side, and that we are prepared to take on the billionaire class.”
Mr. O’Malley sought to portray his experience as what differentiates him from Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Sanders. But he spent most of his time on Wednesday explaining why electing a Republican president would take the country backward. He took several jabs at Mr. Trump’s plan to bar foreign Muslims from entering the United States, and at Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, while also praising President Obama’s executive actions on gun regulations.
“Ted Cruz actually says the answer to gun violence is more guns,” Mr. O’Malley said. “Senator, the answer to cancer is not more cancer. The answer to poverty is not more poverty. And the answer to gun violence isn’t more guns.”
Wednesday’s event was intended to raise awareness about the Nevada caucuses, the power of the state’s increasingly diverse electorate and the West’s growing political influence. Nevada will hold its Democratic caucuses on Feb. 20, making it the third state in the nominating process to vote, after Iowa and New Hampshire.
Sue Stephens, 59, a retired budget analyst who lives in Las Vegas, said that she was a registered Republican but that she would consider voting for a Democratic candidate, as she did in the presidential elections of 2008 and 2012. Ms. Stephens said she was most concerned about the economy, gun control, the threat of terrorism and how young people will fare in the future.
On Wednesday, she said she would be most supportive of the candidate who delivered a rational message that was focused on the future. Although she had heard all three candidates for the Democratic nomination speak before, she said she had yet to really connect with their messages.
“I hear what they’re saying, but I feel like it’s just blah, blah, blah,” Ms. Stephens said. “It sounds so scripted.”
She added that she might be swayed by “someone who sounds authentic, and someone who impresses me with their knowledge and with some plans about how to move forward without being extremely radical.”
Michelle Gack, 62, a retired insurance adjuster, came to the event with campaign gear showing her support for Mrs. Clinton. Though she has already decided to vote for Mrs. Clinton, she said she hoped her candidate would show a more personable and relatable side so that she draws more support from voters in Nevada.
“I think people don’t realize what a nurturing mother and grandmother she is,” Ms. Gack said. “People don’t see that side of her, and it is tough for women to go up against what has traditionally been a man’s world politically. I think it does her a lot of good to show her strength as well as her calm demeanor.”
Eduardo Ruiz, 24, of Las Vegas, said that he planned to vote for Mr. Sanders, and that he hoped the senator would show people that he is willing to take somewhat moderate stances if elected, to work with lawmakers. He also said he hoped Mr. Sanders would more thoroughly explain his views as a Democratic socialist and would emphasize the importance of taking part in the political system.
“I feel like the biggest problem is that a lot of people who support him don’t believe he can make it,” said Mr. Ruiz, who works at an electronics store. “They are not the most political people, and are just getting started. So that’s my biggest concern. I have friends who write #FeelTheBern. But when push comes to shove, they haven’t signed up to vote.”
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las vegas - using著しく類似したピッチ、hillaryクリントン、バーモントand maryland of former gov.マーティンo'malley of bernie sanders senator彼らのベストは、水曜日に次の民主党の大統領nominee beへの彼らのbids supportへのネバダの民主党員は、of full room persuade to .
イベントは売り切れます, the battle born西caucus夕食にfirst戦場the state democratic partyとネバダ州のharry reid senator主催でしたが、minority leader .議論または質問and観衆とanswer session noがあった.instead、各candidate separate、pointedly criticizing republicans .theyテロリズムから安全なアメリカ人は、計画されているtouched ,は国の経済を強化する,cleaner energy sourcesと労働者階級protecting like social問題のアドレスtoに向かって移動する。
about 2200 people the 125-a-seatドルイベントに出席した, which times at感じたようなスポーツイベントでsupporters ofクリントンmrs.さんとsanders坐る大きいセクションでthe roomの反対側にはturns応援、waving signs、ラッパを吹くとchants of " h.r.c.」と「bernie ." o'malley mr.のsupporters did not the dinnerでsimilar大断面を持っているが、彼のcampaign table his opponentのテーブルbetweenにnestled setにしました。
the candidates brieflyのみ登場backstage going and 1でアドレスto騒々しい群衆から出てくる前に一緒にステージで、彼らは彼らの敵from themselves differentiate to triedが.
mrs.クリントンpublic colleges授業料は無料でmake to sanders mr.のplan 質問へのseemed , taxpayers freeのためのcollege to行きへのドナルド・トランプのkidsのための't "賃金shouldn that」言っているように見えsanders mr.クリントンmrs.でshot takingによってarguing that the changeアメリカ を必要としないから来るの" establishment politics and establishment economics .」but the candidates saved彼らの最もきついcritiques the republicansのための.each said an immigration overhaul mass deportations include shouldじゃなくて、アメリカの経済the中流階級serve better should、countryテロから安全に保つことを意味しethnic groupsを中傷しないことを示す。またall they最小wage raising organize and雇い主と交渉するために労働者の能力をstrengthening andについて話しました.
mrs.クリントン,、前者のstate secretary , matchは、共和党のノミネート候補者against the一般electionにto最良の候補としてherself energetically framed .she、2013年immigration bill write andそれはrenouncing helpingのためのフロリダofマルコrubio senatorを批判し、j.とドナルド・トランプimmigrants of millions deport to wantingのためのandメキシコ人へのreferring criminalsとして.
" the republicans何をしますか?they just promise more新しい大きい景品裕福で時間がsuperrichと大きいcorporations already are the systemゲーム"クリントンmrs. said ."は、彼らが彼らの公正な取り分を払わなければ、私のadministration under they will .」彼女はまた彼女を置いたout experience first ladyとして、ニューヨークfrom、senator as and of state secretaryとして、彼女republicans were怖いand had already広告で攻撃を開始し、彼女はthat adding .
" ask自身this , the republicans 't weren心配するならば、then whyすでに走って広告me against theヘッジファンドbillionaires?, "クリントンmrs. said .「なぜthe koch brothersに彼らには俺を止めるeverythingを得ましたか?you理由を知っています。私はthem they toスタンドup and defeat their right-wing will know , top-down agendaアメリカ のための悪いthat .」mr. sanders ,独立してself described民主社会主義,所得inequality on his focus continued改善のためのworking-class life americans彼にブレークをしたplan up "大きすぎて倒産できない」コマーシャルbanks .彼はまたaffordable care act greatものaccomplished had thatクリントンmrs. and o'malley mr.で同意しながら、彼はsaid , americans everyoneのために健康管理を保証するsystem need拡大であると付け加えました。
mr.サンダーズelecting republicans金持ちとpoor between the gap would広げると言ったが、彼は彼が彼and選出される場合voters galvanize to必要がacknowledged .
" the民主党elections win that以外私たちは、large voter人出があり、sanders mr. said ." republicans win ,彼らが昨年をしたように、人々are when demoralized and people政治過程をgive up .このキャンペーンに必要なものをエネルギー.we youthを必要とします。we働く人々を必要とします。weそれはあらゆる労働者がこの国でwe側に立っているというto clear that democratic party needを作ります、そして、我々はbillionaireクラスをとる用意されている。」mr. o'malley himクリントンmrs. and sanders mr. from differentiates what as his experienceを描写するto sought .彼はbutに費やされる彼の時間を説明するmost水曜日、republican大統領を連れてbackward国を選ぶことは、なぜon .彼はforeign muslims the united状態entering from bar toトランプmr.のplan atいくつかのジャブtook , andテキサスof ted cruz上院議員に,銃規則onオバマ大統領の大統領の行動praising間.
" actually ted cruz gun violence to the answerより多くの銃is says ," o'malley mr. said ." senator ,癌へのanswer more癌not is .poverty to the答えmore poverty not .and the gun violence isn 'tより多くの銃to answer .」水曜日のevent the nevada caucuses about意識を高めるためにintendedでしたが、state increasingly diverse有権者、そして、西側のgrowing political influenceのof the power .nevada 2月20 on its democratic caucuses hold will、それは投票to the nominating processにthe third state making ,アイオワとニューハンプシャーafter .
sue stephens , 59 , las vegasに住んでいるが、引退した予算analyst、彼女は登録であったが、republican she democratic candidateに投票することを考えだろうと言ったが、she 2008 of theと2012年の大統領選挙ではなかった。ms.stephens彼女は経済についてのmost concerned gun制御said , the threat terrorism of and howの若者にthe future fare .
,彼女は候補者を将来に集中thatだったrational message delivered of most supportiveでしょうsaid .she all three候補が民主党の指名の前にhad speak heard although ,she she really彼らのメッセージとの接続をyetは言いました.
"私が聞いていること、しかし、私はそれ, feel justのlikeでたらめ、でたらめ、でたらめ、stephens」said .「それは事前にそう.」が追加されshe she might be揺れによって" someone who sounds本物の、and someone me impresses who their知識でsome計画と方法についてextremelyラジカルbeing without forward move .」ミッチェルgack、62、引退したinsurance adjuster ,クリントンmrs.のために彼女のsupport showing campaign gearとイベントにcame .she alreadyクリントンmrs.に投票することに決めましたhas though、彼女は自分のcandidateショーは、more personableてrelatable side so that she nevadaにvoters from moreの支持を得ますwould hoped said .
" peopleないものは、nurturingの母と祖母she実現しないthink ,said gack」." people彼女のその側を見ないこと, andタフなtraditionally what男の世界politically been has against行くup to womenのための.私は、それが彼女と彼女のcalm demeanor as彼女のstrengthショーto of、多くないと思います。」eduardoルイス、24 , lasの,彼はsanders氏に一票をto plannedと言ったが、そして、彼が彼が選ばれsenator people ifはやや緩和willing姿勢をとることを望んで、lawmakersで勤務した。彼はまた、彼はsanders氏はよりthoroughly、民主社会主義and政治systemに参加しているofの重要性を強調するwould as his views explain would hoped said .
"私は最大の問題のようなpeople彼を支持するwhoの多くはそれがないmake can believe thatであるのを感じます、「mr.ルイス, an electronics店で働いている。" they most政治的な人々the notとちょうど始まっていると.so that私の最大の懸念の.私は#feelthebern write友人がいる。but pushが押すようになるとき、theyなかった投票to .」you今日the 2016 presidentialレースについて知っている必要があるものoutを見つけて、and facebook via politicsニュース最新版を得て、さえずりと第1のdraft newsletter .