I'm afraid that the images on our website are intended as a guide only. As a depository we do not keep our stock on site, they are sourced from various suppliers. The images are supplied by the publishers who can have various cover designs for one ISBN so we will not know what design we will receive until it is delivered.I can confirm that your order was sent out to you on 12 December 2019 to:Hatsumi Nakahira桔梗が丘西3-1-12名張市三重県518-0643JAPANOnce dispatched we normally allow 7-10 business days for delivery; therefore if it has not arrived by 26 December 2019 please check with your local sorting office to see if they are holding any items for you.If you have still not received this please contact us again confirming that the above address is correct; we will then look into the matter further for you.Kind regards,Farren Jacobs