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Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions for your Mojang account and your Mojang games have been updated. To continue to use our services, please read and accept them below.
You should read the full terms and conditions but here is a quick summary of some important points to help guide you - the full terms and conditions still apply though.
Our games are usually made available during development and will contain errors and bugs.
Do not redistribute our games or any alterations of our game files.
You may develop tools, plug-ins and services for commercial use but they may not seem official, such as using our logos. Do not make commercial use of anything we've made without our permission.
We are trying to be open, honest and trusting with the hope that you hold us in the same regard.
Our games each have their own end user licence agreement which explain how our games can be used.
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I have read and agree to the full terms and conditions.
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