All translations must include the Readme (BertsBreezehomeRemodel.txt) included with this pack translated as well
Note: The BertsBreezehomeRemodel.txt included with this file is not quite the same as the one in the base mod,
and is this one that should be translated for the alternate language versions!
Translating with CK
Firstly, you must have the "Base" mod installed!!
Open the CK and select and click .
Before clicking enter your name in the box, then click .
Once loaded type "zz0" (thats the number zero, not the letter O) in the box and select
at the bottom of the objects list.
You should now see a list of objects that all start with "zz01", these are the only objects that the game will not
translate automatically.
Double click each one in turn and any that have (+) in the name need to be translated.
Then go to the window and scroll down to "WhiterunBreezehomeCellar", right mouse click it and select edit then
go to the tab and change the to your language. E.g. English=Breezehome Cellar,
German=Brisenheim Keller, then scroll to "zz01Copy0000" and change the of that,
E.g. English=Breezehome Remodeled, German=Brisenheim Neubau
Now save and exit and rename the (Language) part of the filename to yours!
Translating with TESVSNIP
To be honest you probably know what your doing better than I, i've only just started using this for converting the .esm's,
but i will say that the (Language).esp only contains those things that need translating, although i couldn't find the
place to change "Breezehome"! If you have the same problem, let me know when you send me the translation and include
the word that should be there and i'll copy/paste it in the ck before upping to the nexus!
If your language isn't on the nexus page, let me know and i'll send you an e-mail address for you to send me the
translated .esp and .txt in a zip and i'll put it on the page!
Customizing container names
If you wish to change the names of any of the containers in any language including English, follow the instructions
above and don't forget to remove the (+) from those you don't change! Please do not send me custom versions as these
will often point to mods that not everybody uses!
When done just rename the file to something like "BertsBreezehomeRemodel(DavesCC).esp (CC=Custom Containers) and make sure
it's last in the mods load order
berticus0001 ;-)
結果 (
日本語) 1:
すべての翻訳は、翻訳もこのパックに含まれている readme ファイル (BertsBreezehomeRemodel.txt) を含める必要があります。注: このファイルに含まれている BertsBreezehomeRemodel.txt ベースの mod のものと全く同じではありません。代替言語バージョンに変換する必要がありますこの 1 つです!CK での翻訳まず、「ベース」mod がインストールされている必要があります!CK を開きを選択クリックして.クリックする前にあなたの名前を入力して、ボックスをクリック.型「zz0」(つまりゼロは 0、文字 O ではなく) に読み込まれると、 box and select
at the bottom of the objects list.
You should now see a list of objects that all start with "zz01", these are the only objects that the game will not
translate automatically.
Double click each one in turn and any that have (+) in the name need to be translated.
Then go to the window and scroll down to "WhiterunBreezehomeCellar", right mouse click it and select edit then
go to the tab and change the to your language. E.g. English=Breezehome Cellar,
German=Brisenheim Keller, then scroll to "zz01Copy0000" and change the of that,
E.g. English=Breezehome Remodeled, German=Brisenheim Neubau
Now save and exit and rename the (Language) part of the filename to yours!
Translating with TESVSNIP
To be honest you probably know what your doing better than I, i've only just started using this for converting the .esm's,
but i will say that the (Language).esp only contains those things that need translating, although i couldn't find the
place to change "Breezehome"! If you have the same problem, let me know when you send me the translation and include
the word that should be there and i'll copy/paste it in the ck before upping to the nexus!
If your language isn't on the nexus page, let me know and i'll send you an e-mail address for you to send me the
translated .esp and .txt in a zip and i'll put it on the page!
Customizing container names
If you wish to change the names of any of the containers in any language including English, follow the instructions
above and don't forget to remove the (+) from those you don't change! Please do not send me custom versions as these
will often point to mods that not everybody uses!
When done just rename the file to something like "BertsBreezehomeRemodel(DavesCC).esp (CC=Custom Containers) and make sure
it's last in the mods load order
berticus0001 ;-)

CKを開き、選択します クリックします 。
クリックする前に に自分の名前を入力してください ボックス、[OK]をクリックします 。
一度ロードタイプ「ZZ0は「中(数字のゼロではなく、文字のOのthats) box and select
at the bottom of the objects list.
You should now see a list of objects that all start with "zz01", these are the only objects that the game will not
translate automatically.
Double click each one in turn and any that have (+) in the name need to be translated.
Then go to the window and scroll down to "WhiterunBreezehomeCellar", right mouse click it and select edit then
go to the tab and change the to your language. E.g. English=Breezehome Cellar,
German=Brisenheim Keller, then scroll to "zz01Copy0000" and change the of that,
E.g. English=Breezehome Remodeled, German=Brisenheim Neubau
Now save and exit and rename the (Language) part of the filename to yours!
Translating with TESVSNIP
To be honest you probably know what your doing better than I, i've only just started using this for converting the .esm's,
but i will say that the (Language).esp only contains those things that need translating, although i couldn't find the
place to change "Breezehome"! If you have the same problem, let me know when you send me the translation and include
the word that should be there and i'll copy/paste it in the ck before upping to the nexus!
If your language isn't on the nexus page, let me know and i'll send you an e-mail address for you to send me the
translated .esp and .txt in a zip and i'll put it on the page!
Customizing container names
If you wish to change the names of any of the containers in any language including English, follow the instructions
above and don't forget to remove the (+) from those you don't change! Please do not send me custom versions as these
will often point to mods that not everybody uses!
When done just rename the file to something like "BertsBreezehomeRemodel(DavesCC).esp (CC=Custom Containers) and make sure
it's last in the mods load order
berticus0001 ;-)