I quicken self, quieten oneself. Be the most quick quiet skeptical self. Self-scent! Self-quickening! Self-quietude!
I trail self, drag one's mind out, pull own soul out.俺が自身を引き摺り人の心を引き摺り出し自身の魂を引き抜く。I make it big, make a bid for own fulfillment, go over in one's big way.
Be a leader. Be the Savior. Be the Redeemer. Be the Messiah. Be the Salvation Army.
I hold the fort, forsake one's pent-up dissatisfaction. Be the most forsaken self.
I blare, go blank, blaspheme. Be the most blanket blasphemous self. Self-blasting! Self-blasphemy!
I substantiate one's dream. Be the most full complete substantial substantive self. Self-substantiation!
I liquidize self, liquidate Islamic radical extreme fortune. Be the most lippy lissom self. Self-liposuction! Self-liquidation!
Be the most phantom phantasmagoric ever-changing phantasmal phantasmagoric self. Self-phantasma! Self-phantasmagoria!
I take over all, succeed to self, lure one man into my central core, lustrate oneself, cast a lurid light on the one. Be the most lush lusty lustrous luscious self. Self-lustration!
I detach one's spirits, destroy ISIL, destruct ISIS, stand aloof oneself, barge one's way through. Be the most detached desultory detachable self. Self-detachment! Self-desulfurization!
I play back my life, recover own lives, revitalize own creature, recondition one's living thing, recycle own body, regenerate one's being, reform own beings. Be the most recyclable self. Self-recycling!
I cut up own low lowly feeling, partition off one's sessile servile obsequious feelings, stir a person up, rise to the occasion, gather up one's nerve. Be the most observant self. Self-partita! Self-serving! Self-servility! Self-servitude! Self-division! Self-partition! Self-breakup!
I redeem oneself, redesign own lives, redefine self, redeploy you into my center, redevelop thyself, redecorate yourself. Be the most redeemable self. Self-redemption! Self-redeployment! Self-redecoration! Self-redefinition! Self-redevelopment!
I ascend, ascribe to my origin, ascertain that self is my core, make an ascent of one's heaven, rise from the ashes, get one's ashes hauled. Be the most ascetic ascendant ascending ascendant ascribable ascertainable self. Self-ascension! Self-ascription! Self-asceticism! Self-ascertainment!
I squash the Islamic state.
結果 (
日本語) 1:
I quicken self, quieten oneself. Be the most quick quiet skeptical self. Self-scent! Self-quickening! Self-quietude!俺が自身を速め己を静める。 最迅速静寂懐疑的自身であれ。 自身芳香! 自身胎動! 自己台頭! 自己静寂!I trail self, drag one's mind out, pull own soul out.俺が自身を引き摺り人の心を引き摺り出し自身の魂を引き抜く。 I make it big, make a bid for own fulfillment, go over in one's big way.俺が大きく自己実現自身遂行に努力し大成功す。Be a leader. Be the Savior. Be the Redeemer. Be the Messiah. Be the Salvation Army.急先鋒であれ。 指導者であれ。 救世主であれ。 救世軍であれ。I hold the fort, forsake one's pent-up dissatisfaction. Be the most forsaken self.私は砦を守り、その人の鬱積した不満を放棄す。 最も孤独自身であれ。I blare, go blank, blaspheme. Be the most blanket blasphemous self. Self-blasting! Self-blasphemy!俺が鳴り響き真っ白になり冒涜す。 最も包括的冒涜的自身であれ。 自身爆破! 自己冒涜!I substantiate one's dream. Be the most full complete substantial substantive self. Self-substantiation!私は人の夢を実証立証具体化す。 最も一杯完全相当充満実質的自身であれ。 自己立証! 自身実証!I liquidize self, liquidate Islamic radical extreme fortune. Be the most lippy lissom self. Self-liposuction! Self-liquidation!私は自身液化す、イスラム原理主義過激派運富財産清算す。 最も出しゃばり柔軟敏捷しなやか自身であれ。 自身脂肪吸引! 自己清算!Be the most phantom phantasmagoric ever-changing phantasmal phantasmagoric self. Self-phantasma! Self-phantasmagoria!最も幻移り変わる走馬灯様幻影絶えず変化する変幻自在自身であれ。 自己幻影! 自己幻想! 移り変る光景! 自己幻覚連鎖! 自身走馬灯! 自己変幻自在!I take over all, succeed to self, lure one man into my central core, lustrate oneself, cast a lurid light on the one. Be the most lush lusty lustrous luscious self. Self-lustration!私は全て買収し自己継承し引き継ぐ、1人の男性を私の中心芯に誘い込み己を祓い清め不気味な光を一方に投げかけ物凄く魅せる。 最も青々繁茂頑健丈夫光沢快適官能的自身であれ。 自己浄化! 自身祓い清め!I detach one's spirits, destroy ISIL, destruct ISIS, stand aloof oneself, barge one's way through. Be the most detached desultory detachable self. Self-detachment! Self-desulfurization!私は人の気分を外し魂分離派遣す、ISILを撃滅す、ISISを破壊す、己で離れ自己超然とす、人の道を終わりまで押し分け進む。 最も超然とりとめなく分離分遣可能自身であれ。 自己分離! 自身派遣! 自己超然! 自己脱硫!I play back my life, recover own lives, revitalize own creature, recondition one's living thing, recycle own body, regenerate one's being, reform own beings. Be the most recyclable self. Self-recycling!私は私の人生を再生す、自身の命を回復す、自身の生き物を甦らせ活性化す、私はその人の生物を再調整して、自身の体を再生利用す循環させ初めに戻る、その人の存在を再生させて、自身の存在を改良変革す。 最も再生利用循環回帰可能自身であれ。 自身再生利用! 自己循環! 自己回帰!I cut up own low lowly feeling, partition off one's sessile servile obsequious feelings, stir a person up, rise to the occasion, gather up one's nerve. Be the most observant self. Self-partita! Self-serving! Self-servility! Self-servitude! Self-division! Self-partition! Self-breakup!私は自身の低い格下感覚を切り離し、その人の無柄固着卑屈追従感情を仕切り人を奮起させ立派にしてのけ人の神経を集める。 最も注意深い自身であれ。 自身パルティータ! 自己奉仕! 自身役立ち! 自身隷属性! 自身奴隷状態! 自身労役! 自身懲役! 自己分割! 自身切り放し! 自身解体!I redeem oneself, redesign own lives, redefine self, redeploy you into my center, redevelop thyself, redecorate yourself. Be the most redeemable self. Self-redemption! Self-redeployment! Self-redecoration! Self-redefinition! Self-redevelopment!俺が自身を贖い身請け信用回復す、自身生命再設計す、自己再定義す、私の中心に貴方移動配置転換す、汝自身再開発す、貴方自身再改装す回復す。 最も買い戻し可能自身であれ。 自己償却! 自己償還! 自身移動! 自身配置転換! 自身改装! 自己一新! 自身再検討! 自己再定義! 自己再開発!I ascend, ascribe to my origin, ascertain that self is my core, make an ascent of one's heaven, rise from the ashes, get one's ashes hauled. Be the most ascetic ascendant ascending ascendant ascribable ascertainable self. Self-ascension! Self-ascription! Self-asceticism! Self-ascertainment!俺が上昇す、私の起源に帰する、自身が核であることを確かめ天国への上昇をす、性的絶頂に達す、不死鳥様に灰から蘇る。 最も苦行優勢上昇起因帰一確認可能自身であれ。 自己登攀! 自己昇天! 自身上昇! 自己起因! 自己帰一! 自身苦行! 自己確認!I squash the Islamic state.俺がイスラム国を鎮圧する握り潰す。