1.hail... rajam terbentuk pada dekade tahun 99 oleh sang founder perta翻訳 - 1.hail... rajam terbentuk pada dekade tahun 99 oleh sang founder perta英語言う方法

1.hail... rajam terbentuk pada deka

1.hail... rajam terbentuk pada dekade tahun 99 oleh sang founder pertama magus di mana pada waktu itu rajam masih memainkan style trhash metal dlm bermusik seiring berjalan waktu sekitar bulan november 2000 rajam mulai menancapkan idealis bermusiknya d jalur black metal... bersamaan dengan itu rajam mulai merekam singgle pertamanya "bheles pateh" yg masuk dalam kompilasi LEGION TIMUR' naungan rotor corp n di liris oleh MUSICA studio secara mayor label..... line up waktu itu magus; vocal yayak ;guitar mumu ;drum n arif ;bass
pada tahun 2003 rajam dengan line up yg sama telah mengeluarkan album pertamnya bertitel "WAR BEGIN' rilis dark banner prod bandung.... seiring berjalan dalam existensinya di scena black metal pada thun 2007 rajam kembali mengeluarkan demo berisi 2 lagu di antaranya SOLUSINYA ADALAH PERANG & ANATHEMA AS THE WARRIOR yg hanya kami cetak 50 keping cd dan di bagikan kepada rekan2 sejawat
lanjut dengan line up yg sama kembali rajam mengeluarkan full albumnya yg ke 2 bertajuk "BURNING ANTARCTICA'yg di rilis oleh LUDAH PRODUCTION GRESIK.... SEIRING BERJALANNYA WAKTU di tahun 2010 di karenakan kesibukan kerja masing personal n jarak tempat kita yg berjauhan yaitu antara jakarta dan madura magus (vocal) mumu (drum) arif (bass) mengundurkan diri dari rajam dfan mereka bertiga sekarang berdomisili d jakarta dan membuat band DEATH METAL yaitu FINAL TERROR
DITAHUN 2010 sepeninggalan 3 personalnya saya sendiri di sini memegang komando penuh dengan merekrut punggawa baru yaitu badrut(drum) ditto (bass) dan saya yayak (guitar vocal) dan selanjutnya di tahun 2013 kembali rajam mengeluarkan full albumnya yg ke 3 yang bertitel '350' yg dirilis oleh label yg sama yaitu ludah production
tepat di tahun sekarang 2015 badrut (drum) dan ditto (bass) sudah tidak bisa membagi waktu antara band dan kesibukannya di luar band akhirnya saya membuat keputusan untuk sebuah existensi kelangsungan RAJAM tetap hidup di scena black metal pada bulan april dan mei lalu saya secara personal(one man ) merekam 8 materi baru untuk full album RAJAM YG KE 4 di DAZTANIANS PRODUCTION....di saat saya menjawab interview ini materi tersebut dalam tahap peroses MIXING MASTERING dan selanjutnya PADFA BULAN SEPTEMBER mendatang di tahun ini akan siap di luncurkan dan saya pribadi masih negoisasi ke beberapa label untuk perilisanya... dan line up sekarang RAJAM ADALAH YAYAK/SIR WARLORD :GUITAR VOCAL .. JIMMY/EVEREALD :BASS (LIVE) N DRUM live sementara waktu kami memakai backing track dalam setiap gigss samp[ai saya menemukan drummer pengganti untuk invasi2 d masa akan datang
demikian sejarah singkat terbentuknya rajam sampai detik ini kami tidak pernah mengalami kevakuman meskipun krisis personal dalam RAJAM sendiri......
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
1. hail ... stoned formed on the Decade 99 years by the co-founder of the first magus where at that time the stoning still play style metal trhash dlm echoed along the walk around november 2000 stoning started plugging idealistic black metal path d music ... simultaneously began recording his first singgle stoning "bheles pateh" influent in the compilation of the EASTERN LEGIONS ' shade rotor n in the lyrical corp by MUSICA studios in major label. ..... line up that time magus; yayak vocals; guitar mumu;d rum n arif bass;stoning in 2003 with the same line up has released the album pertamnya titled "WAR BEGIN ' release dark banner prod. .. as run in existensinya in scena black metal on the 2007 re-issue stoning thun demo contains two songs of which the SOLUTION is WAR & ANATHEMA AS THE WARRIOR wrote our only print 50 copies and in share to rekan2 Harrigancontinuing with the same line up back stoning issued full album yg ke 2 entitled "BURNING ANTARCTICA'yg in release by the SALIVA PRODUCTION GRESIK. ... AS TIME GOES by in the year 2010 in karenakan flurry of work each personal n distance where we wrote their distance between jakarta and madura magus (vocals), mumu (drums), arif (bass) resigned from the stoning dfan ducklings now domiciled d jakarta and make a DEATH METAL band that is the FINAL TERRORIn 2010, the Kelantan 3 personal myself here assumed command of the full retainer by recruiting a new badrut (drums) ditto (bass) and I yayak (guitar vocals) and later in the year 2013 back stoning issued a full album titled reply to 3 ' 350 ' reply was released by the same label i.e. saliva productionright in the current year 2015 badrut (drums) and ditto (bass) are not able to split time between the band and the band finally acknowledged outside of me making a decision for a existensi the continuity of STONING still live in scena black metal in april and may, I personally (one man) to record new material for the 8th full-length album STONED YG KE 4 in DAZTANIANS PRODUCTION .... when I answer this interview such material in stage peroses MIXING MASTERING and subsequent PADFA SEPTEMBER coming in this year will be ready on the launches and I personally still negoisasi to some labels to perilisanya ... and now line up STONING is YAYAK/SIR WARLORD: GUITAR VOCAL ... JIMMY/EVEREALD: BASS (LIVE) N DRUMS live while we wear the backing tracks in each gigss samp [ai I found a replacement drummer for invasi2 d time will comeso a brief history of the formation of stoning until this very second we've never experienced in the race despite a personal crisis in the STONING himself ... ...
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
1.hail ... stoning formed in the decade of the 99 by the first founder magus where at the time of stoning still play a style of music along trhash metal Dlm running time around november 2000 stoning began plugging idealistic black metal musical path d ... simultaneously with the stoning began recording his first singgle "bheles Pateh" which is included in the compilation EAST LEGION 'auspices of the rotor corp n in lyrical by MUSICA are major label studio ..... line up that time magus; yayak vocals; guitar mumu; drum n wise; bass
in 2003 stoning with the same line up has released his first album titled "WAR BEGIN 'release duo dark banner prod .... as running in existensinya in scena black metal in 2007 thun stoning re-released demo contains two tracks of which SOLUTION IS WAR & ANATHEMA AS THE WARRIOR that we only print 50 pieces of CD and distributed to colleagues rekan2
continued with the same line up back stoning issued a reply to the second full album titled "BURNING ANTARCTICA'yg in Released by saliva PRODUCTION Gresik .... Over time in 2010 in because of their personal work n the distance of us who are far apart between Jakarta and Madura magus (vocal) mumu (drums) wise (bass) resigned from their dfan stoning The three are now domiciled d jakarta and make the band DEATH METAL namely FINAL TERROR
in 2010 sepeninggalan 3 personal myself here assumed command of full recruiting retainer new is badrut (drums) ditto (bass) and I yayak (guitar vocals) and subsequently in 2013 back stoning issued full album reply to 3 titled '350' which was released by the label the same, namely saliva production
right in the current year 2015 badrut (drums) and ditto (bass) was not able to divide their time between the band and busy outside the band finally I make a decision for a continuity of existence stoning remained alive in scena black metal in April and May and I personally (one-man) 8 record new material for a full album YG stoning in DAZTANIANS PRODUCTION TO 4 .... when I answer this interview The material in the stage and further peroses MIXING MASTERING SEPTEMBER PADFA coming in this year will be ready at launch, and I personally still negotiating to some labels to perilisanya ... and line up now Stoning is a Yayak / SIR Warlord: GUITAR VOCAL .. JIMMY / EVEREALD: BASS (LIVE) N DRUM live while we use the backing track in every gigss samp [ai i find a replacement drummer for invasi2 d future
as a brief history of the formation of the stoning until this moment we have never encountered a vacuum though a personal crisis in the stoning itself ......
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
1、冰雹…雷达干扰terbentuk在dekade年99在唱创始人在法师地法力在ITU雷达干扰了,memainkan风格trhash金属DLM bermusik seiring走,从十一月2000开始menancapkan理想bermusiknya雷达干扰D国歌黑金属…bersamaan,ITU雷达干扰merekam开始单pertamanya”bheles八德”YG进kompilasi军团在帖木儿的naungan转子公司N二liris在音乐工作室为市长的标签.....排队的时候,ITU的法师;声乐yayak;吉他MUMU;鼓N阿里夫;低音
在年2003雷达干扰,排队的pertamnya bertitel YG SAMA在专辑“战争开始的rilis黑暗旗帜生产万隆…他在seiring existensinya迪推黑金属在图恩2007雷达干扰的去演示等2个solusinya拉古迪是perang&诅咒的战士YG韩亚卡米cetak 50柯坪CD丹堤bagikan,rekan2 sejawat
兰竹,排队YG大人回来的雷达干扰albumnya YG克2 bertajuk充分“燃烧antarctica'yg迪rilis在ludah生产格雷西的…seiring berjalannya,二年2010底karenakan作业kesibukan Masing个人n蓖麻籽在喜多YG berjauhan就是安塔拉雅加达丹马都拉法师(声乐)木木(鼓)阿里夫(低音),mengundurkan达日雷达干扰Dfan他们公司现在berdomisili D雅加达丹使乐队死亡金属就是最后的恐怖
ditahun 2010 sepeninggalan 3 personalnya说自己这儿了,手里拿着merekrut punggawa Komando巴鲁就是badrut(鼓)同上(低音)丹说yayak(吉他声乐)丹又二年2013就全albumnya YG的雷达干扰柯3杨bertitel 350 YG dirilis在标签YG大人就是ludah生产
正确地年现在2015 badrut(鼓)丹同上(低音)也不比萨membagi安塔拉带丹kesibukannya堤外,带我一个人,要一个existensi kelangsungan雷达干扰就在二咏叹调黑色金属在四月丹梅拉鲁说为个人(一个人)merekam 8材料公司,全专辑雷达干扰YG克4二daztanians生产的…我回答面试二SAAT INI材料缝制,在tahap锰缺乏症混合掌握丹又padfa九月mendatang二年二luncurkan丹说该INI要pribadi Masih negoisasi柯几个标签,perilisanya…丹线现在是雷达干扰yayak /先生军阀:吉他声乐..吉米/ evereald:鲈鱼(活的)N鼓住她细,卡米倒车轨迹在[爱我见都CIGSS桑普多利亚鼓手pengganti,invasi2 D马萨要大唐
这样微小一terbentuknya雷达干扰了纪年nik ini卡米不kevakuman meskipun不死所遭的是个人在自己的......雷达干扰
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