I have been invited to tour with Journey for the 2016-2017 touring season and I have agreed to play drums for the group during this period!
I’ve enjoyed working with Journey guitarist Neal Schon for many years and playing on his solo albums, including The Calling and his latest release Vortex. In fact, Neal and I still share the creative chemistry we had when I was a member of Journey. When we work in the studio on his music, it's essentially just the two of us, jamming, writing, arranging and recording.
Over the years, he has mentioned that he'd like to have me tour with Journey again. The invitation has always been appreciated but with my busy schedule always being booked at least a year in advance, the timing was never right. Some changes within the band have once again brought me the invitation to tour and this time we were able to plan in advance and work a Journey tour into my schedule.
Like an actor capable of playing a wide variety of roles, I'm a musician who enjoys, and is comfortable performing, diverse genres of music. My group Vital Information, as well as the other great jazz and world music artists that I tour and record with, remain a musical priority. I will also be performing with them during the next two years and by 2018 will resume my career full-time as a touring and recording jazz musician.
My decision to tour with Journey in 2016-2017 is based on many factors:
My relationship with Neal is strong and we enjoy playing together. I've been in touch with Jonathan Cain and Ross Valory and we have a good rapport both personally and musically. All four of us share a common history and have created some enduring music together. I've met and spent time with Arnel Pineda and have great respect for him both as a person and vocalist.
I am excited to revisit a role that was a formative part of my career, performing music that has touched many people for more than 30 years. My kids Ian, Elizabeth, Kasia and Zac have not seen me play with the group (Ian has but he was too young to remember), it will be fun to have them see me perform with the band. Finally, I can say "yes" to the many fans who have asked if I would tour with Journey again.
My hope is that Journey fans will appreciate a new line-up similar to the Escape and Frontiers era -- and will want to revisit this timeless music with me. By bringing my musical experience to the table along with the years that the members of Journey have spent touring, I'm sure this new incarnation of Journey will develop its own special magic. It's going to be amazing. I look forward to seeing all the fans on the road!
結果 (
日本語) 1:
私は 2016年-2017年ツーリング シーズンの旅ツアーに招待されているし、私はこの期間の間にグループのためのドラムを再生する合意している!私は長年にわたって旅ギタリストのニール ・ ショーンの操作との呼び出しと渦の彼の最新のリリースを含む彼のソロアルバムで遊んで楽しんできました。実際には、ニールと私まだ我々 は旅のメンバーの頃持っていた創造的な化学を共有します。彼の音楽のスタジオの仕事の際基本的に妨害、ライティング、アレンジ、録音、私たちの 2 つだけです。年間で、彼は彼が私を持っていると思いますが述べた再び旅をツアー。招待状は常に高く評価されている、少なくとも 1 年間前もって予約されて常に私の忙しいスケジュールでは、タイミングはなかった右。バンド内のいくつかの変更が再びツアーに招待状を私にもたらした、今回私たちは事前に計画し、私のスケジュールに旅ツアーを動作できた。私は音楽家、楽しんで、快適なさまざまな役割を果たすことができる俳優のようなパフォーマンスが、多様なジャンルの音楽。私のグループの重要な情報と同様、他の偉大なジャズと私はツアーやレコーディングなど、世界音楽アーティスト音楽優先度のままです。次の 2 年中にも実行されるし、2018 年までに、私のキャリアを再開フルタイム ツーリングや記録のジャズミュージ シャンとして。2016-2017 年の旅ツアーを私の決断は、多くの要因に基づいています。My relationship with Neal is strong and we enjoy playing together. I've been in touch with Jonathan Cain and Ross Valory and we have a good rapport both personally and musically. All four of us share a common history and have created some enduring music together. I've met and spent time with Arnel Pineda and have great respect for him both as a person and vocalist.I am excited to revisit a role that was a formative part of my career, performing music that has touched many people for more than 30 years. My kids Ian, Elizabeth, Kasia and Zac have not seen me play with the group (Ian has but he was too young to remember), it will be fun to have them see me perform with the band. Finally, I can say "yes" to the many fans who have asked if I would tour with Journey again.My hope is that Journey fans will appreciate a new line-up similar to the Escape and Frontiers era -- and will want to revisit this timeless music with me. By bringing my musical experience to the table along with the years that the members of Journey have spent touring, I'm sure this new incarnation of Journey will develop its own special magic. It's going to be amazing. I look forward to seeing all the fans on the road!