A US air marshal has been forcefully injected with a syringe at Nigeri翻訳 - A US air marshal has been forcefully injected with a syringe at Nigeri日本語言う方法

A US air marshal has been forcefull

A US air marshal has been forcefully injected with a syringe at Nigeria’s Lagos Airport and has been taken to hospital amid fears he might have contracted Ebola.

It wasn’t immediately clear what was in the syringe after the incident occurred Sunday. The name of the marshal has not yet been revealed, AFP reported.

Fears the syringe could have been infected with the Ebola virus spread quickly, as Nigeria remains one of the West African countries where the deadly epidemic is currently raging.

Authorities were taking all the necessary precautions, but preliminary tests suggested that the marshal wasn’t in any danger, according to the FBI.

"Out of an abundance of caution, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted an on-scene screening of the victim when United Flight 143 landed in Houston early Monday morning," the FBI said in a statement.
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
米空軍元帥は強制的にナイジェリアのラゴス空港に注射器で注入された、彼が契約しているエボラ。 懸念の中で病院に運ばれています

それ明確ではなかったすぐに日曜日事件後に何が注射器の中だった。元帥の名前はまだ明らかにされていない、afp 通信が報じた

シリンジ エボラ ウイルスと感染している可能性があります懸念がひろまって。ナイジェリアは西アフリカの国で致命的な伝染病は現在荒れ狂うのひとつとして

当局はすべての必要な予防措置を取っていたが、予備テスト FBI によると、元帥でどんな危険ではなかったことを提案した.

"のうち、注意。疾病管理予防センター実施なシーンにスクリーニング、被害者のユナイテッド飛行 143 上陸ヒューストンで月曜日の朝前半とき、「FBI は声明で述べた。
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
A US air marshal has been forcefully injected with a syringe at Nigeria’s Lagos Airport and has been taken to hospital amid fears he might have contracted Ebola.

It wasn’t immediately clear what was in the syringe after the incident occurred Sunday. The name of the marshal has not yet been revealed, AFP reported.

Fears the syringe could have been infected with the Ebola virus spread quickly, as Nigeria remains one of the West African countries where the deadly epidemic is currently raging.

Authorities were taking all the necessary precautions, but preliminary tests suggested that the marshal wasn’t in any danger, according to the FBI.

"Out of an abundance of caution, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted an on-scene screening of the victim when United Flight 143 landed in Houston early Monday morning," the FBI said in a statement.
結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
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