John Moore via Getty ImagesLiberia Races To Expand Ebola Treatment Fac翻訳 - John Moore via Getty ImagesLiberia Races To Expand Ebola Treatment Fac日本語言う方法

John Moore via Getty ImagesLiberia

John Moore via Getty Images
Liberia Races To Expand Ebola Treatment Facilities, As U.S. Troops Arrive
MONROVIA, LIBERIA - OCTOBER 17: A health worker carries Benson, 2 months, to a re-opened Ebola holding center in the West Point neighborhood on October 17, 2014 in Monrovia, Liberia. The baby, her mother and grandmother were all taken to the center after an Ebola tracing coordinator checked their temperature and found they all had fever. A family member living in the home had died only the day before from Ebola. The West Point holding center was re-opened this week with community support, two months after a mob overran the facility and looted it's contents, many denying the presence of Ebola in their community. The World Health Organization says that more than 4,500 people have died due to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa with a 70 percent mortality rate for those infected with the virus. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
ゲッティ イメージズのジョン ・ ムーア米国の軍隊が到着するとエボラ出血熱の治療施設を拡大するには、リベリア レースモンロビア、リベリア - 10 月 17 日: 健康労働者を運ぶベンソン、モンロビア、リベリアの 2014 年 10 月 17 日にウェスト ポイント周辺で再オープン エボラ持株センターへの 2 ヶ月。赤ちゃん、母親と祖母すべてに運ばれた、センター、エボラ出血熱トレース コーディネーター彼らの温度をチェックして、彼らはすべての熱を持っていた発見した後。家に住んでいる家族の一員はエボラから前に日だけ死んだ。ウェスト ポイント持株センター再開設今週のコミュニティのサポート、2 ヶ月後暴徒施設をオーバーランさせるし、その内容を略奪多く彼らのコミュニティでエボラ出血熱の存在を否定します。世界保健機関は、ウイルスに感染したそれらのための 70 % の死亡率とは、西アフリカでの Ebola のエピデミックのため以上 4,500 人が死亡したことは言います。(ジョン ・ ムーア/ゲッティイメージズの写真)
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
John Moore via Getty Images
Liberia Races To Expand Ebola Treatment Facilities, As U.S. Troops Arrive
MONROVIA, LIBERIA - OCTOBER 17: A health worker carries Benson, 2 months, to a re-opened Ebola holding center in the West Point neighborhood on October 17, 2014 in Monrovia, Liberia. The baby, her mother and grandmother were all taken to the center after an Ebola tracing coordinator checked their temperature and found they all had fever. A family member living in the home had died only the day before from Ebola. The West Point holding center was re-opened this week with community support, two months after a mob overran the facility and looted it's contents, many denying the presence of Ebola in their community. The World Health Organization says that more than 4,500 people have died due to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa with a 70 percent mortality rate for those infected with the virus. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
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