Det sker forhåbentlig på et tidspunkt, at jeg får chancen, men det er ikke til at sige, om det allerede skal være til sommer, eller det må vente lidt på sig. Jeg er glad i OB, og jeg føler også, jeg stadig kan udvikle mig her, men jo, siger Falk, der har kontrakt i OB til sommeren 2016, til BT
It happens hopefully at some point, that I get the chance, but that's not to say, though it must be summer already, or it will have to wait a bit on it. I'm happy in OB, and I also feel I can still develop me here, but, of course, says Falk, who has a contract in OB for the summer 2016, to BT

This is hopefully at some point that I get the chance, but that's not to say it must already be in the summer, or it may wait a while. I am happy in OB, and I also feel I can still develop my skills here, but yes, says Falk, who has a contract in OB for summer 2016 to BT