Godzilla is invincible in “Shin Godzilla.” (Encore Films)
Godzilla is hard to take seriously
Godzilla goes through a few evolutions in the course of the film to reach his final, poster-worthy form. But the problem is that his first few forms have gigantic googly eyes that make him look like an adorable, if cross-eyed, lizard. You almost want to throw a Pokeball and catch small Godzilla when you first see him. So when he finally evolves you’re not too scared, because you’ve developed a connection with him when he was a younger, cuter creature.
The protagonists’ plan to stop Godzilla is silly
The plan may be approached fairly realistically, but it’s still an incredibly ridiculous plan. Visually, it’s not all that impressive. And as for the execution, it’s hard to fathom why they don’t come up with a more lethal solution for neutralising Godzilla. It’s a way to ensure the franchise continues, but it’s hard to believe why all the nations in the film agreed to it.