É com muita alegria anunciamos o mais novo atleta do E.C Quiririm, Was翻訳 - É com muita alegria anunciamos o mais novo atleta do E.C Quiririm, Was英語言う方法

É com muita alegria anunciamos o ma

É com muita alegria anunciamos o mais novo atleta do E.C Quiririm, Washington, o Coração Valente. O craque já foi campeão nacional, passou por clubes como São Paulo, Ponte Preta e Fluminense e jogou pela seleção brasileira! Além de ter representado o futebol brasileiro no Japão. Além de ser um exemplo de superação no mundo do esporte.
E hoje o nosso clube tem a honra de recebê-lo!
Bem vindo/ Benvenuti a Quiririm Washington.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
It is with great joy we announce the newest athlete of the C.E. Quiririm, Washington, the Braveheart. The ACE has been national champion, went through clubs like Sao Paulo, Ponte Preta and Fluminense and played for the brazilian selection. Besides having represented Brazilian football in Japan. Besides being an example of overcoming in the world of sport.And today our Club is honored to welcome you!Welcome/Benvenuti a Quiririm Washington.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
It is with great joy we announce the newest athlete EC Quiririm, Washington, Braveheart. The playmaker has been national champion, went through clubs such as São Paulo, Ponte Preta and Fluminense and played for Brazil! Besides having represented the Brazilian football in Japan. Besides being an overcoming example in the world of sport.
And today our club is honored to welcome you!
Welcome / Benvenuti a Quiririm Washington.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
It is with great joy we announce the youngest athlete of the E. C quiririm, Washington, the brave heart. The star has been national champion, went through clubs such as s ã o Paulo, Ponte preta and Fluminense, and he played for the Brazilian national team. In addition to have represented the Brazilian football in Japan. In addition to being an example of overshoot in the world of sports.And today, our club has the honor to receive it.Welcome / Benvenuti a quiririm Washington.
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