A man and his eldest daughter D 3 Kogram village married in 2000. A D husband married another 3 doesn't live here. So, the eldest daughter of land D 3D support our children to use. The 3D D at a high school teacher. D 3b, in 3D D husband from Ben Tre Kinh Province, Kinh group which is employed to help harvest. The D e husband from HCM in Kinh group. And the men from the tribe Kinh wedding celebration, so you can get money to survive. If it Kinh family after marriage, menThe woman at the well, you live in. At the time of marriage D 3b Kinh 40 000 000,, took đ costs, but the man from the side of the car or festive gold and gold, 40 000, back more than 2000 đ. Bear all the woman, and between the Koho quite difficult because nothing, man. At the time of D 3C marriage partner Koho tribe 100 000 000 đ,, took over. At home in this, 100 000 000 đ, built in. At present, the D 3E and 3F, D, living with D 3G.In 2005, while rice cultivated land in winter vegetables began making. Making green beans and corn this year. From this year on rice. The husband of D 4 Cirong group from K (Figure 4). Kanreo village of husband and D 4a, 4C D married wife and kanreo village. D 4B divorced men and Cirong village this year. D 4D Kogram of married women. At