held in reliance doudit duke and his heirs, and will be in baillfés (el
condiclion that if the lady Allay inoroit senz heirs of his horns,
jà that does aviegne or li heir of his own horn sen heir of lour
own horns, things dessusdiles repaireroient adit Duke of Bourbon
goigne and have eiiqui forward eyelash venroienl to eschoite which will de-
vroient coming by law or costume. Item li devantdiz will dux
tenuz garandir of the Allay devanldite lady and said Jehan, or not
li, touz against creditors requesting said porroient nothings
Merguerite or adit Jehan, whether li, due to the succession
dessusdite, as to the third part of the touz debz that messires
Hugues de Bourgoigne father said Biatrix, ought in time that he
morut. And is that lidiz Jehans sui heir does not porront nothings
adit ask Duke of Bourgoigne do unto our Chiere Ysabel aunt,
by the grace of Deu once queen of the Romans, not to lour heir of
debles that messires Hugues deul or peust duty to that lady
Allay or adit of Jehan her husband by reason dou desdiz matrimony.
Jehan and Marguerite Ainz prometent to ensure against that touz cex
porroient nothings ask for causes dessusdites the devaiitdit
Duke and said Ysabel. And steal letters that are made, the seelées
buckets of extra parts and dessusdites pronunciés things in the machine
manner and form it contained. And encour say unto our
Regart said lady Allay can aumoner dessusdites of things.
And we retain, dou dessusdites consent of the parties, that
puissons entrepreter and we're about declairier things dessusdites
all the oiz that will mestier and plera us. And our, Robers, dux of
Bourgoigne dessusdiz, Merguerite and Jehans or not said Mer-
guerite for el ly and for us it is our tantcon and puet
apartenir, which Merguerite us Jehans, and have Doné pooir
actorité as things are dessusdites, approvons, rent and steal and
confermons quanque all is said and evolved by pronuncié nostre
Chiere Merguerite lady, by the grace of Deu once queen of Jheru-
salem and Secile dessusdite; and prometons ... In tesmoint desquex
dessusdites all things, we Merguerite above named, spoke,
Deu grace once queen of Jherusalem and Sezile, Robers, dux
of Bourgoigne, Jehans of Clialon, lords of Allay, and Merguerite his
repute, the auctorilé and the ycelui assenternent Jehan nostre if-
gnour and nostre husband put our buckets in these present letters,
Data made and the year of our M ^^ IIII CG XIX, or month marz.