長江で旅客船が転覆し、乗客400人以上が死亡する事故が起きた。大きな事件や事故を小さく扱うこともある中国メディアが、今回は珍しくそれなりのス翻訳 - 長江で旅客船が転覆し、乗客400人以上が死亡する事故が起きた。大きな事件や事故を小さく扱うこともある中国メディアが、今回は珍しくそれなりのス英語言う方法






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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
長江で旅客船が転覆し、乗客400人以上が死亡する事故が起きた。大きな事件や事故を小さく扱うこともある中国メディアが、今回は珍しくそれなりのスペースで報道した。ただ、その内容には強い違和感を抱かざるを得なかった。 事故原因の究明や責任の追及などの報道は皆無で、突然命を絶たれた人々の無念さも、残された家族の悲しみもほとんど伝えていない。その一方で、共産党指導部が事故にいかに大きな関心を持ち、「一人でも多くの命を救出しなさい」といった言わずもがなの指示を繰り返して出したことや、救援に当たった兵士が不眠不休で努力する姿ばかりが新聞やテレビに大きく取り上げられた。 事故の翌日、現場で陣頭指揮をとっていた李克強首相が、午後2時ごろになって会議室でやっと弁当を食べ始めたことがニュースとなった。捜索を担当した海軍の幹部が、娘が大学受験を控えているにもかかわらず、5日間も家に帰れなかったことも“美談”として紹介された。 乗員乗客の95%以上が死亡もしくは行方不明で、救援活動が成功したとは言いがたい。検証すべき点はほとんど無視され、「民衆の命を大事にする共産党」がひたすら礼賛された。 中国のメディアは政府の「喉と舌」といわれる理由であろう。
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Passenger ships capsized in the Yangtze River, more than 400 passengers happened accident to death. Chinese media, which is also able to handle small a big incidents and accidents, this was reported in the rare decent space. However, it had to inspire a strong sense of discomfort to its contents. News, such as the pursuit of investigation and responsibilities of the cause of the accident is none, even chagrin of the people that has been suddenly cut off the life, also grief of the remaining family is not almost tell. On the other hand, the Communist Party leadership will have how much interest to the accident, let alone instructions repeatedly and that it was out of such as "Please rescue many lives even one person", soldiers day and night that hit the rescue in just figure the effort has been largely taken up in newspapers and television. The day after the accident, RiKatsu strong prime minister who had spearheaded in the field, I was finally started eating lunch in the conference room and turned around 14:00 became news. Navy executive was in charge of the search is, despite the daughter declined to college entrance examination, even for 5 days was introduced as also "heartwarming story" that did not go home. A more than 95% of the crew passengers killed or missing, it is difficult to say that the rescue operation was successful. Point to be verified is largely ignored, "the Communist Party to take care of the people of life" is earnestly cult. Chinese media would be reason to be referred to as the "throat and tongue" of the government.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The passenger ship capsized in the Changjiang River, the accident killed more than 400 passengers. The Chinese media have a great deal to reduce accidents and incidents, this paper reports are rare in its own space. However, the content held a strong feeling could not help. The investigation of the cause of the accident, responsibility and reporting, no sudden end to the lives of people regret it, almost no family. On the other hand, the Communist Party Leadership: how to have a great interest in the accident"And let the repeat instruction that took many lives," go and rescue and relief, so that not only the soldiers day and night in an effort to increase the newspapers and television. The next day of the accident, the Prime Minister Li Keqiang at the scene to spearhead the around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, news, and finally began to eat lunch in the conference room. To search for a naval officer, despite his daughter before the college entrance examinationFive days to go home "was introduced as a heartwarming story". Passengers and crew of 95% or more dead or missing, and the successful rescue operation. The most neglected to study earnestly, "praise" of the Communist Party of the people to cherish life. The media of China due to the government called the "throat and tongue."
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