Scientists assure us that bugs are packed with protein, vitamins, mine翻訳 - Scientists assure us that bugs are packed with protein, vitamins, mine日本語言う方法

Scientists assure us that bugs are

Scientists assure us that bugs are packed with protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and have much less fat than beef use this low-calorie food source doesn't require many resources to grow, the cost of production is low when compared to other sources of protein.
Moreover, instead of producing pollution, as industrial feed lots unfortunately do, insect farms make fertilizer, which helps grow food for the next generation of insects.
Let's take a closer look at beef production. Cows are usually three years old at the time they are slaughtered. They consume a lot of food as they grow A common estimate is that it takes eight kilograms of feed to produce one kilogram of beef. Corn and other crops that are grown to make this cow feed required the use of a lot of water, pesticides, and energy, in addition to a large area of land.
On the other hand, meal worms, which are beetle larvae, can be harvested 20 days after they hatch. Only two kilograms of feed is required for each kilogram of mealworms. Also, since they do not require a lot of space, they don't put a burden on the environment.
Another point to consider is that efforts to make beef production more efficient aren't likely to make the beef healthier, or the process more comfortable for the cows.
For example, reducing the space used by cows increases their stress. Also, it seems that giving cattle growth hormones so that they fatten up faster does not make the meat more delicious or healthier.
If we were to start eating lower on the food chain, then we could depend on insects for much of our protein, and, moreover, eat the grains we currently grow for cows. As the world's population increases, we will need to find a sustainable way to feed everyone. The lowly insect may just lead us to a better future.

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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
Scientists assure us that bugs are packed with protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and have much less fat than beef use this low-calorie food source doesn't require many resources to grow, the cost of production is low when compared to other sources of protein. Moreover, instead of producing pollution, as industrial feed lots unfortunately do, insect farms make fertilizer, which helps grow food for the next generation of insects. Let's take a closer look at beef production. Cows are usually three years old at the time they are slaughtered. They consume a lot of food as they grow A common estimate is that it takes eight kilograms of feed to produce one kilogram of beef. Corn and other crops that are grown to make this cow feed required the use of a lot of water, pesticides, and energy, in addition to a large area of land. PartⅡ On the other hand, meal worms, which are beetle larvae, can be harvested 20 days after they hatch. Only two kilograms of feed is required for each kilogram of mealworms. Also, since they do not require a lot of space, they don't put a burden on the environment. Another point to consider is that efforts to make beef production more efficient aren't likely to make the beef healthier, or the process more comfortable for the cows. For example, reducing the space used by cows increases their stress. Also, it seems that giving cattle growth hormones so that they fatten up faster does not make the meat more delicious or healthier. 食物連鎖の下位を食事を開始するなら、我々 でした私達の蛋白質の多くの昆虫に依存し、さらに、我々 は現在、牛の成長穀物を食べています。世界の人口が増えて、私たち誰もが食事を持続可能な方法を見つける必要があります。卑しい昆虫は可能性がありますより良い未来に導くことだけ。
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]


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