Semua warna, semua aliran musik, semua kolektif dan semua barisan propaganda dan perlawanan di sini hanya berjuang untuk satu, yang Ahad. Tidak ada Tuhan lain selain Allah, dan Nabi Muhammad Saw adalah Utusan Allah. Salam Tauhid! Salam Satu Jari!
Demikian kata-kata yang tepat menggambarkan komunitas yang satu ini, komunitas para pecinta musik beraliran ‘keras’. Mendengar kata metal atau underground, mungkin akan terbesit dalam benak, musik yang keras dan gaduh, atau identik dengan kehidupan yang bebas dan urakan. Musik metal juga sering diidentikan dengan salam metal, yaitu dengan menunjukan tiga jari atau dua jari, telunjuk dan kelingking.
Beda dengan band underground yang satu ini. Mohammad Hariadi Nasution atau yang akrab di sapa Ombat, adalah seorang vokalis salah satu band underground, band-nya bernama Tengkorak. Ia menjelaskan, Band Tengkorak berdiri pada tahun 1993, mengusung musik underground, tapi berbeda dengan band-band metal pada umumnya. Tengkorak mengusung ideologi Islam yang kental dalam setiap lirik-liriknya, dan mengecam Zionisme. Tidak seperti lagu metal lain yang biasanya bertema anti Tuhan, memuja setan, dan kebebasan. Lirik-lirik lagu Tengkorak justru bersumber dari sirah nabawi, Al Quran, dan hadis.
Ombat menyebut hal itu sebagai perjuangan anak band underground untuk berjihad dengan musik. Maka meski tampil urakan, jangan heran jika saat azan berkumandang, mereka menghentikan aktivitas manggungnya dan shalat terlebih dahulu.
Band Tengkorak juga pernah mencatatkan diri dalam album kompilasi berjudul It’s a Proud to Vomit Him (1995) bersama musisi-musisi band underground dunia. Album tersebut dirilis ulang di tujuh negara dan distribusinya sampai di 28 negara di seluruh dunia.
All colors, all musical styles, all collective and all ranks of propaganda and resistance here just fighting for one, which is Sunday. There is no God other than Allah, and his Prophet Muhammad is the Messenger of God. Greeting Of Unity! Greeting One Finger!So the words that aptly describes this one community, community of British music lovers ' hard '. Hear metal or underground, it might be terbesit in mind, the music is loud and rowdy, or identical to the non-life and urakan. Metal music is also often diidentikan with metal, i.e. with two or three fingers indicate the finger, forefinger and pinkie.Unlike the underground band on this one. Mohammad Nasution Guido or familiar Ombat in sapa, is a vocalist of one of the underground band, his band called the skull. He explains, Band Skull stood in 1993, brings the underground music, but unlike the metal bands in General. Islamic ideology that brings the skull is thick in any lyrics, and denounced Zionism. Unlike other metal songs are usually themed anti-God, Satan worship, and freedom. Song lyrics of the skull is precisely sourced from Sira nabawi, Al Quran, and Hadith.Ombat mentions it as a children's band underground struggle for Jihad with music. So even though it appears urakan, don't be surprised if when the call to prayer rang, they stop the activity of manggungnya and praying first.Band of skulls also had record yourself in a compilation album entitled it's a Proud to Vomit Him (1995) with underground band musicians of the world. The album was re-released in seven countries and its distribution to in 28 countries around the world.

All colors, all styles of music, all the collective and all propaganda and resistance lines here just to fight for one, where Sunday. There is no other God but Allah and Prophet Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Salam faith! One Finger Salute! These were the words that aptly describe this community, a community of music lovers homage to 'hard'. Listen to metal or underground, it may be terbesit in mind, the music is loud and rowdy, or identical to an independent life and sloppy. Metal music is often synonymous with regards metal, namely by showing three finger or two fingers, index finger and little finger. Unlike this one underground band. Mohammad Hariadi Nasution or anyone familiar Ombat, is a vocalist of one of the underground band, his band is called The Skull. He explained that the Band Skull established in 1993, carrying the musical underground, but in contrast to metal bands in general. Islamic ideology carries the skull is thick in the lyrics, and denouncing Zionism. Unlike other metal songs are usually themed anti god, devil worship, and freedom. Lyrics skeleton would come from the head Nabawi, Al Quran, and the Hadith. Ombat called it a struggle for young underground bands strive to music. So despite appearing sloppy, do not be surprised if when the azan, they stop the activity and prayer manggungnya advance. The band has also posted a skeleton in a compilation album titled It's a Proud to Him Vomit (1995) together with musicians from the world of underground bands. The album was re-released in seven countries, and its distribution reach in 28 countries around the world.