Before or after you became normal again? "Do you mean outside of da' zoo?" I asked. She shrugged. "I guess so. That's all I can't remember, so yes. I wanna' know what I did to you outside of the zoo" She spoke. I sighed. I really don't want to be near her right now. A second ago I just felt the need to do what I did. To deepen that kiss, whether it was fake or not, it felt so right to do. I just felt like she did that to prove to me she loved me, but I guess she has no favoring to me in that type of way. I've been a fool. "When could you not remember anyting'?" I asked. "Once I went outside of the zoo. About a minute after I went out, I couldn't remember a single thing about what happened". I nodded. Maybe, she can't remember anything about when she was crazy. When she wasn't, well, herself. Maybe she never wanted to do the things she did. If she could remember them, I would tell her about how much I love her. But I can't. She would be confused, or afraid, confused and afraid. She just wouldn't accept someone like me. I don't deserve someone like her. I was a coward to just run away after she couldn't remember anything. I embarrassed myself in front of her and the penguins. She saw me just a few minutes ago crying to myself about the whole situation. So very pathetic.