「いまさら遅すぎる」とも言いたいが 親中ハト派のピルスベリー氏も「中国に騙された」と悔恨の書 「わたしは中国に騙されていました。中国は本気で翻訳 - 「いまさら遅すぎる」とも言いたいが 親中ハト派のピルスベリー氏も「中国に騙された」と悔恨の書 「わたしは中国に騙されていました。中国は本気で英語言う方法

「いまさら遅すぎる」とも言いたいが 親中ハト派のピルスベリー氏も「中国












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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
You want to say "too late too late" And deceived the Chinese even Pillsbury's parent in dovish statement of contrition "I was scammed in China. China possessed by the seriously, to overthrow the American dream cheating and international financial institutions, steal technology from the United States every day, running towards the goal of the century, is "that of the letters he wrote" Centennial marathon ' of is. Didn't want to read in translation, but knew that the book was published in the original stage energy. It was surprisingly one day workshops with topics this conservative polemic against systems of many. Still lack spending so it comes to the ambition of China also realized at the same time. This was Mr. Pillsbury is saying. "Because of China's military build-up is aimed at peace is made, China has succeeded to make the West believe.From Kissinger, Brzezinski, Scowcroft, Dibb Shanbo, Ezra Vogel 'Panda high"was played which helped Chinese propaganda loudspeakers.No time naming and in Japan as, is. Is bad we will know the approximate political polemic, debaters in the economic field, etc., and collapse of the Chinese economy has many people talking, not theory that expand the discourse that funny, such as. "Many of US without realizing China's real aim, help poor Chinese is a good thing, and have believed.And managed to rescue poor Chinese, European and U.S. did support. However, Chinese leaders face down the truth and have played play. But hidden in the words of the revival of the Chinese nation with patriotism of XI Jinping said China's real dream of. 2049 year after 100 years in China overthrew the United States from the revolution and become the Supreme ruler of the world "that ambition. This is China's "Centennial Marathon" is. Basis of this idea is lessons of the classic era of China spring, Pillsbury said. "Hidden talents and ambitions to guard the old regime and overthrow, revenge (hydroponic light seen). But West teaches democracy in China, teach the capitalism mechanisms, soon China will democratize believed innocent. Results show the menace of debt to taxpayers from the West played the arms and counterfeit products and pirated makes 8% of GDP in the trade earning foreign currency, threatening the economy of the West finally naked ambitions of hegemony and South reclaimed from the sea Reef and Island reclamation, making runway of 3000 m and see this as a big military threat to stand in front of the United States. "What fool will win" that is practical instruction of ancient Chinese proverb. Late notice, Pillsbury said. But honesty is far different as Japan's left-wing intellectuals and to reach out to contrition.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
You say you want but as "too late too late,"
Pillsbury said Shinchu doves also the contrition of the book "spoofed in China," "I had been deceived in China. China is taken up in a dream to overthrow the United States in earnest It possessed one after another trick the international financial institutions, steal technology from the United States, every day, the gist of toward the target of its hundred years, and because of it, "running is, the topic of the book he wrote," a hundred years marathon " It is. Book but knew at the stage of the original book that was published, the translation had no energy that also Home will come out. One day, a number of conservative polemic in the study the Board, it was surprising was this book to the topic. At the same time, I was keenly aware that it is not yet enough even spent Hyakumangen regarding China's ambition. It is a term that Mr. Pillsbury is saying. China as "China's military expansion is done in because it aims to peace" was able to convince the west. That played a loudspeaker auditors play a role bought Chinese propaganda to this, Kissinger, Brzezinski, vinegar Kou craft, Dave Chambord, was "Pandahaga" of Ezra Vogel et al. You are in much no time to purr To be mentioned name in Japan, it is. Political polemic but would know the approximate of people, in the polemic, etc. of the economic field for us is bad, the Chinese economy does not collapse, the people who are saying the collapse theory to expand the discourse that like funny Amata ing. "A number of the United States is not aware of the real aim of China, to help the poor in China is a good thing but" it has been believed. In an attempt to somehow rescue the poverty China, Japan, the US and Europe did my support. But China's leaders to face down the real intention, it has played a play. But the real China of dream is hidden in the back of the words of "patriotism revival of the Chinese nation by" referred to in Xi Jinping. In 2049 after a hundred years from the revolution, China overthrew the US, to become the world's champion "the ambition. This is a "hundred-year marathon" of China. The basis for this idea is in the classic lessons of China Spring and Autumn Period, the Pillsbury said. "Was allowed to guard the old regime hidden talent and ambition to overthrow, the revenge" (Yohikari Toukai). But the West can teach democracy to China, and by telling the capitalist mechanism, eventually China has innocent to believe even when you democratization. The results play an arms by debt the enormous sum from the west, trade and earn foreign currency by showing the vicious of about counterfeiting and piracy account for 8% of GDP in, after threatening the west side of the economy, it is finally the ambition of hegemony In bare, it is construct a population island one after another landfill the South China Sea reef, also make participants present the runway of 3000 meters, and Looming in front of the United States as a major military threat. because the "what trick was to win" China ancient proverb, but practice directive. Pillsbury Mr. also, was slow and that the notice. But it is an contrition When notice is different from the left-wing intellectuals such as Japan is honest.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
I want to say "it is too late" pro-China "Pillsbury of doves" cheated by a Chinese book of contrition too "I cheated in China. China really deceived by international financial institutions and one after another to overthrow the American dream, steal technology from America, its goal of one hundred years, that is ", he wrote a book which is the essential part of the topic" one hundred years of Marathon ". It is published by the well know in the original stageNot that I read it in translation. One day, a study of more conservative polemicist, as this book on the topic was unexpected. With regard to China's ambitions to spend 百万言 still lack of feeling at the same time. It is said that Mr. Pillsbury too. At the Chinese military expansion for peace in China and the west "is for believing in it. For this part of China's propaganda loudspeaker, Kissinger, role playBrzezinski, active, スコウクラフト Shan Bo, et al パンダハガー Ezra Vogel "". Not even as Japan and give a name to the. But the political polemic about people we know, the bad economic fields such as polemicist, China economy will not collapse, they collapse theory to the discourse and very funny. "Too many of us realize the real aim of China"We believe that it is good to help the poor in China. To get rid of poverty in China is trying to rescue the U.S. and Europe to support. But China's leaders have made himself, as he plays. However, according to "at the patriotism of the Chinese Xi Jinping real dream is hidden in the words of the revival of Chinese nation. Revolution from a hundred years after the Chinese new year, the American ambition to become world champion. " This is China's "one hundred years in the marathon. TooThe basis of this idea is in the spring and Autumn period of Chinese classics, Pillsbury and lessons. "Hidden talent and ambition at the old regime to alert to overthrow the Vengeance (yasumitsu one). However, in the west well to teach Chinese democracy, capitalism, and the mechanism of Chinese democracy and naively believed in. The results from the West in the arms, at great cost to play pirated and counterfeit trade show for the unscrupulous to GDP 8 as the foreign exchange earnerAfter the threat to western economy, and finally to the hegemonic ambitions baring, population landfill island and reefs of South China Sea, 3000 meters, runway, joined the American way, as a military threat. China since ancient times is a Jew to win things and the practice instruction. Pillsbury clan, that was slow. But to be honest I feel regret to be different from the left-wing intellectuals in Japan. At
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