Lately, the band are reinforced by Owank (vocals), Hin-hin Akew and Abo (guitar), Paneu (bass), and Scott (drums), raged discussed music lovers loud homeland, since the release of the full album debut Nectura titled Awake To Decide, contains 11 tracks that showcase the musicality classy. Officially released on August 15, 2014, through the Jakarta-based record label, Off Records. After BGMK had time to review the album Awake To Decide -can be read here-, precisely on August 22, Bandung yesterday Loud Music Warehouse (BGMK) lifted questions about the nothing to do with the album Awake To Decide by electronic mail, and the message of BGMK immediately responded and answered three days later by the vocalist, Owank. Here are excerpts debriefing BGMK with Owank: BGMK: How feelings after the official launch of the debut album 'Awake To Decide'? Owank: Of course we are very excited, this is a great thing that most in waiting by each band (album), like the excitement of a the mother gave birth to a healthy child. :) During the making, what obstacles were encountered? Barriers must always be by any band that is processing the album, but we made a challenge that we respond favorably. Material Nectura that time we have never played before (training in the studio), we went straight into the recording studio without we know we are capable of doing it or not, Hin-hin Akew (guitar) just makes mentahan material by using software on a computer, and we only heard and imagine "ohh .. this song we are going to work on it later," with little regard relaxed and easy. And the funny thing is when execution in the studio, what we think is directly dispersed, it turns out the musical material is quite difficult to play, plus Soni Reffali (drums) have never played metal music before (basicly Soni is drummer jazz), even funny Hin-hin Akew own feel a bit of trouble, until he said: "A *** ng .. song hese geuningan tea, whereas in dangukeun mah up easily" (A *** ng .. turns out the song is difficult, whereas kedengerannya rather easy). So did I, must be a new figure in Nectura, changing what I shape in a short time is not easy, even Paneu (bass) he had to re-record all her recording results, in accordance with the needs karnakan not Nectura. And funding of recording is not cheap also be one of the factors a major obstacle, but the permission and help of the Above we were able through it all, and does not feel nearly 3 years we went through the process, and it was really a challenge for us, and for us it was fun when we get through this process. Why choose 'Awake To Decide' as its title, is actually what is the meaning of the title is? We're just trying to stand up for a more optimistic and positive in response to life bitter, every person must have experience with a wide variety of cases and versions. We summarize all of them with our version, and we just want to express and encourage friends who are at the lost point to immediately get up and out in order to make sense of life. In short .. Awake to Decide present to be the soundtrack for my friends who are struggling, get up and get out of the bitter -lebay, LOL ... How did Nectura to be working with Off the records to deal with this album? Actually, no story special in this regard, when I simply sharing with Nedi (PHB) if the album Nectura already ready at release, and incidentally Nedi was caretaker of offthe Records as well, so quite ngeklik. Why lyrics in English all? We're just a dream, that one day international market began to look at Indonesia, and social media can be accessed from various parts of the world is not only a national scale, and we are aware of social media has a very important role. So we just got ready and while learning, is optimistic that Indonesia will in the viewfinder. When there is a demand of the international market, Indonesia has been standing ready. Of the total 11 tracks, is there a song that you think it is difficult to play? They have levels of difficulty with different portions. As is known, the cold hand Oteng (Forgotten) already handles tens album, and the result was not disappointing. How is the response of the Nectura itself on working Oteng in dealing album Nectura from recording to mixing and mastering? Before we get into the studio we always sharing and consultation with oteng, and we are very entrust everything, the process of working with oteng is easy, he can respond to the needs of the fast and precise. If you look back, 3 personnel Nectura founder was graduated from famous band in Indonesia that plays melodic metal. Well, why in this new band plays music that largely remains the same melodic metal, whether the genre has become a passion for Akew, Owank, and Paneu? Actually, we never claimed to music Nectura melodic deathmetal or whatever, we leave it to the audience Nectura music. There may be some Swedish bands such as In Flames, Soilwork, Messugah, etc., which indeed they influence our music, and swedish synonymous with melodic deathmetal. But the truth is very much affecting our music, especially pop bands for the composition. The drummer Soni 'the background not play metal music, in contrast with 4 other personnel. How do I beradaptasinya in the cultivation of the material, and what there is trouble? Soni for us is a great talent, he can realize what is our desire in terms of drum he could make it happen even exceed our expetasi. He has a very important role in Nectura, although initially he faced many difficulties, and we believe soni can go through the process difficult, it proved .. because soni has good basic skills, do not need a long process to go through the difficult process. Soni even sometimes improvise with his jazz skills, it makes our music richer. In terms of this album digipack packaging looks very simple at all, why? Simple is GOOD, we believe it .. :) 'Awake To Decide "has been officially released, what hope Nectura of this album? Harapanya may be relatively the same as many others, may be received listeners and can be enjoyed by all walks of life. Maybe there's something else to be conveyed to the enthusiast loud music out there, on this album? Maybe we answer to the question This not only about this album. Still support the movement of local bands, to make it easier to break the international marketing, always support by purchasing works better form album releases, merch, concerts, etc. In order to maintain their existence, damping temprament while in the middle of the concert, because the community's image in the eyes of society is in the hands of us all, we stand together to rise together to raise loud music enthusiast community. The last question. Nectura future plans? Plans are always there, we tried hard to make it happen, always monitor our web official wrote or follow our twitternecturametal for easy access to monitor the activities Nectura.