Belakangan ini, band yang diperkuat oleh Owank (vokal), Hin-hin Akew d翻訳 - Belakangan ini, band yang diperkuat oleh Owank (vokal), Hin-hin Akew d英語言う方法

Belakangan ini, band yang diperkuat

Belakangan ini, band yang diperkuat oleh Owank (vokal), Hin-hin Akew dan Abo (gitar), Paneu (bass), dan Soni (drum), sedang hangat-hangatnya diperbincangkan para penikmat musik keras tanah air, karena dirilisnya album penuh perdana Nectura yang bertajuk Awake To Decide, memuat 11 track yang memamerkan musikalitas yang berkelas. Resmi dirilis pada 15 Agustus 2014, melalui label rekaman asal Jakarta, Off the Records.

Setelah BGMK sempat me-review album Awake To Decide –bisa dibaca di sini–, tepatnya pada 22 Agustus kemarin Bandung Gudang Musik Keras (BGMK) melayangkan pertanyaan seputar yang ada kaitannya dengan album Awake To Decide melalui surat elektronik, dan pesan dari BGMK langsung direspon dan dijawab tiga hari setelahnya oleh sang vokalis, Owank. Berikut petikan tanya jawab BGMK dengan Owank:

BGMK: Bagaimana perasaannya setelah resmi diluncurkannya debut album 'Awake To Decide'?
Owank: Tentu saja kami sangat excited, ini adalah hal besar yang paling di tunggu oleh setiap band (album), seperti layaknya kegembiraan seorang ibu melahirkan anaknya yang sehat. :)

Selama penggarapannya, hambatan apa saja yang ditemui?
Hambatan pasti selalu ada oleh setiap band yang sedang memproses album, tapi itu kami jadikan sebuah tantangan yang kami tanggapi secara menyenangkan. Materi Nectura saat itu belum pernah kami mainkan sebelumnya (latihan di studio), kami langsung masuk studio rekaman tanpa kami tau kami mampu mengerjakannya atau tidak, Hin-hin Akew (gitar) hanya membuat mentahan materi dengan menggunakan software di komputer, dan kami hanya mendengar dan membayangkan "ohh.. ini lagu yang akan kita garap nanti," dengan sedikit santai dan menganggap mudah. Dan lucunya ketika eksekusi di studio, apa yang kita anggap mudah langsung buyar, ternyata materi musik cukup sulit dimainkan, ditambah Soni Reffali (drum) belum pernah bermain musik metal sebelumnya (basicly Soni adalah pemain drum jazz), bahkan lucunya Hin-hin Akew sendiri merasa sedikit kesulitan, sampai dia berkata "A***ng.. lagu teh hese geuningan, padahal di dangukeun mah asa gampang" (A***ng.. ternyata lagunya susah, padahal kedengerannya agak mudah). Begitu pun Saya, harus menjadi sosok yang baru di Nectura, merubah apa yang sudah saya bentuk dalam waktu yang singkat tidaklah mudah, bahkan Paneu (bass) dia harus merekam ulang semua hasil recording dia, di karnakan tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan Nectura. Dan pendanaan recording yang tidak murah juga menjadi salah satu faktor hambatan yang besar, tapi atas izin dan pertolongan yang di Atas kami mampu melalui semuanya, dan tidak terasa hampir 3 tahun kami melalui proses itu, dan itu sungguh menjadi tantangan bagi kami, dan bagi kami itu menyenangkan ketika kami bisa melalui proses itu.

Kenapa memilih 'Awake To Decide' sebagai titelnya, sebenarnya apa arti dari titel tersebut?
Kami hanya mencoba berdiri untuk lebih optimis dan positive dalam menanggapi kehidupan yang getir, setiap orang pasti mengalami itu dengan berbagai macam kasus dan versi. Kami merangkum semuanya dengan versi kami, dan kami hanya ingin menyampaikan dan menyemangati teman-teman yang berada di titik lost point untuk segera bangkit dan keluar agar bisa memaknai hidup. Singkatnya.. Awake to Decide hadir untuk menjadi soundtrack bagi teman-teman yang berjuang, bangkit dan keluar dari sisi yang getir –lebay, LOL...

Bagaimana ceritanya Nectura sampai bisa bekerjasama dengan Off the records untuk menangani album ini?
Sebenarnya tidak ada cerita spesial dalam hal ini, ketika itu saya hanya sharing dengan Nedi (PHB) kalo album Nectura sudah siap di rilis, dan kebetulan Nedi memang pengurus dari Offthe Records juga, jadi cukup ngeklik.

Kenapa liriknya berbahasa Inggris semua?
Kami hanya bermimpi, agar suatu saat pasar international mulai melirik Indonesia, dan media sosial dapat di akses dari berbagai penjuru dunia bukan hanya skala nasional, dan kami sadar media sosial mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting. Jadi kami hanya bersiap-siap dan sambil belajar, optimis jika Indonesia akan di bidik. Ketika ada permintaan dari pasar international, Indonesia sudah berdiri siap.

Dari keseluruhan 11 track, apa ada lagu yang menurut kalian sulit untuk dimainkan?
Semuanya memiliki tingkatan kesulitan dengan porsi yang berbeda.

Seperti yang telah diketahui, tangan dingin Oteng (Forgotten) sudah menangani puluhan album, dan hasilnya pun tidak mengecewakan. Bagaimana tanggapan pihak Nectura sendiri tentang kerja Oteng dalam menangani album Nectura dari rekaman sampai mixing dan mastering?
Sebelum kami masuk ke studio kami selalu sharing dan konsultasi dengan oteng, dan kami sangat mempercayakan semuanya, proses kerja dengan oteng sangatlah mudah, dia bisa menanggapi kebutuhan dengan cepat dan tepat.

Jika menengok kebelakang, 3 personel pendiri Nectura adalah jebolan dari band ternama di Indonesia yang memainkan melodic metal. Nah, kenapa pada band baru ini memainkan musik yang secara garis besar masih sama melodic metal, apakah genre tersebut sudah menjadi passion bagi Akew, Owank, dan Paneu?
Sebenarnya kami tidak pernah mengklaim musik Nectura melodic deathmetal atau apapun, kami serahkan semuanya terhadap para penikmat musik Nectura. Mungkin ada beberapa band swedia seperti In Flames, Soilwork, Messugah, dll, yang memang mereka mempengaruhi musik kami, dan swedish identik dengan melodic deathmetal. Tapi sebenarnya sangat banyak yang mempengaruhi musik kami, terutama band-band pop untuk komposisi lagu.

Sang drummer Soni 'kan latar belakangnya bukan memainkan musik metal, berbeda dengan 4 personel lainnya. Bagaimana cara beradaptasinya dalam penggarapan materi, dan apa ada kesulitan?
Soni bagi kami adalah talenta yang hebat, dia bisa merealisasikan apa yang menjadi keinginan kami dalam segi drum bahkan dia bisa mewujudkannya melebihi expetasi kami. Dia mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting di Nectura, meskipun awalnya dia menghadapi banyak kesulitan, dan kami percaya soni bisa melalui proses sulitnya, itu terbukti.. karna soni memiliki basic skill yang baik, tidak perlu proses yang panjang untuk melalui proses sulitnya. Bahkan Soni kadang berimprovisasi dengan skill jazz nya, itu membuat musik kami menjadi lebih kaya.

Dari segi pengemasan digipack album ini tampilannya sangat simple sekali, kenapa?
Simple is GOOD, kami percaya itu.. :)

'Awake To Decide' telah resmi rilis, apa harapan Nectura dari album ini?
Harapanya mungkin relatif sama dengan kebanyakan yang lain, semoga di terima pendengar dan dapat dinikmati semua kalangan.

Mungkin ada hal lain yang ingin disampaikan kepada para penggila musik keras diluar sana, tentang album ini?
Mungkin kami menjawab untuk pertanyaan ini tidak hanya untuk tentang album ini. Tetap support pergerakan band-band lokal, agar lebih mudah mendobrak pemasaran international, selalu support dengan membeli karya-karyanya baik bentuk rilisan album, merch, konser, dll. Agar menjaga eksistensi mereka, redam temprament saat berada di tengah-tengah konser, karena citra komunitas di mata masyarakat ada di tangan kita semua, kita berdiri bersama bangkit bersama untuk membesarkan komunitas penggila musik keras.

Pertanyaan terakhir. Rencana kedepan Nectura?
Rencana selalu ada, kami berusaha keras merealisasikannya, selalu pantau aja official web kami atau follow twitter kami @necturametal untuk memudahkan akses memantau kegiatan Nectura.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Lately, the band that was reinforced by Owank (vocals), Hin-hin Akew and Abo (guitar), Paneu (bass), and Soni (drums), are being addressed while loud music lovers homeland, due to the release of the full album, titled Prime Nectura Awake To Decide, contains 11 tracks that show off their musicality. Officially released on August 15, 2014, through the record label of origin Jakarta, Off the Records.After a tepid review BGMK album Awake To Decide – can be read here, to be precise – on August 22, Bandung yesterday Shed loud music (BGMK) lifted the questions had to do with the album Awake To Decide through electronic mail, and the message of BGMK directly responded and answered three days later by the vocalist, Owank. The following passages questioning BGMK with Owank:BGMK: how she felt after the official release of the debut album ' Awake To Decide '?Owank: of course we're very excited, this is the most great thing in waiting by every band (album), as well as the joy of a mother giving birth to a healthy son. :)During penggarapannya, what are the obstacles encountered?Certainly there are always barriers by every band that is currently processing the album, but it's a challenge we made that we respond are fun. Material Nectura when it has never been our play before (at the studio), our direct entry recording studio without we know we were able to do it or not, Hin-hin Akew (guitar) just make the bulk of the material using the software on your computer, and we only hear and imagine "ohh ... This is the song that we will work on it later, "with a little relaxed and considered easy. And the funny thing is when the execution in the studio, what we consider to be easily dispersed, direct material turned out to be quite difficult, added Soni Reffali (drums) haven't been playing metal music before (basicly Soni is the drummer for jazz), even cute Hin-hin Akew themselves feel a little trouble, until she said "A *** ng.. hese geuningan tea song, whereas in dangukeun mah hope easy "(A ** * ng her turned out to be difficult ... but kedengerannya rather easy). So pun Me, should be the new figure at Nectura, change what I have form in such a short time is not easy, even Paneu (bass) he had to re-record all the results recording him, in karnakan does not correspond to the needs of Nectura. And the recording is not cheap funding also became one of the major obstacles that factor, but the permission and help of the above we are able through it all, and does not feel almost 3 years us through that process, and it's really a challenge for us, and for us it was fun when we get through that process.Why choose ' Awake To Decide ' as titelnya, actually what is the meaning of the title?We're just trying to stand up for a more optimistic and positive in response to the bitter life, everyone is sure that experience with a wide variety of cases and version. We encapsulate it all with our version, and we just want to deliver and encourage friends who are on the point of lost point to immediately get up and get out in order to interpret life. In short ... Awake to Decide to become a soundtrack for friends who are struggling, rise up and out of the side that bitter – lebay, LOL ...How's the story Nectura to be in collaboration with Off the records to handle this album?Actually there is nothing special in this story, when I was only sharing with Nedi (PHB) kalo Nectura album was ready for release, and incidentally Nedi indeed sysops from Offthe Records as well, so simply ngeklik.Why the United Kingdom all-language lyrics?We only dreamed of, so that the international market began to turn to Indonesia, and social media can be accessed from different parts of the world is not just a national scale, and we realize that social media has a very important role. So we just get ready and while learning, optimistic if Indonesia will in the viewfinder. When there is a demand from the international market, Indonesia have been standing ready.Of the total 11 tracks, is there a song that according to you guys it's hard to play?They have difficulty levels with different portions.As you well know, cold hands Oteng (Forgotten) already handle tens of albums, and the results were not disappointing. How do Nectura own party responses about work Oteng Nectura albums in the deal from recording to mixing and mastering?Before we get into the studio we are always sharing and consultation with oteng, and we really entrust everything, work process with oteng is easy, he can respond to needs quickly and precisely.If looking back, 3 personnel founder Nectura was its founders came from Indonesia's famous band that played melodic metal. Well, why in this new band plays music that is generally still the same melodic metal, whether the genre has become a passion for Akew, Owank, and Paneu?In fact we never claimed Nectura melodic deathmetal music or whatever, we're putting all of the Nectura music connoisseur. There may be some Swedish bands such as In Flames, Soilwork, Messugah, etc., which indeed they affect our music, and swedish is identical to the melodic deathmetal. But it's actually very much affecting our music, especially pop bands to the composition of the song.The drummer Soni ' kan background instead of playing metal music, unlike other personnel 4. How do I beradaptasinya in the implementation of the material, and what is the difficulty?Soni for us was a great talent, he can realize what have been our desire in terms of drums even he could make it happen to exceed our expetasi. He has a very important role in Nectura, although initially he faces lots of difficulties, and we believe the process can be difficult it Sonny, it's proven ... Karna soni have basic skill is good, there is no need for a lengthy process through the process difficult. Even sometimes improvise Soni with his jazz skills, it makes our music becomes richer.Digipack album packaging of this it looks very simple once, why?Simple is GOOD, we believe it. .. :)' Awake To Decide ' was the official release, what hopes Nectura from this album?Harapanya may be relatively similar to most others, hopefully in thank listeners and can be enjoyed by all walks of life.There may be other things you want submitted to the harsh music enthusiast out there, about this album?Perhaps our answer to this question not only for about this album. Still support the movement of local bands, to make it easier breaking down marketing international, always support by purchasing some of his good form of the release of the album, merch, concerts, etc. In order to maintain their existence, mute temprament while being in the middle of the concert, because the image of the community in the eyes of the community there is in the hands of all of us, we stand together to rise together to raise loud music enthusiast community.The last question. Future plans Nectura?The plan has always existed, then we strive, always monitor wrote our official web or follow our twitter @necturametal for easy access to monitor the activities of Nectura.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Lately, the band are reinforced by Owank (vocals), Hin-hin Akew and Abo (guitar), Paneu (bass), and Scott (drums), raged discussed music lovers loud homeland, since the release of the full album debut Nectura titled Awake To Decide, contains 11 tracks that showcase the musicality classy. Officially released on August 15, 2014, through the Jakarta-based record label, Off Records. After BGMK had time to review the album Awake To Decide -can be read here-, precisely on August 22, Bandung yesterday Loud Music Warehouse (BGMK) lifted questions about the nothing to do with the album Awake To Decide by electronic mail, and the message of BGMK immediately responded and answered three days later by the vocalist, Owank. Here are excerpts debriefing BGMK with Owank: BGMK: How feelings after the official launch of the debut album 'Awake To Decide'? Owank: Of course we are very excited, this is a great thing that most in waiting by each band (album), like the excitement of a the mother gave birth to a healthy child. :) During the making, what obstacles were encountered? Barriers must always be by any band that is processing the album, but we made ​​a challenge that we respond favorably. Material Nectura that time we have never played before (training in the studio), we went straight into the recording studio without we know we are capable of doing it or not, Hin-hin Akew (guitar) just makes mentahan material by using software on a computer, and we only heard and imagine "ohh .. this song we are going to work on it later," with little regard relaxed and easy. And the funny thing is when execution in the studio, what we think is directly dispersed, it turns out the musical material is quite difficult to play, plus Soni Reffali (drums) have never played metal music before (basicly Soni is drummer jazz), even funny Hin-hin Akew own feel a bit of trouble, until he said: "A *** ng .. song hese geuningan tea, whereas in dangukeun mah up easily" (A *** ng .. turns out the song is difficult, whereas kedengerannya rather easy). So did I, must be a new figure in Nectura, changing what I shape in a short time is not easy, even Paneu (bass) he had to re-record all her recording results, in accordance with the needs karnakan not Nectura. And funding of recording is not cheap also be one of the factors a major obstacle, but the permission and help of the Above we were able through it all, and does not feel nearly 3 years we went through the process, and it was really a challenge for us, and for us it was fun when we get through this process. Why choose 'Awake To Decide' as its title, is actually what is the meaning of the title is? We're just trying to stand up for a more optimistic and positive in response to life bitter, every person must have experience with a wide variety of cases and versions. We summarize all of them with our version, and we just want to express and encourage friends who are at the lost point to immediately get up and out in order to make sense of life. In short .. Awake to Decide present to be the soundtrack for my friends who are struggling, get up and get out of the bitter -lebay, LOL ... How did Nectura to be working with Off the records to deal with this album? Actually, no story special in this regard, when I simply sharing with Nedi (PHB) if the album Nectura already ready at release, and incidentally Nedi was caretaker of offthe Records as well, so quite ngeklik. Why lyrics in English all? We're just a dream, that one day international market began to look at Indonesia, and social media can be accessed from various parts of the world is not only a national scale, and we are aware of social media has a very important role. So we just got ready and while learning, is optimistic that Indonesia will in the viewfinder. When there is a demand of the international market, Indonesia has been standing ready. Of the total 11 tracks, is there a song that you think it is difficult to play? They have levels of difficulty with different portions. As is known, the cold hand Oteng (Forgotten) already handles tens album, and the result was not disappointing. How is the response of the Nectura itself on working Oteng in dealing album Nectura from recording to mixing and mastering? Before we get into the studio we always sharing and consultation with oteng, and we are very entrust everything, the process of working with oteng is easy, he can respond to the needs of the fast and precise. If you look back, 3 personnel Nectura founder was graduated from famous band in Indonesia that plays melodic metal. Well, why in this new band plays music that largely remains the same melodic metal, whether the genre has become a passion for Akew, Owank, and Paneu? Actually, we never claimed to music Nectura melodic deathmetal or whatever, we leave it to the audience Nectura music. There may be some Swedish bands such as In Flames, Soilwork, Messugah, etc., which indeed they influence our music, and swedish synonymous with melodic deathmetal. But the truth is very much affecting our music, especially pop bands for the composition. The drummer Soni 'the background not play metal music, in contrast with 4 other personnel. How do I beradaptasinya in the cultivation of the material, and what there is trouble? Soni for us is a great talent, he can realize what is our desire in terms of drum he could make it happen even exceed our expetasi. He has a very important role in Nectura, although initially he faced many difficulties, and we believe soni can go through the process difficult, it proved .. because soni has good basic skills, do not need a long process to go through the difficult process. Soni even sometimes improvise with his jazz skills, it makes our music richer. In terms of this album digipack packaging looks very simple at all, why? Simple is GOOD, we believe it .. :) 'Awake To Decide "has been officially released, what hope Nectura of this album? Harapanya may be relatively the same as many others, may be received listeners and can be enjoyed by all walks of life. Maybe there's something else to be conveyed to the enthusiast loud music out there, on this album? Maybe we answer to the question This not only about this album. Still support the movement of local bands, to make it easier to break the international marketing, always support by purchasing works better form album releases, merch, concerts, etc. In order to maintain their existence, damping temprament while in the middle of the concert, because the community's image in the eyes of society is in the hands of us all, we stand together to rise together to raise loud music enthusiast community. The last question. Nectura future plans? Plans are always there, we tried hard to make it happen, always monitor our web official wrote or follow our twitternecturametal for easy access to monitor the activities Nectura.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
belakangan ini,带阳diperkuat在owank(vokal),欣欣丹ABO(吉他),核电站电力经济协会泛欧(低音),丹索尼(鼓),在hangat hangatnya diperbincangkan对位penikmat音乐keras地空气,因为dirilisnya专辑了该nectura杨bertajuk清醒的决定,11 memamerkan musikalitas阳阳广场轨道berkelas。丽史咪dirilis在15阿古斯督2014,从标签rekaman ASAL雅加达,从记录了。

BGMK这些我复习专辑清醒的决定–比萨信息这儿–,tepatnya在22阿古斯督昨天万隆古荡音乐keras(BGMK)就pertanyaan seputar杨艾达,kaitannya专辑清醒决定从苏拉特公司,丹“达日BGMK性direspon丹dijawab迪加哈里setelahnya在唱vokalis,owank。berikut petikan Tanya就owank:
owank:tentu卡米,我兴奋,这是哈尔大臣杨木栅迪一直都在乐队(专辑),如一个生了儿子layaknya kegembiraan IBU阳公司。:)

直到penggarapannya,hambatan APA笑阳ditemui?
就在hambatan还有艾达都带阳去memproses专辑,TAPI ITU卡米jadikan一tantangan阳神tanggapi为人兴奋。材料nectura SAAT ITU不不死卡米mainkan sebelumnya(latihan工作室),卡米性进工作室rekaman没有卡米tau卡米能mengerjakannya或不,欣欣核电站电力经济协会(吉他)垣使mentahan材料软件,使用电脑,但卡米韩亚就丹membayangkan”哦..ini拉古杨必北garap南堤,“用点三台丹把这么。丹lucunya,eksekusi工作室,APA杨北anggap这么性buyar,他们作出了高难度的动作dimainkan音乐,提取的索尼reffali(鼓)不死不玩音乐的金属sebelumnya(基本上就是分,连鼓爵士)lucunya欣欣核电站电力经济协会自己就点kesulitan,直到他“***”。在这些geuningan拉古,甘庞”其实地dangukeun MAH ASA(一个***的..他们lagunya susah,其实这么kedengerannya agak)。begitu双关语说,要为sosok杨迪nectura巴鲁,merubah APA杨也说强在那里连这么微小一扬,泛欧(低音)直径要merekam亲爱的都该记录直径,二karnakan不的,需先替nectura。丹pendanaan记录阳不便宜,他一个也该hambatan洋大臣,TAPI ATAS izin丹pertolongan杨迪ATAS卡米能通过了,丹沢3年不hampir卡米从散文ITU,ITU和丹,tantangan为神,为神丹人兴奋,卡米比萨从散文ITU ITU。

kenapa选择“清醒的决定,我titelnya,APA ARTI达日题目缝制?
卡米韩亚mencoba站更乐观积极,丹在menanggapi kehidupan杨getir,都还有所遭的人,能kasus丹版本,ITU。卡米merangkum都用了卡米,卡米只想将丹丹menyemangati特曼特曼杨迪了,在进入点立刻起来丹,琼脂比萨memaknai万岁。singkatnya ..清醒的决定,为电影配乐,在杨berjuang螅螅,但你离开思思阳getir沉重–乐蓓,呵呵,

这ceritanya nectura到比萨bekerjasama,关闭记录,menangani专辑ini?我不
艾达谢莉妲道在哈尔ini,ITU说,韩亚分享,NEDI(PHB)专辑nectura SIAP迪rilis芋头了,丹kebetulan NEDI你们pengurus达日下记录了,这样,ngeklik

。kenapa liriknya berbahasa英语那?
卡米只肯在巴刹,琼脂应用国际开始melirik丹印度尼西亚,媒体社会,迪该达日,penjuru世界不是韩亚Skala阵,丹神该媒体社会有peranan阳,是。所以卡米韩亚bersiap SIAP丹,不是乐观,若印度尼西亚爱康堤bidik。艾达,从国际市场的时候,印度尼西亚已经站在
达日keseluruhan 11轨,APA艾达拉古杨依钾高难度的动作,dimainkan?

如阳,diketahui定心oteng(忘了),放了数十种menangani专辑,但赚不mengecewakan双关。他在自己的作业tanggapan nectura,oteng在menangani专辑nectura达日rekaman混合丹掌握了?在

吉卡menengok kebelakang,3个人pendiri nectura是jebolan达日带ternama印度尼西亚迪阳memainkan旋律金属。不,kenapa PADA带巴鲁INI memainkan杨家乐为加里斯大臣Masih SAMA旋律金属,体裁为激情了么缝制,核电站电力经济协会,owank泛欧,丹?我不
卡米不死mengklaim音乐旋律都是特别nectura,卡米serahkan都向准penikmat音乐nectura。可能艾达几个带swedia如火焰,Soilwork,messugah,DLL,杨你们就mempengaruhi Musik卡米,丹,瑞典identik旋律特别。我有mempengaruhi TAPI,杨家乐卡米,现在的乐队的流行,komposisi拉古。

桑索尼的坎后belakangnya鼓手不是memainkan音乐金属,和入方式的不同,4人等。卡拉在这beradaptasinya penggarapan材料,丹艾达kesulitan APA?我们都是人才,
Soni杨al-Hebat,DIA比萨merealisasikan APA杨为keinginan我们在世纪大直径滚筒碧沙mewujudkannya胜过expetasi卡米。这是peranan直径有杨迪nectura,meskipun awalnya直径menghadapi有kesulitan,丹神信索尼比萨从散文sulitnya,ITU terbukti ..卡娜索尼拥有基本技能的好事,不需要散文,从散文sulitnya杨班让。其实索尼卡当berimprovisasi用技巧爵士NYA,ITU使音乐更

卡米为身。从该公司pengemasan帝派的专辑,一kenapa INI tampilannya简单,?

harapanya可能relatif萨马dengan kebanyakan阳躺在地上,semoga迪谢谢pendengar丹,dinikmati都

华什么都没有做。可能艾达哈尔在杨想disampaikan,对位penggila音乐keras diluar萨那,关于专辑ini?
可能卡米回答,pertanyaan ini不垣,关于专辑的INI。就支持pergerakan乐队酒吧,我这么mendobrak琼脂pemasaran国际支持,就用membeli公司karyanya行强rilisan专辑,该DLL的东西,。琼脂menjaga eksistensi他们气质,redam应用在堤中间该,因为该komunitas狄塔中心艾达迪在我们都站起来,我们同公司,membesarkan komunitas penggila音乐keras。

pertanyaan terakhir。rencana kedepan nectura?
rencana就艾达,卡米berusaha keras merealisasikannya,就pantau AJA官方网站卡米www.necturametal.com或跟随推特卡米@ necturametal,memudahkan该memantau无nectura。
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