Annette Gartland of Changing Times Media exposes a confidential Merck document made public via FOI...According to a global Periodic Safety Update Report (PSUR)¹ produced by Merck, who manufacture Gardasil and Gardasil 9, there were 21 reports of deaths after HPV vaccination in a six-month period in 2018.In its conclusion about the deaths, Merck states: “Nineteen of the 21 case reports contained limited information including clinical course of adverse events leading to death, autopsy or cause of death and medical history."“Therefore, incomplete data precludes a proper analysis of these cases.”These PSURs demonstrate how regulators worldwide, not just the TGA, are permitting Merck to police themselves...Reports of death and serious injuries, the majority in children, are simply discounted because there isn't enough information in the reports for Merck to undertake a causality assessment...Merck shouldn't even be performing the causality assessments! Further, their other favourite out is, the vaccine recipient had 17 vaccines at the same time, so causality assessment is impossible...Shocking...