Egg parasitoid Trichogrammatoidea as one agensiabiological control is an alternative friendly pest controlenvironment and have the potential in the role of substitute pesticidesdangerous for the environment and human health. These parasitoids are classifiedin class: insects, Order: Hymenoptera, Suborder: Apocrita, Superfamilies:Chalcidoidea, Family: Trichogrammatidae (Borror et al. 1992).Viggiani (Nagaraja & Nagarkatti in 1972 1977) divided a familyTrichogrammatidae into two subfamilies, namely the Trichogrammatinae andOligosetinae. Subfamily Trichogrammatinae comprises two groups,Trichogrammatini (4 genera) and Paracentrobini (3 genera), while forSubfamily Oligosetinae are: Chaetostrichini (4 genera) and Oligositini (5genera). The family Trichogrammatidae are schematic can be seen in Figure 1.Figure 1 sharing scheme t. armigera from superfamilies togenera (Meilin 1999)Trichogrammatidae has a body with very small size i.e. < 0.5mm (