Can we help?
About a week ago, you clicked through to a cashback merchant from Top Cashback. But we don't think you completed your purchase?
1 As you are a brand new member, we just wanted to check you didn't encounter any problems or get confused? Please let us know if we can help in any way?
If you didn't want to complete a purchase at that time:
2 If you didn’t want to complete a purchase at that time, that is absolutely fine. Just remember to bookmark, so the next time you DO wish to make a purchase online, you remember to make cashback savings by clicking through from TopCashBack first.
3 If you just want to ‘try out’ the cashback process without actually spending any money, then why not keep an eye on our ‘No spend needed’ cashback offers.
4 The cashback you have earned can be seen, at any time, within your Top Cashback account.
If you made a purchase, but it hasn't tracked yet:
5 Very occasionally cashback can fail to track. If, after 7 – 14 days, you still don’t see your expected cashback within your Top Cashback account, then it might be that your cashback hasn’t tracked successfully.
6 Some merchants have their own rules regarding tracking time. Please have a careful look at the notes on the merchant’s page on TopCashBack.
7 If your cashback hasn't tracked correctly, please don't give up. Give us all the details we need by lodging a Missing Cashback Claim. We will then chase up the missing cashback for you on your behalf. (Please note, this can be a long process – but we will follow this up for you as best we can).
We hope that helps to explain the process.
Best wishes
Top CashBack
p.s. Don't forget to tell your friends about your wonderful new discovery! TopCashback is controlled by TopCashback (USA) Inc.
Headquarters: TopCashback (USA) Inc, 3422 Old Capitol Trail, Ste 1701, Wilmington, DE 19808-6192If you do not want to receive peer emails (i.e. initiated by a friend) in the future, please click the link below To contact us or view our Privacy Policy and Use of Cookies please go to Errors and omissions excepted.
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